Chapter Eleven: Having Some Fun

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

She stepped off Stormfly's saddle and began falling. I jumped a little after her so I could help her if she needed me to. "Now open the suit!" I yelled. After a second her suit opened and she was gliding through the sky.

Astrid's P.O.V.

I was falling enjoying the wind in my face. I felt the chill of the wind and the mist of the clouds brush pass my face.

"Now open the suit!" Hiccup yelled.

I then put my wrists in the straps on my ankles and pulled. My body leveled off and I was now gliding in early morning sky. "Whooo! Yeah!" I yelled with adrenaline pumping through my vains. Then out of no where Hiccup appeared gliding along side me. "Well hello there." I say.

"I see you're enjoying the suit. You might want to take a look beside you." He nodded to my left.

I look to see Stormfly, "Hey girl." She squawked. I look back at Hiccup and see Toothless to his right. "Nice to see you to Toothless." He gave his gummy smile with his tongue hanging out. We flew for a minute or two in till we were coming close to the ocean below us. We then got back on our dragons and continued the flight back to Snotlout's.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

We landed in front of Snotlout's house, he was waiting on the porch for us.

"That was a more fun than I thought it was going to be. I could agree with you as well Snotlout, that did remind me of the twins." I said hopping off Toothless. Snotlout then walked up to him and got the files from his saddle. Toothless nudge him and licked him. "I think he has warmed to you."

"Yeah, but this is the first time his lick me. I think he's just happy that you're back." Snotlout said scratching Toothless' head and neck. "I'm going to go over what you brought back. I'll let you know what I find."

"Ok." I said, walking over to Toothless. "Oh, do you think it would be fine if I go on flight with Astrid later? Normal clothes and all.... It's been awhile."

He smiled, "Of course. But if you get into trouble, just press the button on the bottom of your sword. It will let me know you need my help." He then walked in the house.

"Wait here for a second." I told Astrid. She nodded and started playing with Stormfly.

I walked in the house and went to Snotlout, "I need to ask you something."

He looked up from the files on the table that he was sorting. "What?"

"Well, I was working on something before, you know, and I was wondering if you got it."

"You got to be more specific. I brought a lot of things up here."

"Specifically something for Astrid. An axe of sorts. I was almost finished with it and I wanted to give it to her."

He thought for second, "Oh, I think I know where it is. Hold on." He got up and went to a room up stairs. After about a minute he came back down with two pieces. A silver axe head and a silver handle with a leather strap to keep in your wrist. Both had striker class engraved all over them. "Is this what you're looking for?"

I grabbed it and looked it over. "Yeah this is it."

"Well I thought I broke it when I brought it up here. I tried to fix it but I could never get it back together." He said.

I then pressed a button on the axe head that was next to the hole where the handle would go and put the handle into it. "Like this, you press a button on the handle to make it catch fire and another button releases the axe head. It's been a while so I might have get some salvia from Hookfang. The buttons are hard to see unless you know where to look."

"I can tell." He said surprised. He then walked back to the table.

"I know I said this already, but thank you. Really. Thank you for everything that you've done." I said following him to the table.

"It wasn't a problem. Really. I was by myself for a while, so I had to keep busy to prevent myself from going crazy." He said with a laugh. "Now go on. Spend some time with your wife. I know you need it."

I couldn't help but smile. I walked out the door holding the axe behind my back. I look around and didn't see Astrid. I saw Toothless sleeping in a patch of sun with his tail wrapped around him. He was tired from the long flight. I walked out into the yard and saw Astrid with Stormfly around the side the house. She was feeding her.

She turned to me, "Hey." She said. Then she noticed my hand behind my back. "What do you have there?"

"A gift for you." I said smiling.

"Really? What is it?" She asked happily.

"Well, I was working on it before and I wanted to give it to you, now that I can." I showed it to her.

She took it and looked it over. "Hiccup I love it! It even has our dragon's class symbol engraved on it." She runs up and hugs me.

"There's also a couple things I added to it." I said.

"Like what?" She asked.

I took the axe and held straight ahead. Then I pressed the button which caused it to fly forward about thirty feet. "That's awesome."

I walked over and picked it up and put then back together. Astrid walked up to me. "There also something else." She looked at me, "The blade is able to catch fire to. But I have to get some of Hookfang's saliva to refill it. It this button above the release." I pointed out.

"I love it. I'll treasure it forever." She said hugging me again. She pulled away. "You know, Snotlout should come with us."

"That's a great idea." I said, "he probably hasn't gone for a flight in a while."

We walked in the house and over to Snotlout. He looked up to Astrid and me staring at him. "What?"

"We decided that you're coming with us on our flight." Astrid said.

"Guys, I don't think...." He started but was cut if by Astrid.

"I'm not taking no for an answer." Astrid said.

"I'm not going guys. That's final." He said.

Me and Astrid looked at each other and nodded. We then walked over to Snotlout.

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