Charter Twelve: Dragon Racing

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Hiccup P.O.V.

"Toothless..... will you please get off." Snotlout said trying to get free. I made Toothless sit on him so he wouldn't go anywhere.

I was watching Stormfly while Astrid went to go get Hookfang. "You know, it was easy to get you out here."

"I'm sorry.... I haven't been in the greatest shape. I would've work out more, but there have been...." he repositioned himself under Toothless so he could breath, "a few things happening with my long life."

"It doesn't matter though, his not going to move. He may have warmed up to you, but he is still loyal to me." I said smiling at Toothless. Toothless gave me his gummy smile and playful dragon growl.

Just then Astrid walked up with Hookfang. He towered over us. "Wow, he's gotten a lot bigger since the last time I saw him." I said in awe.

"I know that was my first reaction to." Astrid said to me.

"Yeah well, he's been alive longer than most Monsterous Nightmares. He continues to grow a little bigger every hundred years or so."

"Ok Toothless." I said. Toothless stood up and picked up Snotlout using his mouth, helping him to his feet.

"Thank you Toothless." Snotlout said dusting himself off. "It's been a long time since I took Hookfang for a flight. Last time I did, I almost lost him." He said walking up to him. Astrid and me gave him a look, "I guess that was the whole reason why I didn't want to take him out no more, but that's a story for another time. What do you say buddy? Want to go stretch those old wings of yours?" He asked rubbing Hookfang's snout. Hookfang nudged him and licked him, then he picked him up and threw him onto his neck, "I'll take that as a yes." He said. We all laughed.

"Looks like he finally learned what it means to earn a dragon's trust and loyalty." I thought to myself. I walked over to Toothless and hopped on. Astrid got on Stormfly and put her new axe on the latch on the side of the saddle. "Well... What are we waiting for? Lets go." I said letting Toothless' tail out.

Astrid shot pass me doing a spiral dive off the cliff. Then she came flying back up stopping to a hover at the cliff edge. "Show off." I said just loud enough for her to hear. I motioned for Snotlout to go ahead.

He walked Hookfang to the edge, "When ever you're buddy." He told him. They both peeked over the cliff. Snotlout looked hesitant to fly. Hookfang, however, jumped off almost as quick as they peeked over. I followed them over the edge only to hear Snotlout screaming and see him holding on for his life. Astrid flew up next to me. "Hiccup, they might need some help pulling up." She said pointing to Hookfang. I looked and she was right. He was getting too close the water.

I darted for Hookfang's left wing while Astrid went for his right wing. We then pulled up skimming the water. "That was a close one." I said.

Snotlout looked and me and laughed, "Maybe, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Nothing like a near death experience to help you realize what's missing in life." He smiled. It was obvious he missed flying with Hookfang and missed us.

"What do you say Snotlout.... want to race for old time sake?" I asked. "I'll go easy on you two though. I am on a Night Fury after all."

"But people might see us. I been in hiding for so long, I...." Astrid cut him off before I could.

"Snotlout come on, forget about that. Things may have changed, but this is still Berk, our home. I think that it would be ok. And if they have anything to say about it they can kiss my...."

I cut her off, "I think he gets the point. So Snotlout... what do you say?" I ask him.

"Ok, but only if I get a head start." He said.

"Sure. Ho...." He then took off speeding passed us while I was mid sentence and Astrid went with him. "Ok. I see how it going to be." I waited a few seconds. "Ok, bud let's do this." We shot through the air. I made Toothless fly fast, but I always held back. He is the fastest dragon I ever seen and I never pushed him unless I needed to. But even with me holding him back I still caught up to Astrid. "Hello M'lady. I just want to say I see that you are trying you best."

"Really?" She said smirking, "I haven't even told Stormfly to speed up yet." Then she tap her foot against Stormfly's side. They sped up passing Snotlout.

"Well Toothless, I think she wants a challenge. What do you say?" I asked him. He gave a little roar and shook his head. I then let his tail out fully, locked it in place and laid down on his back, "Ok Toothless, this is all you bud. Let's see what you got." I said holding on to the saddle tightly. He slowed down for a second. I could see Astrid and Snotlout getting farther and farther ahead. "What's wr..." then he shot forward. I was lucky I put my safety line on because I lost my grip a couple of times.

I was getting closer to Snotlout. Toothless was really going fast. I zipped by him and it was only a few seconds before I caught up to Astrid. Toothless matched her speed. I looked at her and nodded hello. Then Toothless took off again. A bridge was coming up so I sat up, connected my prosthetic leg to the latch and closed his tail just in time to do a spin under the bridge. I open his tail and leveled off. I look behind me and see that there were people on the bridge watching us. Snotlout and Astrid came up beside me.

"You think we should give them a show?" I asked still looking at the bridge.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Snotlout said.

"We I do. Besides he probably going to anyway." Astrid said.

"Then that's exactly right. I'm going to do it." I said. "Ok Toothless, just like old times, ok bud?" He growled. Then shot up in the sky. We go above the clouds we tipped back only to have me fall off, my safety line came undone. Toothless came to my side, "Well... I'm falling to my doom." I joked. "Are you going to catch me or do you want me to lock your tail?" He turned and I lock his tail open. We spined a few times. I then looked down to see Astrid and Snotlout looking at me. I opened my suit leveled off while Toothless came along side me. People on the bridge were looking at me and Toothless. Then I look around and see people all around the building that contained our tomb looking as well. "Ok Toothless." I said. He then flew underneath and I landed on him and attached the safety line and my prosthetic leg. I flew to Astrid and Snotlout, they were waiting on the edge of the bridge. I flew under it and they dropped off flying with me.

"Enjoy yourself?" Snotlout asked.

"Actually I did. Why?" I asked back.

"Because we need to get back. Staying to long out here can get us captured or worse." He explained.

I looked at Astrid, "What do you think M'lady?"

"I think we should listen to him. He dose know more. At least about this new time anyway." She said giving me her 'you should listen to me' look.

"Ok, let's go." I said giving in.

"Follow me though, I need to make sure that no one sees were my house is." He said taking the lead. I got behind him and Astrid was behind me. We flew around to the back side of the mountain where there was a tunnel.

"I made this a long time ago. It lead to the tomb, but that caved in. So now it leads to the house." We flew in the tunnel. There were a few sharp turns and a steep drop off then a steady climb. After about thirty seconds we came through some brush that was at the side the house. We got off our dragons. Toothless and Stormfly looked like they were talking to Hookfang.

"Well, I will admit when I'm wrong, it was fun to do that, I enjoyed it a lot. But I really need to go though those files you brought back. You two spend some time together. The gods know you need it." He smiled and began walking to the house, "Do you mind putting Hookfang up later?" He asked at stopping and the door.

"Sure. I don't mind." Astrid answered. He walked in and shut the door. Astrid looked at me, "I know I've been off lately, it's just because I'm getting used to this."

I smiled and gave her a peck on the lips while holding her waist, "Don't worry, I'm still getting used to all of this as well." We looked at each other for a while. "What do you want to do now?" I asked.

"After we put Hookfang up, I want to just lay out here and look at the stars." She said with a smile. We looked over and saw that Toothless, Stormfly and Hookfang were sound asleep in a pile. After a few minutes we got then up and took them to the hanger. We came back and laid in the front yard watching the stars. We ended up falling asleep.

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