11-20 Wizardry Rules

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11.Congradulate everyone that comes out of the toilet
Even when people do easy tasks like that, you
Should congradulate them they can go around
happily. And that itself is a spell.

12.When life gives you lemons, be ashamed
What do you bave a wand for? Don't wait for life
to give you lemons. Make them yourself.

13.Ask for fries without the potatoes
You never know when someone may be a wizard
and the only people that can get you fries without
potatoes are wizards.

14.When a black cat crosses your path, you know
Its going somewhere
Don't listen to myths and legends, because someday
There will be one about you.

15.They laugh because we're wizards, we laugh
Because they just figured that out
People can be popular, but they lack the most
important senses.

16.Nock on deaths door.... Accualy ding dong ditch him
He hates that
Risks are fun, but don't take to many.

17.When life gives you lemons.... You cant make lemonade
'cause theres no sugar.
Did you really think that potions class was easy?

18.I licked it...... So its mine
If you want something badly, think outside of the
Box to get it.

19.Some people just need a high-five... In the face...
With a chair
Stay positive, think on the good side of things.

20.He may look calm but in his head he has killed you three
You have to keep looking deeper into things, to find
the true meaning

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