Chapter 7: Building Trust

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Sorry this took so long my guys.


The dragon woke up late in the afternoon. It was surprised to see that the little viking was still there. He had taken off his jacket and wrapped it around his waist.

He was sitting on the ground and was poking and dragging a stick into the ground. The Royal Red Light has decided that this boy was no threat to him, so it crept close to see what was so interesting about the earth.

Virgil heard the creature approaching, but if it was going to hurt him, it would have already have done it. So he continued to draw the fire lizard in the dirt.

Soon the dragon was looking over his shoulder. When it saw that the teen had drawn him, it began to act like a puppy.

Its pupils had dilated and tail began to wag slightly. Virgil looked over to the excited creature and couldn't help but smile. Virgil added a few more detail to the drawing that seemed to excite the dragon even more.

The brunette glanced over to his shoulder again but didn't see the dragon. He heard a loud rip and his head turned over to the sound.

The Royal Red Light had ripped a tree out of the ground with its mouth and began to drag it across the ground. The dragon twisted, dotted, and curved the tree on the ground.

Virgil stayed seated as he watched the creature at work. It seemed so focused and Virgil didn't want to break it. He just turned his body to watch.

This went on for a few more minutes. The dragon dropped the tree and sat, looking at Virgil proudly. Virgil smiled back and stood. He cracked his back and then looked around at what the dragon had done.

With all the the lines on the ground surrounding the little viking, it was hard to see all of them. He took a step back, stepping on one of those said lines. A growled erupted from behind the teen.

Virgil shot his attention to the dragon then looked down to the line he had stepped on. He got off of the line and turned to face the dragon that was somewhat far away. It had stopped growling when he had stepped off.

Virgil stepped over the line, smiling when he didn't get growled at. Virgil avoided all the lines and dots as he made his way through. He was watching exactly where he would end up, so it was sort of a shock when his back pressed against something warm.

The dragon was a little shocked at the human pressed against its chest, but instead of hissing, it stood still. The brunette turned to face the dragon.

They stared at each other for awhile. It wasn't nerve racking or felt dangerous like the first time they had met. No, the air around them was calm.

Slowly, Virgil raised his hand. He received a snarl from The Royal Red Light, so he stilled his hand and just let his hand float in the air.

Trust was something that they both felt between each other sand Virgil wasn't about to force it to trust him. If it wanted him to touch him, it would signal it.

If he had to, he'd stay in this stand still until his arm was tired. Finally, the dragon had made up its mind on what to do. All though hesitant, eventually it rested its forehead in the palm of the viking.

Virgil smiled at the dragon who had closed its eyes. It was calm and it might have been the last time there would ever be calm in Virgil's life. The dragon's scales began to glow a pastel red around its face.

Virgil's smile fell as amazement replaced it. The glowing became brighter, but not blind, and he watched the dragon slowly formed into a human/dragon creature. The creature looked at Virgil, surprised that he didn't run away. Most people screamed or begged or ran him out of town when he should this form.

He could tell that the viking was still taking him all in and had unknowingly pulled his hand way from the dragon boy's face. He's was taller then Virgil, but not as tall as he was when he was a dragon. About 6 feet or taller. Or it could be his fiery red hair that had a golden tint. It looked fancy and soft to Virgil. His pointy ears and made him seem tough, which could also why Virgil thought he was taller than a man at first.

Then there were the eyes that Virgil couldn't get his mind off of. Somehow they looked even greener, but other than that the looked mostly the same as his happy dragon eyes. His skin was tan and there were some scales that appeared patchy around his arms and legs.

Now that Virgil thought about it, he could see quite a lot of his skin. That's when it stuck him.

"Y-y-you're naked." Virgil said out loud, averting his eyes and blushing madly.

"¿Qué?" The dragon boy asked. Virgil realized his the word as 'what?' The only problem is he didn't know the languages name. He's only heard it used by traders from another land.

Virgil motioned down wards and the dragon boy looked down. Immediately understanding what the other meant, he covered up his down parts. He didn't seem flustered, yet his face showed the slightest hint of embarrassment.

Quickly, the brunette unwrapped his jacket from his waist and gave it to the naked one. "Gracias" He said as he wrapped it around his own waist, hiding his parts from Virgil.

"Do you have a name?" Virgil asked. The other tilted his head in confusion. "Oh, right." Virgil muttered, deciding on another option.

He pointed to his own chest, "Virgil," and then pointed to the other's chest. He hoped that his actions made sense to the other or else he'd look rather stupid. Luckily for Virgil, he understood.



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