Chapter 6: Hello

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It was dark when Virgil awoke. Dark but the morning air in his house signaled that him that it was early day. Good.

He got up quickly and changed into a clean pair of clothes. He pulled on a worn purple shirt and put a black tattered leather jacket over it. It had fur inside of it.

Quietly he snuck down stairs where he pulled on boots that were lined with fur. Virgil then grabbed a satchel, deciding that it would be best to bring supplies. The satchel has a pencil, note book, a bag full of shillings, and a tiny knife. For safety.

Food was the only thing he needed now, so it was off to the kitchen. In the kitchen, he grabbed an apple and immediately ate it. Then, Virgil grabbed a bag and shoved in some of the chief's jerky. It was meant to be a good source that could stay fresh for months without being put in ice, not for the taste. One last time, he looked the kitchen over.

"Ah," the tiny viking whispered to himself, "maybe he'll want this... and an eel? Eh, dad's not going to eat it." And now he had wrapped fish and an eel. He put them into the same bag with the jerky.

Right before he left, Virgil wrote a note to calm his dad if he were to care to know where he had gone.

I've gone on a morning walk in the forest. It might be all day before I return home. Just know that I'll be safe.
From, Virgil.

The scrawny boy opened the door to a pitch black village beside the lanterns that lit up the streets. It was so calm for a village full of vikings.

Besides the sheep bahing, it was a peaceful walk to the forest. When he reached the forest, the small teen looked up at the trees that towered over him. They always did. Everyone always towered over him, actually.

Sighing, Virgil began his journey into the dark and unforgiving woods.


The sun had risen only an hour ago and Virgil was lost. How was he supposed to remember where he fell if rocks fall everywhere? Not to mention the three new water falls he found.

"Well, Virgil, you really did it this time!" Virgil yelled in frustration, "You not only managed to lose a whole dragon, but now you probably don't know your back home!"

The little viking groan loud in frustration when he pasted the same tree again. Out of anger, he stomped over to the tree and punched it as hard as he could.

Almost immediately he regretted doing so. Now his hand had little cuts and would most definitely bruise. Virgil walked pass the tree, holding his hurting hand as he sat behind the tree.

Just breathe.

A few deep breathes later, he looked up. There was a crater that looked oddly familiar.

"Welp, I'm blind." Virgil mumbled to himself. Quickly, he got up from his spot under the tree and made his way to the crater.

He reached the edge of the crater and looked around. There didn't seem to be a way down, without out getting a scratch anyways. Then again, it didn't look like a huge drop.

Making up his mind, the little viking psyched himself up then jumped. As he fell, he felt the air lifting up his shirt and jacket a little. Then he landed, and he was honestly surprised that he landed on his feet.

Of course, nobody was around to see it. Well, something was around, but it was hiding. Oh, right, the dragon. Virgil opened his satchel and moved a few things before finding the fish.

"H-Hello? I brought you some fish!" Virgil called, holding the fish out in front of him. There was a growl and then the Royal Red Light jumped out from behind a boulder. It still had the bandages from the other day on its side.

"So you are still here and I wasn't just talking to myself." The little viking gave a nervous smile, "I know that just one fish won't make up for what I did, but I hope that this will help you trust me a little."

The dragon began to slowly approach the boy, trying to see if this was a trick. It kept its back hunched as it crept closer to Virgil, taking in all of his details.

The boy was pail with freckles littered on his checks. His eyes and hair were both brown, his hair a brown that was close to black and looked fluffy, while his eyes were a little lighter. His body build was scrawny, signaling that he couldn't do any physical harm to anything.

The Royal Red Light slowly fixed its posture as it came closer to Virgil. The little viking stuck the fish out farther in front of him. "Here." Virgil said, smiling weakly.

The dragon opened it's mouth when it was right in front of the brunette. The viking noticed that the teeth of the dragon were rounded.

"Weren't your teeth-" before he could even get the sentence out, it's teeth sharpened and snatched the fish from grasp. It ate fast and looked at Virgil. It then began to crawl closer to him.

"Y-You want more f-fish?" The brunette stuttered as it came closer, "I-I-I only have an eel, w-w-will that do?" He got a growl as he pulled the eel out of the satchel.

The Royal Red Light hissed and made a sound that sounded like a scream. "Alright, Alright! No eels!" Virgil said, throwing the eel far from him and the dragon. It stopped screaming and it stalked closer to him.

Virgil backed up until his back was against a boulder. "I-I don't have anything else!" The little viking began to shake as he slid down the boulder.

The dragon sat down inches away from the boy and began to make a ganging noise. It then spat out the bottom half of the fish onto Virgil's lap. Gross.

"Oh, um, thanks..?" Virgil said as he looked up at the creature before him. They sat in silence for a little, Virgil awkwardly holding the fish end and the dragon staring at him. It then nudged it's head a little, while looking at the fish then back to Virgil.

"Oh" Virgil said. He hesitated before lifting the fish to his mouth. The little viking glanced up at the Royal Red Light quickly, then took a bite of the fish.

Now let's look into Virgil's mind.

Gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gro-

After almost throwing up the fish, he swallowed. He looked back at the dragon and smiled as best he could.

The Royal Red Light's lips began to tremble, and at first it looked like it was crying. Then it's lip trembling stopped. It was smiling at Virgil.

Slowly, Virgil stood up, not wanting to startle the majestic creature in front of him. He began to lift his hand to the dragon's face.

The dragon lost interest in whatever the boy was doing and walked away. While it walked away from Virgil, he got a glimpse of it's tail.

One side of the tail was ripped.

That's why it couldn't fly away. It can't stay stable enough in the air.

He had to help it, he just needed a closer look, but the dragon seemed to be getting ready to sleep, and after that little bonding moment, Virgil decided it was best to leave the dragon alone until woke up.


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