2. Three Years Later On Berk

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~Three years after HTTYD 2~

The Berkians had just finished another great dragon race again, and Fishlegs had surprisingly won this time. While everyone had went to the Hall to go celebrate, Eret just walked away when he thought no one was looking. Of course he didn't know his friends had noticed his departure.

"He looks upset, I wonder why." Fishlegs noted in concern.

"Let's go see what's wrong." Suggested Hiccup. The other boys nodded and started after their friend.

They followed the former dragon trapper into the woods til he came out to where there was a cliff that overlooked the ocean. The four Vikings stopped a few yards away and hid behind a large boulder. Eret sat down on a rock nearby and just looked out to the water. He stayed like that for what seemed like hours before he sighed and said: "Oh Kierra how I miss you."

The boys looked at each other in shock. Who was Kierra? Eret then began talking to whoever Kierra was; saying he missed her and the baby and he wished he could see them both again.

"I just hope that the both of you are safe just as the crew promised." He said touching his owl pin. "I don't know where you are but I am going to find you and I will do what I promised. I-"


Eret looked back to see his four friends 'hidden' a few feet away. Tuffnut had climbed a tree to see better but the branch he was on was too thin and had snapped under his weight. Eret marched over to where they were with his hands folded over his chest.

"How long have you been hiding there?" He asked angrily.

"Uh...a while?" Tuffnut answered sheepishly. Eret groaned and rubbed his forehead.

"So what were you doing out here?" Fishlegs asked hoping to not get Eret mad enough to hit anyone.

"Yeah and who is Kierra?" Snotlout asked. Fishlegs gave a gasp and Tuffnut smacked his forehead in frustration.

"Moron, you are not supposed to ask that!" Tuffnut said.

"It's alright," Eret sighed, "you already heard too much so I might as well tell you." He motioned for them to follow him to the rock where he was sitting at. They sat down and he started staring off into the water again.

"I bet none of you knew that I had a family before I joined you." He finally said with a sigh.

"A family? You mean like a wife and kids?" Hiccup asked in surprise. Eret looked too young to be a father. But he had came from another tribe so maybe their marriage laws were different.

"Sort of, I had a son. But his mother and I were not married." Eret explained.

"So...you had a son, and you weren't married?" Sno

"No, I wanted to marry her. I was actually planning on marrying her after the baby was born but we were all so busy trapping dragons to stop somewhere and have someone marry us. And he was born on the night that your mother and her dragons attacked us."

"Oh so she wasn't from your tribe." Snotlout said.

"Oh...wait but how come none of us had seen her when we first met you and when we went to you twice to take us to Drago?" Fishlegs asked.

"I wanted to keep her safe. From everyone, even Drago. If she went with us to deliver the dragons she would disguise herself as a man and say she is my younger brother."

"I'm sorry Eret. We never knew because you never told us." Hiccup said patting his friends shoulder.

"Like I said before Hiccup. I wanted to keep Kierra and my son safe from whatever I believe is a danger to their lives."

"What's going on here?"

All the boys looked up to see Astrid and Ruffnut. The five Viking men remained silent, unsure what to tell them.

"Who were you talking about?" Ruffnut asked.

"Uh..." Tuffnut started but Snotlout gave him a swift kick in the knee. Fishlegs started to play with his fingers nervously and Hiccup just stayed silent.

"Well?" Astrid asked as she and Ruffnut sat down and crossed their arms. The boys continued to be quiet.

"Erethasagirlfriendwhohadababywhohas some type of powers thatwedon'tevenknowofbutwhatevertheyaretheymustbedangerousenoughforhimtokeepherasecretfromDrago!" Fishlegs blurted out quickly before he clapped his hands over his mouth. Both Tuffnut and Snotlout groaned and Hiccup just shook his head.

"Wait "so you had a girlfriend, who had your baby, and you never told us about them? For three years?" Astrid asked in a confused voice.

"Do I have to give an entire explanation on why I kept them a secret?" Eret groaned in annoyance.

"Yes!" The group yelled in unison and Eret groaned again.

"Fine, Kierra had a power that had put her in danger. That was how we met. After healing her, I swore to keep safe and not let Drago learn about her powers. And I did that not only out of concern but out of love. And when I found out she was going to have my baby, I was even more worried that the child would be born with her abilities." Eret explained. "So me and my men kept them a secret for almost a year. And she had the baby early on the night that Valka came with her dragons. I got her out and had her stay on the ship.

"On the morning that you came she had came out from the cabin and tried to go and help us. The when Astrid and Hiccup and the rest of you including Stoick and Gobber came, I hid her in my ships cabin with our son. The last time I had saw her was ten minutes before Astrid kidnapped me. And we both never got to name our son. I was only with them for a few hours. And those hours were precious to me."

The whole group looked at each other in shock, unable to process the information that their friend had given them.

"So that was why you never even liked me back. You had someone else." Ruffnut siad, finally breaking the silence. She gave the ex trapper a small smile, reached forward and patted his hand. "Well I understand now."

"So you just want to find them again?" Snotlout asked.

"Yes. I want to bring them here with me to Berk." Eret replied. "I just don't know where to look."

"How about Drago's fortress? Astrid suggested.

"Why there?" Snotlout asked raising an eyebrow

"That's where his crew were heading. There may be a chance that they were there." Answered Ruffnut.

"Of course," whispered Eret, "of course! They must have went there thinking that we would be there! Ruffnut you are a genius!"


"So what are we waiting for? Let's go find them!" Tuffnut yelled. "Let's reunite these two people and their baby!"

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