Chapter Five: Violent Communication

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Astrid's P.O.V.

I'm on Stormfly flying along side Hiccup, I look over and see him enjoying himself on Toothless, "He's still so free." I thought. I wondered if he changed being out that long, I wondered if I've changed?

"Take it you missed flying with Stormfly." He says a little loud. I assume it's so I would hear him over the sound of the ocean and the wind whipping past us.

"Yeah, but I mainly missed flying with you." I said brushing my hair away from my face trying to look half decent.

"Awe, I missed you too Astrid." He said flying close to me.

"Oh shut it Hiccup." I said making Stormfly get closer to him. Trying not to show him him I was embarrassed I asked, "How's are tag along doing?" He turned to see that he wasn't behind him on the saddle, he panicked a little. "Toothless has him Hiccup." I told him laughing on the inside.

He started talking to the man. I couldn't understand what they were saying, but I could tell that the man was scared. The man laughed with fear, then Hiccup patted Toothless, the man laughed again with more fear.

"He's fine," He said, "just hanging around. He scared a lot though."

"I can imagine." I said smiling. I flew under Toothless to catch the man. "go ahead and drop him."

"Ok," he said, "Toothless drop." He told Toothless, he then let go of the man and he fell onto Stormfly's back behind me. I flew back beside Hiccup. "Got em..." I look over my shoulder and see that he has a tight grip on Stormfly's. We both laugh.

For the next couple hours we flew around Berk. I assumed it was Berk, Hiccup seemed unsure though. We circled the mountain a few times. I don't think he noticed we did. He was looking at something near the top of the mountain, and for the life of me I couldn't see what he was looking at.

"Astrid, I'm going to check something out. Would you mind dropping our tag along off somewhere?"

"Sure." I replied. He told the man something and took off. I assumed it was that I was dropping him off. I watched as he disappeared under something. I then see him appear on the other side. He walked only to disappear under something again. I could see a porch and windows, that's when I realized that there was a house.

"Ok, now I see what he was looking at." I thought myself. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turn to see the man. I look at him and he pointed to the ground motioning me to land. "He sure is in a hurry to get off." I thought. I landed... and as soon as I did, he jumped off kissing the ground. I started laughing. I jokingly motioned for the man to get back on, but he was shaking his head back and forth.

After about minute of playing around with him, Stormfly started to hear something. I could tell because her head was tilting left and right. "What is it girl?" I asked her. She let out a small purr, and immediately took off to the air. I grabbed her wing just before I fell off, "Stormfly!!!!!! What are you doing?" I yelled climbing back on to her back. I tried making her land but she kept flying in the direction Hiccup went. I just hung on as she flew above the mountain and then dove down into the trees close to where Hiccup went. She flew fast for a few seconds between the trees, then quickly opened her wings fully causing me to fly off her and land face first in the ground as she stopped. Stormfly came nudging me. "I'm ok girl." I told her with my face still in the ground. The only person capable of making Stormfly fly like that was Hiccup. "Hiccup.... you better have a good reason for doing that. You could of killed me!!" I yelled lifting my head up. I saw Stormfly playing with someone. I stood up and walked over to her. "I'm going to kill you..." I said drawing my fist back but stopped when I saw who it was, "Snotlout?!?!?!" I was confused. I hit him in the arm anyway.

"Oww... What was that for?" He said rubbing his arm.

"Almost getting me killed." I said crossing my arms.

"Always violence with you." He said still rubbing his arm.

"It's not violence, it's communication." I said putting a half smile on my face, "How'd you make her do that anyway?"

"Make her do what?"

"Come to you, I mean she never listened to you before."

He stopped rubbing his arm and looked at me with a saddened face, "Well, when you spend about two and a half millennium watching over your family's tomb and their dragons..... you learn a few things."

"Us... family?"

He shook his head, "Well you are married to my cousin, that makes you family."

"How long were you.... ummm... watching over us again?" I asked him.

"Two thousand five hundred years." Said another voice. I turn and see Hiccup walking over to us, Toothless right behind him.

"That long.... geez." I said to myself.

"I see that someone isn't in shock anymore." Snotlout says looking at Hiccup.

"I'm sorry, I just had to process." He was still in a little shock, "So are you going to explain how you're still alive?" Hiccup asked stopping beside me.

"I will, just let me put Toothless and Stormfly up..." I looked at Hiccup confused. "uhhh... by that I mean put them somewhere were no one will see them." He tried explaining.

"Why? There fine out here. Right?" We both said simultaneously walking up to Toothless and Stormfly. We awkwardly looked at each other.

"Not really, since you two woke up, there are going to be a lot of people coming soon. And they're not going to be too friendly." He says patting Stormfly and Toothless. "Especially not them."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Look, I'll explain everything in the house. Just let me put them in the stable with Hookfang and I'll be in there with you two in a few minutes. Ok?" He said calling Stormfly and Toothless to follow him. To my surprise and Hiccup's as well, they did without a fuss. I turn to Hiccup and see him confused on what to do.

"Come on, lets go inside." I say hitting him on the shoulder softly.

He turns to me, "uhh, ok... yeah... let's go inside."

As we're walking to Snotlout's house Hiccup does something unexpected, he grabbed my hand. I smiled and I also think I was blushing. I really liked this side of him, I missed it.

"Your blushing." Hiccup says.

"I know, I just missed you, that's all." I say brushing my hair behind my ear. We get to the door and reach for the door but he grabs my hand and before I could say a word he kisses me. I didn't know what to do so I kissed him back.

We did this in till we heard Snotlout say, "Ummm....." We separated, I saw that Hiccup was blushing this time, "I didn't mean to interrupt..."

"No no, it's ok." I said. We stood there awkwardly in silence for a few seconds.

"So you guys want to come in... or...." He started but I cut him off.

"Yes!!! Let's go in side." I say, quickly grabbing Hiccup's arm going in the house.

As we enter the house, I hear Snotlout say, "Amazing, they haven't changed a bit."

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