4. Get Used To Her

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After Eret placed the girl on his bed in the ships cabin and received the medical supplies, he let Magnus, who was the fort's best healer, go inside to tend to whatever injuries the girl had. Eret would have stayed with them but he was needed on deck.

After a few hours he went to check on the girl. She was still laying there. He was about to leave when she suddenly sat up. Her eyes were wide open and she was looking around the room like a frightened animal. She suddenly bolted off the bed but Eret managed to grab her.

"Let me go!" She screamed as she tried to wrestle out of his grasp.

"No you need your rest. You fainted earlier." He said as he suddenly scooped her up and swung him over his shoulder like a sack of flower. She started yelling a bunch of un-ladylike words and phrases as he took her back to the bed. When he flipped her off his shoulder and dropped her onto the bed, the girl stopped yelling and looked up at him with frightened eyes.

"Relax I am not going to hurt you alright? I just want you to get some rest, when you feel ready come up to the deck." He said and turned and left to go back up.

The second that he closed the door, one of the trappers alerted him about an oncoming dragon. Eret looked up to see a Thunderclaw coming their way.

"Alright, you know what to do!" Eret yelled as he turned the catapult in the dragons direction. When it got in range, he shot the net at it.

Suddenly, a blast of blue fire hit the net and the Thunderclaw gave a roar of alarm and flew off in the opposite direction. Eret turned to see a blue dragon behind him, its mouth slightly open with smoke coming out from its mouth. Then it transformed into the girl. Her blue eyes were narrowed and her mouth was twisted in anger. "Do you realized what you did?" He asked feeling angered.

"Yes I saved that poor creature from your filthy traps." The girl responded.

"That dragon was part of our shipment!" Eret snapped, already feeling his patience wearing thin.

"For what may I ask?" The girl ssked, leaning against the doorway of the cabin.

"For Drago Bludvist."

"What does he need the dragons for?"

"I don't know why. He just tells us to trap dragons for him and we won't die."

"That is still no reason! What is he planning to use them for? To train them? Ride them?"

"What makes you think that? He controls them! And why does that interest you?"Eret asked in defense.

The girl glared at him and he glared right back at her. He felt something strange when he was glaring at her. Like something about the way she was looking at him was touching his mind or something.

"Let's just say Eret that I care about the future and wellbeing of dragons." She said before walking away.

He was taken back. How did she know his name? He didn't even introduce himself to her! The other trappers looked equally startled. She just glared at them and walked to the prow of the ship.

"So where are you heading?"

"Uh back to our fort." Eret said nervously.

"Take me with you then. I'll explain why." She said not looking at him.

Everyone was silent. Eret felt scared. How she knew his name was still a mystery. Unless she knew him.

"Oh and by the way, my name is Kierra." She said glaring at him and the rest of the crew before walking off to the front of the ship.

"Women," Eret muttered to himself, "I still don't understand them."

As they neared the fort, Kierra climbed on to the top of the mast. Eret almost had a heart attack when she suddenly leapt off. She suddenly grew a pair of wings and a tail and soared across the water. She let her fingers skim the top of the cold water and spiraled into the sky with a whoop. Eret couldn't help but smile.

He began to wonder where she came from. Her accent was not familiar with him and her clothes were different than the ones that Viking women usually wore. He watched as Kierra glided effortlessly over the water and landed on the deck. She gave herself a good shake to rid her wings of the  water and folded them against her back.

"I still don't understand why most humans prefer to stay on the ground." She said to Eret.

"Well most of us may have a fear of heights." He answered. Kierra seemed to consider that for a few seconds.

"Okay then, let me fix that starting with you." She said with a mischievous grin.

She grabbed his hand and took off into the sky. Eret yelped and held on for dear life. For a human, she was quite strong but she was having some difficulty holding him in the air. Kierra suddenly tossed him as high as she could and transformed all the way.

As she did that, Eret sailed several feet above her and then dropped like a stone, screaming on the way down. Kierra then did a back loop, tucked in her wings and flew down after him. She sailed underneath him and made sure that he was positioned over the area where her neck and shoulders connected.

"Grab onto my spikes!" Her voice came into his head and he freaked out. But he grabbed onto the spike in front of him and managed to seat himself. She then spread open her wings and flew right into the sky again.

"You can open your eyes now Eret." He opened his eyes to see that they were in the clouds.

"How do you do that? How do you speak to me in my head?"

"It's what some dragons can do. At least from where I come from that is." Kierra chuckled.

"Where do you come from?" He asked interested.

She was silent for a few seconds before she responded.

"I can't tell you. If your boss kew anything about our dragons, he would try and take them all especially from their riders."

"Oh, well...I never met a dragon that can communicate telepathically."

"Well few people can communicate with the dragons that way."

"Wait are you serious? Is that how you knew my name before I even told you?"

"Yes I am. Just as serious about dropping you off of my back."

"Wait what-aaaahhh!"
Kierra turned herself belly up and Eret fell off. He gave a scream and plunged right into the ocean. Lucky for him they weren't too high up so it didn't hurt. Kierra landed right onto the boat and shifted back into her human form.

"What the burning blazes did you do that for?!" Yelled Angus, Eret's friend and second-in-command.

"Hey he deserved it." She said with a shrug and continued combing the tangles from her hair. Eret then emerged from the water sputtering and coughing. Kierra leaned over the side and held her hand out.

"Need a hand?" He looked at her small hand and then grabbed it. She heaved him onto the boat. "I am not sorry for doing that by the way." She said as ashe walked back to the prow.

"How long is she going to be with us?" Eret whispered to Angus as he shivered.

"A while I guess. We better get use to her dropping you like that. May get common."

"I hate you sometimes."

"Me too but that's what friends are for."

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