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It was snowing when the pack made their way down from the mountains. Heavy paws sunk into the powder. Metal armour squeaked and leather armour creaked. Their alpha Luna, her two most trusted and ferocious war wolves lumbered at her side, Samson and Elric. A sea of glowing yellow eyes dotted the dark landscape making them look like twinkling fireflies. They were met by Jon as they flooded the courtyard. Claws tapped impatiently against the stone. Men stood gasping. Lunas ears flicked and twitched, she licked her fangs and crossed her muscular arms across her chest.

"Thank you for coming so quickly," Jon said.

"We always answer a call quickly," Luna said. Samson and Elric took heavy breaths and twitched their claws. Sam, one of Jons men tried to approach Luna, Samson and Elric pushed her behind them and snarled pinning their ears. "Boys, it's okay." She rested clawed hands on their shoulders and pushed herself forward.

"Perhaps we can talk in your hall?" she suggested. Jon nodded and led her into the hall with a few of his men. Samson and Elric followed behind. They sat at a table in the middle, she tapped her claws against the table and rested her other paw around a flagon of mead. Her tail slipped through the back of the chair and sat in the dust of the hall. Ghost sat at her side, a great panting grin on his face.

"You promise to aid us in battle?" Jon asked. Luna nodded, her left droopy ear bouncing.

"My war wolves would love nothing more," she replied, her canines rubbing against her bottom teeth.


Luna stood at the top of the wall, arms crossed over a muscular chest. Her tail wagged side to side. The ebony cloak that shrouded her figure blew about her and made her look menacing, Samson and Elric stood on either side of her as Jon advanced toward her. Her ears turned to face him.

"What do you hear?" he asked.

"Nothing but the whistling wind," she replied, turning her great head over her shoulder slightly to look at him through a yellow glowing gaze.

"The scent of Wildlings has disappeared," Samson said. They suddenly heard howls, Jon looked at Luna.

"Relax, it just means its clear," Luna said heading to the lift. Samson and Elric followed behind her pushing Jon back, the ride down to the courtyard was awkward. Luna huffed a laugh, steam escaped through the gaps in her teeth and dissipated into nothing. Luna stepped into a pool of moonlight its caressing arms made her white fur look like it was almost illuminated. Sam approached them.

"I must talk to you both in the library," he said, he looked at Elric and Samson. "Alone," both war wolves growled.

"It's okay boys," she said. They huffed and joined the others above the gate. They sat down by the fire, Sam was about to throw a blanket over Lunas shoulders. "I have fur," she reminded him.

"Why did you summon us here?" Jon asked.

"I have a letter that they have found your sisters," Sam said. Luna and Jon both exchanged glances.

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