Chapter Two

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Catherine breathed heavily as she was shoved under a willow tree into a small nest.She heard a voice snicker and growl,"Get up,mutt!"Catherine shook the dirt from her shoulders and got up,realizing she had scratches on her body.Catherine's eyes widened when she saw a white wolf with a sleek pelt and neon blue eyes,"Why are you here??!!This is OUR TERRITORY!"The she-wolf unsheathed her claws.Catherine took a step back,"Y-you're wolves.."A black tom padded over slowly to the white she-wolf,"Calm down,Clover,for she is the chosen one."Catherine tilted her head,"I am so confused right now..."She heard her heart beating in her ears."Look,kid,"The black tom-Wolf with brown eyes padded over to her and sniffed her hand,"We don't want to hurt you.."Catherine felt very uncomfortable,so she started to slowly walk away.She heard the black tom growl,"Get back here,kid."Catherine lowers her head and walked back over to him,"What are you going to-to do to me?"Clover looked at the black tom,"What should we do to the chosen one,Midnight?"Midnight shook his head,"Make her stay for some moons,oh,I mean A LOT of moons!"Midnight looked at Catherine,his gaze serious,"You are the chosen one to steal back the green gem that our enemy wolf pack stole from us.."Catherine widened her eyes,"Me??And why are you talking?You're animals!"A ginger she-wolf shook her head and growled,"Offensive!We are NOT just animals!"Three wolf pups crowded around her paws,whimpering with fear as they gazed at Catherine.Catherine took a step back,"What I meant was that animals aren't supposed to talk!"Midnight growled at the ginger she-wolf,"She didn't mean it that way!Go back to the nursery with your pups,Ember."Ember narrowed her eyes and mummers something under her breath before padding back from where she came.Midnight looked back at Catherine,his gaze still as serious as before,"You have to do this..or else the other pack will attack us yet again,and more of our wolves will die."Catherine widened her eyes and took a deep breath then opened her eyes again,"Okay,I'll do it.."

Although Catherine had hardly believed that she had just trusted wolves,this wolves seemed good.AND nice.They were up against a fight with the other pack,that was the only problem.And Catherine knew it.Midnight dipped his head to Catherine,"Thank you.We owe you a great honer.Now we will teach you how to be a wolf and what it takes to survive in the WILD,human."

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