Chapter 5: Haunting Eyes

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"What! No no no! I-I couldn't!" Virgil was becoming a mess. the little viking thought of the way the dragon had looked at him. It's gleaming scales that had parted at the arrow. The fear that glossed over its haunting green eyes. Virgil just couldn't get those fear stricken eyes out of his head.

Rollo listened to his son babble on about how he couldn't. Yeah, 'listened'. More like he just heard.

"Son, you took down a Royal Red Light! Of course you can!" Rollo laughed. Virgil was just acting crazy.

"B-B-But, That was just one time! And not to mention I just shot at it. For all I knew it could have been a bird!" He started to shake a little, the thought of hurting or killing dragons made the little viking sick to his stomach.

"And that's great! No thoughts except thinking in the moment! If you're going to see the light of day again!"

This is one of the things Virgil hates about talking with his dad. He always twisted his words and that left Virgil with no reasons not to do what his dad wanted to do.

It was pointless to fight with his dad about anything at this point. Rollo would listen, so Virgil gave in.

"Fine. When do I start?" Virgil sighed, rubbing his temples. Rollo gave a smile that only a father could give.

"Three days, that's when. It'll be just you, the other kids, and Fera on the whole island." His son perked up at the last two words. "You're leaving?"

"Yes," his father's demeanor much more serious, "we think that Royal Red Light coming here meant that something big is coming. So I decided to launch an exposition while you where out killing that beast."

Rollo took a look at his son once again, imagining Virgil as he'd look when he took charge of Rover.

"If we launch now, we can stop the destruction of our dear Rover. Dragons will be afraid to ever fly near our island because we will be known to them as the Vikings that killed their biggest leader!" Rollo cheered, getting caught up in the glory that he saw in his future.

"Do you have a plan?" Virgil spoke up. "Do you know where to look? Do you even know what you're running into?" His father never thought things all the way through, so at times his son would have to be his voice of reason. The voice of reason that he never listened to.

"Son, I assure you that we're going to be fine. What ever the gods have to throw at us, we can take! Now off to bed, I can see those bags forming under your eyes." His father stood and walked to the door, but stopped before leaving. "I love you, son." And then he left.

Virgil stood from his seat and dragged himself upstairs to his little messy bed. He almost threw himself into it. Before he passed out, he could see the eyes of the Royal Red Light in his head. Those mysterious, haunting, beautiful eyes.

They looked like dazzling emeralds that could only be found in a volcano. He had to see them again. Just once and maybe he'd be able to go on with his life.

But for now, he was going to sleep.

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