Chapter 4 - Truth Or Dare, Fuckboy?

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Eliana stood with two drinks in her hands, looking at us with a scowl.

Miles gazed at me with a hint of amusement in his eyes. "We were just dancing. And I think Faye was enjoying herself."

I stressed at my bottom lip with my teeth and shook my head. I actually had enjoyed it but that wasn't something I would ever confess to him. It was wrong, the whole situation. He was my best friend's older brother and definitely not someone I should take interest in.

"No, I did not enjoy it," I mumbled quietly, pretty sure he couldn't hear my shaky voice over the thumping music.

He stepped even closer to my flustered body. "What was that?"

I tried to ignore how tall he was – that he had to bend down completely to reach my level – because that would only make me find him even more interesting. I also tried to ignore how good he smelt and how the feeling of his cheek against mine made me weak in the knees.

I gulped and took a step back to create space between us while Eliana scolded, "Miles, go find someone else to dance with who's not your little sister's friend."

Miles scoffed, reaching up a hand to push back the dark brown locks from his forehead. "Whatever." He twirled around and soon got sucked up in the hordes of people.

Eliana gave me a strained smile and placed the red plastic cup in my hand. "Here you go."

"Thanks," I mumbled and took a sip. My traitorous mind refused to stop thinking about her brother. I couldn't understand the effect he had on me – I never looked twice at guys. Okay, maybe I did from time to time. But not in this way.

"Why do you look all flustered?" Eliana asked over the brim of her cup. "Please don't tell me you actually think my brother is hot."

I shrugged. "No reason. I need to use the bathroom."

She laughed and caught my hand, playfully squeezing. "I'm so proud of you! Your first real party and you don't want to leave within the first hour."

I stuck my tongue out to her.

"Put that back in, it's totally red from drink," she said with a crinkled nose.

"So, bathroom?" I reminded her.

"Sure and then maybe we could join the group playing truth or dare."

My stomach dropped and I instantly got uneasy. I had played truth or dare before but not on this level. Not with alcohol and hot boys involved.

Noticing my hesitation, Eliana smiled softly. "You don't have to play, you know. But at least keep me company?"

"Okay," I quickly agreed, not about to argue on that one.

Evan's house was incredibly, almost ridiculously, big and I couldn't for the life of me understand what someone needed a house like this for. We found a vacant bathroom upstairs, finished our business and went back down to the first floor again.

Eliana steered me over to a group of couches in a corner and confidentiality squeezed down between two guys I hadn't seen before. I was left standing awkwardly by the arm of one couch, glancing over the people gathered around. Evan was there and so was Pete – besides them, I couldn't recognize anyone.

My breathing hitched as my eyes landed on Miles' lean figure resting on the wide armchair farthest back, a very gorgeous girl sitting on his lap. He hadn't seen me, or perhaps he simply didn't acknowledge me, but I took the opportunity to shamelessly study him. I watched him press his lips to the girl's neck, right below her ear, and hated the ugly feeling that bloomed in my stomach. It was completely uncalled for.

Someone yanked on my hand and I stumbled to the side, effortlessly falling straight across the lap of the one who had pulled me down.

I let out a surprised giggle and met a pair of pale green eyes. Evan truly was handsome and had a grown look about him. He smirked now, apparently satisfied with what he had accomplished.

"Hello there, pretty little thing," he said and pushed the hair covering my face to the side.

I smiled back and sat up, placing myself beside – instead of on top of – him. "Hi, Evan."

"How do you like the party so far?" His words came out a tiny bit slurred.

"It's good, I guess." I tried to sound indifferent, like this was something I did on a regular basis. Somehow I didn't want to admit that this was my first time attending a party.

"You guess? I was hoping for 'oh Evan, this is the best party I've ever been to'," he chuckled.

I shrugged and took a sip from my drink. "Do you throw a lot of parties?"

Evan scratched his cheek and gave me a lopsided smile. "Yeah, quite a lot. There's not much other to do in this fucking town. You should come by more often."

"Honestly parties aren't really my thing," I admitted, glancing down to my lap.

"So, what is your thing?" he questioned and carefully placed a hand over my thigh.

I stiffened slightly, trying to not look bothered. I was sure this was completely normal. Guys touched girls all the time, especially at gatherings like this. "Um. . . you know, reading and stuff like that."

I sounded like the lamest person on the planet.

Evan laughed amusedly, squeezing his fingers around my bare skin. "That's cute."

I cleared my throat and awkwardly moved my leg to cross it over the other, making his hand fall off. Deciding to change the subject, I said, "What are you guys playing?"

