19 | Responsibility

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"Thank you, Taehyung." You smiled warmly at the dark haired boy. "I really enjoyed the date."

Due to an unfortunate incident, Taehyung's car had broken down, refusing to even start. He'd left the car in the parking lot, deciding to get it back the next day, and had to pay the worker extra for overnight parking.

The two of you had gotten into a cab (thank the heavens for Uber), and it was only then that Taehyung realised he had forgotten his wallet.

Both of you had to walk back to the restaurant, and then search the entire private area to discover that his wallet had been in his tux's jacket pocket the entire time. Unfortunately for you, it was past midnight by then, and as there were no cabs—the reason for which you were still suspicious about—the two of you had to walk all the way.

That wasn't what you had in mind when you'd thought of a long, romantic walk.

"I'm glad you did." He smiled back, walking beside you with his hands in his pockets. "I'm sure I had much more fun than you."

"That's not true." You pouted playfully, bumping your shoulder with his. "I had as much fun as you did."

He laughed. "I was a little scared that you wouldn't enjoy the date as much, since it seemed like I overdid it. Especially since it was your first." A small, dreamy smile curved his lips. "I'm honored to be the first person to ever take you out on a date."

The chilly wind rushed past your bare skin, making you shiver. Noticing this, Taehyung shrugged off his own jacket before wrapping it around your shoulders.

You shook your head, trying to refuse. "You'll be cold!"

"You need it more than me." He persisted. "It's my fault we're here in the first place, and besides, it's the duty of a gentleman to give the lady his jacket." He grinned at the latter statement.

After a split second of mental debate regarding whether his statement was sexist or not, you smiled, mind going fuck it. I'm too tired for that right now. "Really, though, it's not necessary, Taehyung."

"I insist."

You gave up, simply smiling at him while shaking your head as you wrapped his jacket closer around your shoulders, breathing in his scent. He smelled like mint cologne.

Taehyung noticed your entrapment, and grinned. "It's Gucci, if you wanted to know do bad."

"Show-off," you said, rolling your eyes to hide your embarrassment, but the everlasting smile didn't go anywhere. "We're here."

"It's too soon," the boy mused as he walked you to the gate.

"Too soon?" You scoffed. "Taehyung, it's literally one in the morning."

"I'd rather you stay with me till the sunrise." Taehyung smiled, resting his head close to yours as he turned. "Wake up in my arms."

"Is that creepy or is that creepy?"

"I'm not kidding, Y/N," he said in a low voice, leaning close enough so that you could feel his hot breath on your face. "I'd love to wake up with you."

Good to know...?

His fingers faintly brushed against the side of your arm, the contact sending a current through your skin. Subconsciously, you drew yourself closer to him as he tipped his face forward, eyes glittering in the bare moonlight like discs of pure light.

You could see it coming, but nothing, not even hours of making out with Jimin could prepare you for what was coming.

Taehyung's soft lips pressed against yours, and all thoughts of the bitter cold left your mind, overpowered by the warmth of his hands on your face. You leaned into him, pressing into his warm chest as he pulled you closer evenly, lips moving in perfect harmony with yours.

The sensation felt too much like you were finally kissing your highschool crush, one of those stolen kisses at the front door while your parents were asleep.

It was better than anything you had ever imagined.

It felt like an eternity before you both pulled away for air, not letting go of each other. It was quiet for a moment, a comfortable sort of silence as you stared at each other.

"It's a full moon," he whispered.

"Romantic." Was the semi-sarcastic reply.

He chuckled, grip around your waist loosening ever-so-slightly, the gesture almost regretful as he let you leave his arms. "See you later, alligator."

"In a while, crocodile."


You were still on cloud nine when you entered the apartment, shutting the door softly behind you.

Smiling to yourself, you switched on the light of the living room, oblivious to the other presence in the room.

"Where were you?"

You jumped, dropping your keys when you heard his voice. "You keep scaring me," you breathed in shock when you found a red-eyed Jimin on the couch.

"Do you have any idea how scared I was?" Jimin had a phone clutched in his hand, looking far scarier and angry than he ever had. "I was going crazy, Y/N! You wouldn't pick up my calls, nor answer my messages! Couldn't you even text me saying you were fine?"

You frowned, checking your phone. "The battery's dead...I didn't realize." As a thought occurred to you, you raised your face to his with narrowed eyes. "Why do you look like a zombie?"

"Maybe because I haven't slept." He got up, a muscle in his jaw jumping as he drew closer to the wall, almost stumbling from exhaustion. "And you didn't give a fuck how worried I might get? You're my roommate, my responsibility! How can you be so fucking naïve, Y/N?!"

You stepped back, a little concerned, a little hurt by his harsh words. "You could have called Taehyung..."

"Right. That bastard didn't respond either," he growled. "I guess you two were too busy fucking to pay any attention to anything else." He remarked, smiling bitterly.

"Jimin!" You snapped, feeling your eyes sting at his uncharacteristic behaviour. "Why are you acting like this?"

"Because you're being fucking immature, that's why!" He yelled, making you flinch.

Noticing your reaction, he groaned in frustration, raking a hand through his hair. "Why couldn't you contact me for even a moment? Coming home at one in the morning, Y/N? Really?"

You bit your lip, blinking rapidly. "That doesn't mean you have the right to tell me I've been fucking Taehyung, and even if I did, it's my decision to make!"

"Taehyung this, Taehyung that!" Jimin roared in anger, and you flinched even harder when his fist landed on the wall with a sickening sound. "Can you never shut up about him?"

The movement was so unexpected that you winced, stepping back in silent fear for both your safety and his.

It was strange, to say the least, for him to get so worked up about you coming home late—you were an adult, after all. There was so much you wanted to say, but somewhere, at the back of your mind, you knew that Jimin was too angry to make sense at the moment.

You were quiet.

He calmed down a bit, exhaling as he closed his eyes.

"Do you even know how worried I was?" Jimin whispered in a broken voice, sitting back down on the couch with a thump. "Do you even care?"

Your eyes softened as you moved over to him, sitting down next to him gently. "Let me see," you said quietly, taking his injured hand in both of yours.

He let you pull him to the bathroom and treat his wound, remaining silent as you rubbed alcohol on the injury.

He was on the edge of the seat, too hyped up with anger to sit still. But a single glance at your scared face melted that away.

"I'm sorry," you whispered after a moment. "I didn't think you were going to be this worried."

"I know," Jimin whispered back, running the fingers of his uninjured hand through your hair, kissing your forehead softly.

You leaned into his chest, closing your eyes tiredly as you let his warmth spread through you and his steady heartbeat lull you to sleep.

"I'm sorry too."


EDIT 290519: i'm sorry i had to do this, but if you think she's dense/dumb for questioning why jimin was yelling at her...

she's an adult?? what kind of controlling shit ass roommate yells at someone for getting home late? she makes her own choices. jimin's behavior here is TOXIC, please remember that. even if he is jealous, he has NO right to yell at her and victimize himself. i thought that was obvious but apparently not :/

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