Chapter 8: Learning

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A few days had passed and Virgil's training had began. He wasn't top of the class, in fact, he thought of himself at the bottom. The teacher, West, was a man that taught hands on. Meaning they were trained with actual dragons.

Virgil found it concerning that he was the only one that saw the flaw in his teaching styles. Everyone else was just super hyped to take down a dragon. Patton was practically bouncing in his spot and Logan had a glimmer of determination in his eyes. Dee, who's face had a birthmark covering half of his face, was smirking down at the Petite Slang in the cage. Picani was listing off the states of the little fire breather to Remy. Remy could probably careless about what they were doing.

"Alright. Who knows the main move of this beast here?" West asked, kicking the cage that the Petite Slang had been sleeping in. It woke up a made a high pitch growl, covering its with its faded green wings.

Logan and Picani both raised their hands, Logan's still while Picani's waved. West looked between the two and nodded towards Logan.

"Petite Slang's fires mostly stays in their mouths so instead of blowing fire, they bite and then light their fire. They mostly go for the face or neck to insure the most damage." Logan answered, adjusting his glasses.

"Correct. Now, what is the most effective way to take them down?" West asked. He nodded towards Picani this time.

"A blow to the chest will cause the fire in their throats to die down, but to take it down for good, a blow to the neck is most efficient. It being the skinniest part of the body makes it easy to cut through." Picani finished with a smile.

West gave him a nod that showed that he was correct. The teacher made his way over to the cage, picked it up, and placed it on the table.

"Once I open this cage, you will have to find a way to stun this thing. Yes, only stun. I don't want to hunt down another one of these things again." The class nodded and then the cage was opened.

Saying the class became chaos is an understatement. After trying to escape the caged arena, the Petite Slang began dive bombing them. Everyone was trying to hit the thing except for Virgil and Remy. Virgil wasn't swinging because the dragon reminded him of Roman. Remy just didn't care as long as it wasn't coming towards him.

"Why aren't you trying, Red slayer? Do you think you're better than us?" Dee yelled at Virgil.

"What? No!" Virgil responded, taking a shield that was laying on the ground. The weapon stand was already knocked over form all the chaos. "I'm just, observing it!"

"Yeah sure." Dee hissed.

"Maybe you're scared you have to face a dragon up close." Logan hummed as he passed. "It is quite understandable, seeing as this dragon is spry."

"I'm not scared!" Virgil bit back.

"Give the guy a break. He's probably just tired." Remy yawned. "I saw him go into the woods yesterday morning. Like really early, and he was back really late."

"And why aren't you doing anything?" Patton asked, hitting the Petite Slang with his shield.

"I don't want to be here." Remy shrugged.

The Petite Slang shook its head and licked it's eye before getting up. It was quick to jump and flap its wings, heading to the closest person. That person being Virgil.

He just said so happened to notice this and dodged out of its way. Only the little dragon locked onto him as a target.

"Oh come on." Virgil whispered. He was using his usual tactic of avoidance. His shield was really coming in handy, being able to block most of the attacks. Well, he wouldn't really call them attacks. The little guy looked like he was trying to land.

He was too focused on the dragon to notice the cage. Virgil feel backwards and dropped his shield, it rolling out of arms reach before clanking to the ground.

"Oh stupid cage." Virgil grumbled to himself. Wait... cage.

The Petite Slang flew down quickly. Virgil could see the look in its eyes. It was scared and confused, but somehow managed to be concerned for a species that had trapped it for who knows how long.

Virgil was quick to grab the cage, heaving as he'd never held a cage of pure metal before. He'd opened the door and looked the dragon dead in the eyes, trying to convey that it should trust him and go back in without saying it.

The Petite Slang understood and flew straight into the cage, allowing Virgil to shut it without a fight. The boy let out a relieved sigh.

He noticed the odd silence and looked around to see the other students staring. Some shocked, others glaring daggers, and Patton who was smiling widely.

"Uh..." Virgil sat up, the cage in his lap. "I trapped it, does that count for something?"

"Well, I more so meant knock it out." West huffed, walking over and taking the cage. "But seeing as it was flying right at you, it was a good reaction. It was going for the kill and you used what you could to defend yourself."

"So I passed?" Virgil asked.

"Yes." West nodded. "And that will conclude our lesson for the day."


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