Chapter Six: Family Reunion

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Snotlout's P.O.V.

"Are you going to stand there or.....?" He just stood there. "Ok, stay here while I go get Astrid. If you're up, she has to be." Still no movement, so I walked past him. I also felt hyper, nerves I guess. I was about to call Toothless, but before I could I was pounced on by him. "Hey boy. I see that you're happy, I am to." I rubbed his nose, "Go see if you can get Hiccup to be.... Hiccup." I told him. I then walked over to the clearing in front of my house and whistled two long whistles for Stormfly, I paused and did it again. After a few seconds Stormfly came rushing from the trees to my right. Guess she was close to the building. She opened her wings causing her to stop almost instantly. I then saw Astrid fly face first into the ground. I tried not to laugh, but the more I thought about it the more I wanted to.

"I'm ok girl." She said with Stormfly nudging her. Stormfly then stopped and came over to me. I started scratching her head. "Hiccup.... you better have a good reason for doing that. You could of killed me!!!" All the laughter was about to spill out of me. "I'm going to kill you..." She paused with her fist mid swing when she saw me, "Snotlout?!?!?!" Shock and confusion ran across her face. She hit me in the arm anyway.

"Oww... What was that for?" I said rubbing my arm, thankfully not laughing.

"Almost getting me killed." She said crossing her arms.

"Always violence with you." I said to myself still rubbing my arm.

"It's not violence, it's communication." She said putting half a smile on her face.

"Oops, I said that out loud." I thought.

"How'd you make her do that anyway?" She continued.

"Make her do what?" I asked.

"Come to you, I mean she never listened to you before."

I stopped rubbing my arm and looked at her with all the memories flooding back to me, "Well, when you spend about two and a half millennium watching over your family's tomb and their dragons..... you learn a few things."

"Us... family?" She stuttered. But I don't think she noticed.

I shook my head, "Well, you are married to my cousin, that makes you family." I shrugged my shoulders.

"How long were you.... ummm... watching over us again?" I was about to answer but someone else did.

"Two thousand five hundred years." Said another voice. Astrid and me both turn and see Hiccup walking over to us, Toothless close on his tail.

"I see that someone isn't in shock anymore." I say turning to Hiccup.

"I'm sorry, I just had to process." He was still obviously in some shock, "So are you going to explain how you're still alive?" Hiccup asked stopping beside Astrid.

"I will, just let me put Toothless and Stormfly up...." Hiccup and Astrid looked at each other confused. They didn't know about how dangerous people were now. Especially towards the last three remaining dragons in the world, "uhhh... by that I mean put them somewhere were no one will see them." I tried explaining.

"Why? There fine out here. Right?" They both said simultaneously walking up to Toothless and Stormfly. They looked at each other.

"Not really, since you two woke up, there are going to be a lot of people coming soon. And they're not going to be too friendly." I say patting Stormfly and Toothless. "Especially not to them."

"What do you mean?" Astrid asked.

"Look, I'll explain everything in the house. Just let me put them in the stable with Hookfang and I'll be in there with you two in a few minutes. Ok?" I said snapping a little. I quickly called Stormfly and Toothless to follow me trying to hide it. I took them to the last remaining stable that I kept Hookfang in. It was smaller than the others, but that was because it was meant as a punishment stable when it was first built. I refurbished it to fit three full dragons and being that it was inside the mountain it was very easy to keep hid. I put Toothless up, then Stormfly, I also went by Hookfang and gave him some attention. I began thinking on what.... let alone how to explain to them how everything has changed. I think I might just explain tomorrow, if I get some sleep I might get some ideas. I was lost in my thoughts.

I was now walking back to my house, I got to the porch before I noticed Hiccup and Astrid kissing, I stood there very awkwardly. After about fifteen seconds I spoke up, "Ummm....." They separated, I saw that they were embarrassed, "I didn't mean to interrupt..."

"No no, it's ok." Astrid said. All of us stood there awkwardly for what felt like hours.

"So you guys want to come in... or...." I started, but I quickly got cut off by Astrid.

"Yes!!! Let's go in side." She says, quickly grabbing Hiccup's arm going in the house.

As all of us enter the house, I whispered, "Amazing, they haven't changed a bit." They walked in and I directed them down the hallway.

"So.... I was thinking on waiting to explain how everything has changed and all in till tomorrow, If that's ok?" I saw that Astrid was ok with it, but I couldn't get a read on Hiccup. "Hiccup?"

He snapped out of his confusion, "Sorry, what?"

"I said I was thinking on waiting to explain everything tomorrow." I said again stopping at the last door in the hallway.

"Yeah that's fine Snotlout." He said running his hand through his hair.

"Good. Ok, now that we got that out of the way," I clapped my hands together, "I would like to show you two your room."

They looked at each other and at the same time said, "Really?"

"Didn't see that one coming did yah." I let out a sigh, "I have had a lot of time on my hands, more than anyone ever has, I had to do something with it." I was looking at waiting for a response.

"Aren't you going to show our room?" Hiccup asked after a few seconds.

"Oh.... yeah... right." I said immediately opening the door.

From the moment they walked in I knew they liked it. "I gathered everything from your house and brought it here. Astrid's axe collection, Hiccup's notes, books, note books, designs, and everything else. All of your clothes are in the closet. I even brought your bed up here. And anything else I thought was important I put in crates in the other room, I didn't want it to be cramped in here if you.... when you two woke up.

They looked at each other and nodded. They then walked up to me and hugged me. I, of all people, was in shock. I slowly put my left hand on Hiccup's back and my right on Astrid's. I then squeezed them, "I'm so glade you're back." I started crying now, "I missed you guys. I wish the rest of the gang was here." We pulled apart. I started wiping the tears off my face.

"Snotlout," Astrid started, "thank you for doing this."

"Yeah, we can't think you enough." Hiccup said cupping my hand in his hands. He then looked me in the eyes as if searching for something.

"It's nothing guys. Really... I... I..." I couldn't get the rest out no matter how hard I tried. Hiccup let go of my hand. Astrid then came and gave me a hug, but with her strength is was more of a bear hug, "Ca... n't.... bre... ath."

She let go, "Sorry Snotlout, sorry, sorry."

While catching my breath, I laughed saying, "It's fine." I propped up against the wall. "I'm going to go to bed, it's getting late." They shook their heads. "If you guys want to see Toothless and Stormfly they're in the old punishment stable." They gave me a worried look, "Don't worry, I expanded it to fit them and Hookfang comfortably. They have plenty of room."

"Good." Hiccup said.

"Oh ok," Astrid said, "for a second there you had us worried."

"Like I said they're fine. I'm going to bed, if you need me I'll be in my room. Third door on the right up the stairs." I said letting a small smile slip to my face. I then walked away to my room. "I hope I done right with what I've done." I said out loud to myself.

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