1-10 Wizardry rules

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Wizardry isn't all about spells and magic potions,
it's also about happiness and saddness, love and hate.
So if you want to become a wizard wizz this guide
is for you.

1. You can be a wizard if you believe you can
Wizardry is all about faith not skill and intelligance.
So don't listen to the haters their just jealous.

2. You can still say a spell without a voice
Spells may look easy but in reality it is the
inside that boosts your spell.

3. Love is an elemant to success
Succesful elemants to people are liquids and solids.
But to wizards they are emotions.

4. Hate is stronger than a lifetime worth of potions
Potions are things that you can touch, see and alter but
you can't alter hate.

5. Every wizard is so similar yet so differant
Every wizard has a wand but some don't know
how to use it.

6. Jelousy can kill you
People commit suicide because they don't think
their life is better than others.

7. You don't need lizards to make lizard tongue pie
You can always go differant paths and end up
in the same place even if you chose a differant root.

8. Every good wizard has a weakness
No one is perfect and if you except that you
could achieve a whole lot more in life.

9. You don't choose the wand the wand chooses you
There is always a reason on why you can't
get exactly what you want.

10. Never ignore a monsters call
Monsters may look ugly in disguise but under
their mask they are very old and wise.

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