Let Life Surprise You

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{Modern Au!

Hiccstrid looks like in HTTYD2}

Let life surprise you

"Why have you changed your mind?" A 22-year-old guy with a messy hair and emerald green eyes asked 21 years old girl.

"Because I have other plans." The blonde girl said, her voice cold.

"And what exactly it is?" The auburn male groaned.

"I'll be busy." The girl said and folded her arms. "You can handle it yourself, Hiccup."

"But you promised to help me, Astrid." He pouted like a kid when he didn't get what he wanted.

"I've helped."

You see, the guy with emerald green eyes since the early morning has been asking for Astrid's help, that she would help him make a memorable surprise. Sure, at first, she gladly agreed to it, because in a situation like this, prepare surprises and make everybody's day, she was the best. But later, when she found out whom he's preparing this whole surprise, the desire to help - disappeared.

The auburn male, her long-term crush, wanted to make a surprise for one girl, and later even ask her to be his girlfriend.

A few hours ago, as soon as he asked her help, saying, that he wants to make a surprise for someone, not wasting time, they instantly began to prepare, because the auburn male wanted it to be ready for tonight.

They both have visited several stores, well, there, where Astrid told him to drive, to be exact. Hiccup bought candy, candles, balloons, best-tasting champagne and gift, which the blonde hasn't seen it because he didn't show it. Later, they stopped by a flower shop to buy flowers for Hiccup's love. The young girl chose the reddest roses with the softest smell.

After some time, the blonde female found out that the surprise will take place at the beach where is the most beautiful views of the ocean and the most beautiful sunset. Where the wind blows through your hair, and where you can hear the quiet music in the evenings caused by waves.

It was Astrid's favorite place. When she was still a little girl, every evening she and her parents always went for a walk along the beach. And to be honest, she missed it. Astrid missed the feeling when the warm sand stroked her bare feet, the blonde female missed her childhood, but most of all she missed her parents. Even all these candy, colored balloons, best-tasting champagne, the beach, even the reddest roses with the softest smell, was her beloved objects.

Everything was perfectly fine, but Astrid was Astrid, she was curious, the young girl wanted to know the specific person who will receive the most memorable surprise, but the answer broke her heart:

'For the most beautiful girl in this whole planet. For the owner of the most beautiful voice, music to my ears. For the girl who has the purest eyes. For the girl whose smile can light up any room. For the girl who makes my heart beat faster, and the brain to get lost. For the girl who stole my heart.

Oh, if you only could see her from the side. She's so sweet, so innocent.

Like An Angel... Sent Straight From Heaven To Me...'

All of this was sincere, everything came from his heart and she knew it.

Astrid's POV

I was standing right in front of the auburn male who has always been my best friend, has always been there for me, comforted me when I cried or I was upset. I stared straight into his forest green eyes and analyzed my feelings for him.

Until this day, this hour and minute, up to this moment, I didn't understand what I felt for him, or maybe I was just afraid to understand? That I was afraid to admit what I felt for him because I believed that I will lose him forever? I guess this is my right answer, but now standing directly in front of him and looking into his eyes, I realized that I've already lost him.


It was already dusk.

Most of the travels with Hiccup was never long, it was funny, talkative, comfortable, but not this one. This travel was long, neither I nor he didn't say a single word. The silence who surrounded us was gloomy, uncomfortable, awkward. In our relationship, it was something new.

When we finally arrived, the weather outside wasn't one of the most pleasing, but there were beautiful views of natural. We put the colored balloons on a few bushes next to the beach. We made a big heart of burning candles, and in the middle of it, Hiccup put rose petals. We both covered the ground with a blanket and near it, he put two champagne glasses with that best-tasting champagne.

I guess it was the end.

A heavy sigh left my mouth.

Perhaps now was the beginning of everything. He will create his own family along with the girl he was in love, and we will fall apart. It was the last time when he asked for my help or the time I spent with him alone. I'm going to miss him a lot, but no matter how strong my love is for him, I will let him go if he loves that girl. I want him to be happy.

I looked at the sunset for the last time and with sad eyes, I turned to face Hiccup, but he already was staring at me.

Normal POV

A cold November wind caused small waves and forced Astrid to shiver. The young girl hugged her arms and rubbed them a little, trying to warm herself up. She cursed herself, that she didn't take a warm jacket.

Nevertheless, this little chilly moment had come to an end. With her big and blue eyes, tiny girl sadly sighed.

"I guess, it's time for goodbye." She said with a soft voice while keeping her eyes on him.

Deep in the heart of Astrid was a tiny hope that maybe, but just maybe there was at least a small chance that Hiccup prepared all this for her, only to make it a surprise, and there wasn't any other girl, just she.

But nothing happened. He just stood there and smiled like an idiot.

She couldn't wait any more. "Goodbye, Hiccup..." The blonde female whispered and turned around to go home.

The tall auburn male didn't do anything, he didn't say a 'goodbye' back, he didn't go after her, he didn't stop her, Hiccup let her go. He pulled out of his dark blue jeans pocket his smartphone and began to write a message to his beloved.

A single tear rolled down her cheek, its way up to her chin, like crystal drop during the summer rainstorm, safely dropped into the ground.

But suddenly...


Something vibrated. It was a phone, but not any phone, it was Astrid's phone.

1 new message received.

On the phone screen sparkled in black font well-known phrase.

Astrid frozen, but it wasn't from the cold, it was from what she read next.

'Don't say goodbye, please. Because with you I want to spend the rest of my life. -H'

{At first I wanted to leave it here and publish this one shot yesterday, but I changed my mind and after 10+ hours of sleep, I wrote more XD}

"So, what will you say?" The voice returned her to reality. "Will you give me the honor of being my Angel from Heaven?" The auburn male asked, and stepped a few steps toward her. A tiny smile graced his face.

"You dork!" Astrid yelled and Hiccup widened his eyes, he didn't expect such a reaction. "You gave me a heart attack! For a second I thought that I lost you! I thought you lov- mgh!"

Now it was Astrid's turn to look surprised. The blonde female widened her eyes as soon as she felt a pair of soft lips pressed against her own. And in a second, Astrid completely melted into the kiss. She stood on her tip toes, her arms wrapped around his neck as his own have already rested on her thin waist, closing her eyes, the blonde girl leaned in and kissed him back.

Hiccup was the only one who broke the kiss and pressed his forehead against hers. "I love you, and only you." He whispered, his voice hoarse. Hiccup placed his hands on her face and gently kissed her forehead.

"I love you too." She smiled, but soon shivered and attacked him with a hug.

"You cold?" He asked her with a little frown and she nodded slightly.

The auburn male gently pushed her away from him and began to take off his black leather jacket.

"Here." Hiccup said and draped it around Astrid's shoulders.

"Thanks." The blonde girl thanked.

"You didn't answer my question." He said and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, but Astrid looked at him confused.

"Wha-oh... that one-" A playful smirk came across her face.

She grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer, she joined their lips for a short kiss.

"I guess, it's a 'yes'." Hiccup smiled and once again his lips met hers.

Sometimes the best moments are the ones you didn't plan at all.

{I just realized something sad. I just wasted my 2 weeks vacation...}

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