Either Evan didn't notice my move or he just didn't care, because he continued talking like normal. His hand stayed on the couch this time. "Nothing right now. You want to play something?"

"No!" I quickly exclaimed. "I mean. . . I'll pass. I hate games."

Evan shook his head and the devious smirk that grew on his lips told me he had other plans. "Guys!" he shouted to gain everyone's attention. "Let's go for another round of truth or dare."

I cringed and thought about getting up and running away, although that would only make me look more lame. Instead, I gulped down the rest of my drink and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

Pete hooted and pumped his fist in the air, clearly more than ready to be dared. How come some people got so excited over a silly game? A game for those who needed to feel acknowledged, for people who wanted to show themselves off.

Miles laughed suddenly, still with the girl straddling his lap. All I could see of him was his beautiful but mischievous eyes over her shoulder. We made eye contact but I hastily diverted my line of focus to Pete. Not that it helped.

"Why don't you start, Faye?" Miles' voice uttered from my right.

I bit my tongue and tried to kill him with the look I shot his way. He smiled and winked, grabbing the girl by her waist to place her beside him instead. She sported a sour frown – clearly not happy about his sudden interest in me – and crossed her arms.

"Miles, stop fucking harassing her," Eliana piped up. "Pete, why don't you go first?"

I sent her a thankful thought and leaned back on the couch, looking anywhere but in his direction.

"I'd be honored," Pete grinned and slowly swiped his gaze over the group. He cleared his throat dramatically and took a breath. "Miles."

Miles groaned but nodded. "Let's hear it."

"Truth or dare, fuckboy?"

Chuckles broke out around the table before Miles spoke. "Dare."

I wanted to roll my eyes. Of course he would pick dare.

Pete licked his lips and pretended to think, his pointer finger pressed against his chin. "I dare you. . . to kiss the hottest girl of this group. And notice I said girl and not person because let's face it. . . I'd smoke all you bitches." *

Everyone started laughing and Pete seemed pleased with his dare. Miles sighed and the girl beside him tilted her face towards him, preparing her lips to be met by his. But he didn't even glance her way as he stood from the armchair.

She huffed and pursed her lips in annoyance, narrowing her eyes at his back. I cheered inwardly but quickly stopped when I got the hang of where Miles was heading.

He was steadily moving my way and hadn't taken his eyes off my face.

I swallowed harshly and felt a spike in my heart rate. Evan snorted when Miles placed himself in front of me, bending down to rest his hands against the back of the couch on either sides of my shoulders.

His face came closer and my breathing hitched. I wouldn't be surprised if my heart decided to stop altogether. The look in his eyes stirred something inside of me and I desperately tried to keep my composure still.

"Hi there, beautiful," he whispered so quietly I was certain no one else but me could hear it.

"Hello," I whispered back and couldn't help looking at his lips as they formed into a slow smile.

I closed my eyes – because that's what you're supposed to do while kissing, right? – and took a deep breath through my nose. My nostrils were immediately overwhelmed with Miles' amazing scent. I was about to have my very fist kiss, by a boy who had kissed millions of girls, at a party. Right in front of his little sister who happened to be my best friend.

It was just a game and no one truly cared. It never would have happened otherwise.

I let my tongue dart out to wet my lips and right then Miles leaned in completely. His mouth touched mine, very softly at first and I fought to contain a noise of surprise and delight.

One of his hands came up to tangle in the hair at the nape of my neck as he pressed his warm lips more firmly against mine. I had no idea what I was supposed to do, so I simply tried to mimic his movements and follow his lead.

I gasped when he tugged lightly at my hair, parting my lips and allowing him to slowly insert his tongue into my mouth. When I hesitantly let my own meet his, electricity seemed to spark all over my hot skin.

So this was what all the fuss was about.

Every part of me tingled and my toes curled when his tongue started to move with mine – not in a forcing or demanding way – but very gentle and slow. A sharp tug somewhere far below my belly button made me desperately want more of him and heat pooled the entire area at the impulsive thought.

As quickly as it started, Miles stopped the kiss and pulled back slightly. His dark eyes still lingered on me when I opened mine.

Loud cheering broke out around us and someone yelled my name but all I could focus on was Miles. His eyes spoke volumes but I couldn't quite decipher the look in them.

He shook his head almost unnoticeably before smirking and positioned his mouth beside my ear. His husky voice sent shivers down my spine as he whispered, "Not bad, princess. Not bad at all."

* borrowed from the perks of being a wallflower.

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