Chapter Three

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The Deathgrippers launched themselves into the air, roaring. Nighstar ordered the dragons forward with a mighty roar, diving towards the Deathgrippers. Nighstar shot a plasma blast at one, sending the red and black dragon spiraling of into the sky.
A Razorwhip hit one square in the chest, but at that same moment a Deathgripper took down a Deathsong.
Starlight shredded a Deathgripper's wing with her talons and dodged its tail spike. All around us dragons clashed and trees burned. Nighstar flew above the battle and caught a Deathgripper chasing a Dramillion.
He shot it once, twice, three times before it fell from the sky, plummeting to the ground. Singe Tails then joined the battle, hitting Deathgrippers with fireballs.
The forest and grass beneath them was burning. I drew my sword and stood on Nighstar's back.
Then I jumped, lightly landing on a Stormcutter's back, running along its length and then jumping onto a Deathgrippers back.
It sliced at me with its tail stinger, but I used my sword to cut the tail barb off. Then I slid the blade between two of its neck plates below its skull, killing it. I jumped as the dragon fell and grabbed onto a Deathsong's back.
slashed at another Deathgripper and the Deathsong trapped it in amber.
Then things started to go wrong. A Deathgripper took me in its talons and flew away from the battle. Starlight shot it and forced it to drop me.
Ryan didn't get there soon enough and missed me. I plummeted to towards the ground, the wind ripping at my hair. Another Deathgripper caught me. I fought against it and finally broke free, falling to the ground.
I gasped in pain as my side flared with pain. I stood, sucking in a breath as my side again cried out in agony. I found my sword not far away and ran over to it, ignoring the pain in my side. Then a net came out of nowhere and entangled me.
I tried to cut it with my sword, half succeeding before it was kicked out of my hand by guard. I looked up in fear and saw Nighstar coming to rescue me. He shot the spot behind the guard, knocking him end over end. I then finished trying to get out of the net and mounted Nighstar and once again joined the fight.
Dragons littered the valley floor, dead, dying and unconscious. Nighstar took a Deathgripper by the neck and twisted, his vice like jaw keeping a firm hold on the Deathgripper's flesh. I heard its neck snap.
It jerked once and then the alpha let go of the Deathgripper. It fell to the ground, lifeless.
We had won.
Nighstar roared in triumph and the dragons roared with him.
It was going to be hard to recover from the battle. We would have to put out the fires that had been started and bury the fallen dragons in the valley. We would also have to care of the wounded dragons and make sure that Grimel's forces were gone.
Once that was done we would return to the Hidden World, but that was a long time from now. We set to work, bandaging claw marks and bite marks, splinting broken bones and comforting dying dragons. 
The sun was setting by the time we had gotten three quarters of the way through our tasks, and I was hot, sweaty and tired. All the injured and dying dragons were taken care of, and we had made sure that Grimel's forces had truly retreated by doing a full sweep of the island and taking care of any stray soldiers.
Then we started the long process of burying the dragons. They had help, though. A couple Singe Tails and Stormcutters helped move the dead dragons into holes that Deadly Nadders and Shovlehelms.
We then marked each grave with a small carved figure of each one. After that, we checked on the injured dragons one more tine before mounting up and flying into the dark sky. It was well after sunset when we returned, and we went straight to bed.
Starlight and Nightstar went to go meet with the other dragons.
We had made it through the battle bruised and bloodied, but alive.

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