Chapter Two

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I dreamed of Deathgrippers attacking the Hidden World, flooding into the cavern and killing any dragon they came in contact with. It was chaos. Nighstar and Starlight were dighting side by side, fighting off the enemy dragons. Then Nighstar fell from the air, a Deathgripper's venomous tail barb leaving a deep crimson gash along his side.
I heard my own voice scream "No!"
I woke drenched in cold sweat.
I then realized that it wasn't real. Nightstar raised his head and I told him that I was fine. I lay back down and went to sleep.
I awoke to Nightstar nudging me awake.
"I'm up, I'm up!" I said, sitting up and stretching. Joel was already up and outside the cave with Starlight.
I quickly changed into my armor and put Nightstar's saddle on, checking the saddle bags to make sure that I had food and my sword. I attached my shield to my back and my sword was slung across my back. I then ate a quick breakfast and mounted Nighstar.
I came up beside Joel and asked "Are you ready?"
"Yeah." I answered him.
We then bounded down the twisting passageways and out into the Hidden World. We then took off and soared higher and higher, leaving the safety of the dragon sanctuary behind and entering a world of danger, uncertain of what lay ahead.
The day was cloudy and dark. It made me uneasy. We flew over miles of ocean before reaching Waterfall Island. We landed on the beach and were met by two Slither Wing dragons.
They rose up into the air and hissed. Nighstar growled at them and they retreated. We went further into the jungle and emerged at a lake. Razorwhip, Rumblehorn, and a Deadly Nadder were taking drinks when we emerged from the trees. They looked up and then went back to drinking. They were used to us being on the island. We then did a flyover and didn't see anything wrong.
I was relieved.
Where are you? I wondered.
We did one final check and then took off once again to fly over the stormy sea. Rain had begun to fall, lightning bathing the waves bellow us in a bright light. Thunder shook l the sky and the wind howled in their ears.
"Are we close to Stoker Island?" I practically yelled at Ryan, who was flying next to me.
"Yeah. Then we can land." He said.
"And hopefully get out of the rain."
I hoped so to. I was beginning to shiver.
Then I saw them. They outlines of ships.
"Ryan, look." I said, pointing.
They were hard to make out through the rain, but I knew what they were.
"We can't fight him alone in this." He said.
"We'd be at as much of a disadvantage as the crew and captains below would be." He said.
"But you know how we would get the upper hand?" I said.
"By using a Skrill."
I looked at the clouds and ew through them, trying to find a Skrill. Finally, I found one. I drew my sword and held it out in front of me, getting the dark blue Skrill's attention. I reached out and it touched its snout to my hand.
I had earned its trust.
I pointed to the ships below us.
"Dragon are in danger," I said.
"Together we can rescue them."
I then dived towards the ships, the Skrill following close behind. Ryan joined me and shot a plasma blast at one of the ships. The Skrill fanned his wings and channeled lightning through his body. He then shot an electrical blast that sunk one of the ships immediately. Soldiers ran in fear.
I circled around behind the ships and sunk one.
None of these ships have cages with dragons in them on them. I thought.
Most of the time Grimel's ships had cages with dragons trapped inside them aboard each ship. These ships' sails had his emblem on them, but no cages.
Then it donned on me.
A scouting group.
They were looking for new islands to raid. I sunk another ship as the Skrill flew overhead, destroying a ship with one powerful blast.
Pretty soon all that was left of the scouting group was debris getting tossed around by the ocean. I thanked the Skrill and it left, its duty done.
Now I could rest easy. Ryan cane up to me and asked "Scouting party?"
"Yeah." I said.
I was uneasy.
This close to the Hidden World...
"Do you think that Grimel will find the Hidden World?" I asked.
"No. It's not to far from here, but I think it's safe, at least for now." Said Ryan.
My mind went back to the Deathgripper dream.
His Deathgrippers...
I had't told Ryan about the dream yet... and didn't know if I would. I didn't want to worry him. We turned back towards Stoker Island, soon finding the volcanic island.
We landed on the black sand beach and checked the underground Fireworm caves. We then checked on the Eruptadons at the mouth of the cave and the Monstrous Nightmares near the lava pits.
Everything was fine.
The dragons were happy.
He hasn't found most of these islands yet. I thought.
But we need to be careful. He could find them at any time.
We then ventured out towards Icefang Island, the northern most tip of the islands that we had discovered. We winged our way out to sea, leaving Icefang Island behind and ventured out into the unknown.
I ate a quick lunch of dried strips of salted yak meat, an apple and water from the water skin I had. Ryan did the same and then we flew on.
Then we saw it.
Another island.
As we flew towards it, I saw that there were soaring mountains and deep valleys. The island was huge.
Catastrophic Quakens, Silver Phantoms, Gronckles, Slither Wings, Whispering Deaths, maybe a Screaming Death, Razorwhips, Deathsongs, Deadly Nadders and about twenty other dragons could be found here. I thought.
"We could find new dragons here." I said to Ryan.
Maybe even another Light or Night Fury. I thought to myself, daring to hope.
We dived down to the grassy hills of a valley in between to of the huge mountains. I dismounted and stood looking out over the valley. I could see the silhouettes of dragons in the sky, and Deadly Nadders and Razorwhips along with Slither Wings and some Dramillions in the valley below.
"Wow." I said.
Ryan dismounted and stood next to me.
"It's beautiful." He said.
All of a sudden Razorwhips and Slither Wings burst out of the trees. Then I saw a Deadly Nadder get caught in a net and fo down. Hunters emerged out of the trees.
Feat rose up inside me, my heart pounding.
"Amaya!" Said Ryan, pulling on my arm.
I snapped out of the trance I was in and mounted Nighstar.
We took off and Nighstar roared. His roar echoed through the valley, a call to arms. All of the dragons in the valley flew to him, gathering behind him. Still more dragons came, swelling their numbers.
Deathgrippers came out of the trees to greet us, Grimel on one. Each one had a collar on, viles of their own venom keeping them under control. 
The battle was about to begin.

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