Chapter 3 - You Really Know How To Move

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"Damn dude, that girl you told me about from back in England seemed wild." Pete slowed the car down to make a right turn and a grand house became visible ahead.

Miles shook his head in the front seat. "She was wild alright. You should've heard what she did when I—"

"Ew, shut the hell up, Miles! I don't want to hear about your petty hook ups!" Eliana exasperatedly yelled. "Show some respect for your sister."

My cheeks burned—something they sure seemed to have done a lot since a few hours back—and I was grateful for the darkness surrounding us. The way these boys spoke was unlike anything I had ever heard and I silently thanked my best friend for interrupting.

"What?" Miles scoffed. "Stop listening then."

"Are you fucking serious?" she scowled. "I just think it's disrespectful and tacky talking like that in front of your sister and her best friend."

Miles turned around to face us and he smirked as he noticed my distressed state. "Are we making you uncomfortable?"

"Not at all." I gulped and forced myself to meet his impish stare.

A round of very filthy words to describe the situation he had been in with this English girl left his mouth. Even though I wanted to open the car door and throw myself out of the running vehicle, I stayed put without moving a muscle. His sister did not.

"Miles!" she loudly screeched and smacked the side of his head. "I am still your sister and this is the uttermost disgusting thing I've ever had to listen to!"

Luckily enough, the car soon stopped and the two boys got out. Eliana turned to me and tugged at a strand of my hair. "I know he can be blunt and foul-mouthed, nothing has changed there, but please just ignore him. Don't let it ruin this night."

I meekly nodded and let myself out, appreciating the fresh air reaching my lungs. Eliana knew I didn't have much experience in the whole sex department and for the first time I wondered if it was obvious to everyone else, too. Did I really appear that innocent?

"Come on, girls. Better get inside with us. You never know what kind of creeps might be lurking in the bushes," Pete said and waved us forward.

Eliana grabbed her vodka bottle in one hand and put her other around my waist. She leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Promise you'll tell me if you want to leave."

"Okay," I said and smiled at her, happy she understood my hesitation.

As we entered the house, I looked around with widened eyes. So this was what a real party looked like. Naturally, I'd seen a lot of movies where college parties occurred but it was completely different experiencing it in real life.

The huge house, or rather mansion, had been completely remodeled in honor of tonight's event. Long pieces of dark cloth hung down from the windows, obscuring the view from both sides. The main room was dimly lit and various lamps were installed in the ceiling; bathing everything and everyone in all the colors of the rainbow.

Music was pounding from the speakers in the corner and I could even spot a makeshift bar. Bottles after bottles lined up mixed with different kinds of sodas and juices. People crowded the table in hopes of getting a drink.

"Miles Cortez!" a loud voice exclaimed and we all turned to the source. "Is that really you?"

A broad-shouldered guy pushed through the hordes and grinned widely as he threw his arm around Miles' shoulders.

"Evan," Miles greeted with an equally big grin. "You've surely outdone yourself this time."

"What can I say? It's not every day your former best friend returns after years of absence," Evan said and nodded hello to Pete before his curious eyes landed on Eliana and me. "And who are these pretty ladies?"

Miles cleared his throat and frowned. "That's my sister, so keep your hands to yourself."

"Sorry dude, didn't recognize her. You've grown quite a lot, Eliana," Evan smirked.

She rolled her eyes at him. "Whatever."

He chuckled and glanced over at me. "And you are. . .?"

"I'm Faye," I smiled and kind of liked the way Evan looked at me. His brown eyes seemed kind and not particularly judging.

"Faye, welcome to my humble abode. Care for a drink?"

I quickly shot Eliana a look and she discreetly nodded. "Sure," I said, not desiring to be the party pooper by denying his offer.

"Come on then, all of you! Let me fix something. This is a special night!" Evan hooted and we followed him over to the drink area.

"Who is he?" I whispered to Eliana when we stood back and waited to be served.

"Just one of Miles' old friends. I think they used to be pretty close before he moved and now Evan apparently threw this party for him."

A drink was handed to me and I took a small sip, surprised with the sweetness that hit my tastebuds. I gulped down some more and felt my body relax just slightly. Maybe not so much because of the drink itself, but more because of how welcoming Evan had seemed.

The three boys were soon busy discussing the spread of girls at the party and I found myself frown at their exchange.

Eliana noticed and grabbed my hand, pulling me away from them. "Let's dance or something!"


The annoying dress still clung to my body like a second skin, stubbornly sliding up over my thighs even though I kept tugging it down. The room where people danced was jam-packed and a light perspiration soon dotted my skin but when I had drowned the second half of the drink, I started to care less about how I looked.

Eliana cheered in excitement when one of her favorite songs came on and we went nuts; moving our hips and waving our arms in the air. I laughed and honestly hadn't felt this good in forever. I couldn't understand why I didn't go to parties more often.

After a couple of more songs, my cup was empty and I pouted at the instant need for more. I wanted the pleasant buzz in my head to keep going. Gripping her forearm, I leaned forward to speak in her ear, "Eliana! Could you please fix me another drink? I have no idea how to do it."

She nodded with a grin – clearly happy with my positive spirit – before fighting her way back through the crowd towards the drink table. I should probably have been freaking out over being left alone but instead I closed my eyes and lost myself in the beat.

There were a lot of people dancing around me, mostly couples and I curiously took in the way they practically dry humped each other. If I didn't know any better, I almost would've guessed they did anything but dance. I cringed at the thought and hoped Eliana would get back soon. Otherwise, there was a great chance that I would run out of the party when I realized how misplaced I actually was.

A pair of strong, steady hands suddenly gripped my moving hips and a body intruded my personal space. I gulped and continued to dance, pretending I knew what I was doing. The guy took my continued movement as an approval and stepped in closer, a firm chest pressed against my back. It didn't feel too bad.

"Damn, princess. You really know how to move."

I froze when I recognized the voice as Miles', turning my head around to look up at him with a scowl. "Seriously?"

Miles sent me a smirk and shrugged. "It's just a dance. What's the harm?"

He loosened the tight grip around my waist and let his hands fan out over my stomach instead. And I had to admit the contact felt nice. His hips connected with my backside and I allowed him to slowly move with me without protesting. This was basically the closest I'd ever gotten to being intimate with a guy and I couldn't quite comprehend why I wasn't having a nervous breakdown.

Miles gentle hands slowly slid up my sides, gripping my arms and lifting them up to hook them behind his neck. I shivered when his soft hair brushed against my bare shoulder and froze at first when I felt something warm and slightly wet press to my neck. He was using his mouth to place featherlight kisses down my neck in a teasing manner. I closed my eyes and arched my back, pressing further into his body.

I was hot and my dress had ridden up way too high but I didn't care. Suddenly all I needed was the touch from him. His lips felt incredibly good against my burning skin and I tilted my head to the side.

Then a voice I knew all too well yanked me back to reality, "What the hell?"

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