Chapter One

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Catherine packed her bags and her phone.All of a sudden,she got a phone call from her friend,Maddie.She answered the FaceTime call,"Hi Maddie!"She said joyfully and smiled.Maddie smiled back,"Hey Catherine!So,do you think you'll see any wolves on your camping trip?"Catherine shrugged,"I'm not so sure..I'm only 13,do you think that my parents WANT me to see wolves?"Maddie sighed,"Probably not,but you KNOW they're my favorite animals,so tell me if you see any!"Catherine laughed,"Of course I will,Maddie."Catherine heard her mom,Kathleen,call her name,"Well,I'll call you whenever I come home!By the way,I'll probably be back in one week!"Maddie smiled,"Ok!Bye!"Catherine smiled,"Bye!"She hung up and got her bags and hurried downstairs.Kathleen looked at her daughter and smiled,"Are you all ready for the trip?"Catherine smiled and nodded,"Yep!I've got everything!"Kathleen nodded and got in the car and so did her husband,Eric.Catherine got in the back seat and closed the door,sighing.Eric looked back at her daughter,"You ok,dear?"Catherine smiled and nodded,"Yeah,I just wish I could see Maddie one last time."Eric drove down the street to where the gas station was,"Well,I know that you'll see her soon,and I promise you that."
Catherine got out of the car.It had been a long drive,but they were finally in the woods.But little did Catherine know that this was the woods that had the most wolves in the whole country.Catherine walked over to her mom,"Hey,where will we be setting camp?"Catherine saw her dad and her mom putting up a small house made up of clothe for them to set camp in,"Don't worry,right here."Her mom responded."Oh,"Catherine said,"Ok.."She looked at the view and gasped.It was beautiful.She could see the what looked like small buildings in the distance.Catherine was thirteen,and she lived in South Carolina.Sure,she liked it there.The only problem was that she couldn't see Maddie,and she lived in Ohio.Catherine sighed and laid down inside the tent,reading her book.Small,barely unnoticeable forest sounds hit her ears,although they sounded like they were miles away,"Mom?Do you hear a bear?"She asked as she heard a bear.Her mom slowly crept out of the tent and looked around warily and shook her head," must be hearing things,dear."She laid back inside the tent.Catherine tilted her head.She WAS known for her incredible sense of hearing for miles away in school,she just never told anyone,not even Maddie.Catherine laid back down and continued to read her book.Catherine barely noticed that she heard a howl of a wolf.It will go away soon,she thought,but somehow it didn't,even when the sun was setting.At night,her parents were asleep,and she saw the bonfire outside the tent.Maybe I can block out the howling sounds with the fire cackling..she thought and slowly crept out of the tent and sat next to the bonfire.She looked around and sighed.Little did she know,a large,white figure was creeping up on her.The creatures blue eyes gleamed as she tugged Catherine far away.Catherine yelped in surprise,"He-"Her cry was blot out by the WOLVES paw covering her mouth.Catherine tried to yell again,when she was pulled into a small clearing,and a line of wolves filed around her.

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