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Chapter One: Summer Goodbyes...

(Hackett's Quarry Forever)


If there had to be two things Hayden Furcillo was looking forward to the most when she got back home from spending the summer as a Hackett's Quarry camp counsellor, it was the ocean and the warbling sound of magpies singing in the morning.

Sure, there was the lake, and there was birdsong, but it wasn't the same to Hayden. The lake, while impressive, couldn't compare to the endless expanse of the ocean and the roar of the waves crashing mercilessly against the beach, and while the birdsong was nice, there was nothing quite like a magpie's song, greeting her in the morning when she woke up, a constant in her life that Hayden didn't know she would miss until she would find herself here, on the other side of the world and missing the music of waves and magpies, missing the chance to surf in the ocean and spy the whales migrating up the coast in winter and hear the noise of crickets in summer, missing her friends and her family, missing even all her uni assignments waiting for her when she got back.

Missing home.

At least Nick and I are going home today, Hayden thought as she looked out the window of the dining hall in the lodge, a cup of hot chocolate—so what if it was summer here, back home it was still winter and Hayden had been craving hot chocolate for two months—a slice of toast covered in butter and Vegemite she'd smuggled with her along with... other things lying on a plate in front of her, and the sunrise painting the sky in fantastical colours. We'll be catching waves like we'd never left.

"Uh-oh, Hayden up at six. Never a good sign."

Hayden rolled her eyes as she turned to her brother, seeing the smirk on his face. "You caught me. I was plotting your murder over toast and hot chocolate."

"Toast and hot chocolate, huh?"

"Better than Weet-Bix, you weirdo."

Nick flung his arms out, a grin on his face. "Hey, what can I say? Look at the results."

Hayden rolled her eyes again, fighting and failing to hide her smirk.

"No, but seriously, why are up so early, Hay?" Nick questioned, sliding to sit beside her.

"Just contemplating that this is our last day here. That tomorrow, we'll be back home," Hayden answered, looking down as she admitted, "That, and I miss the ocean and hearing the magpies every morning."

"You know it's gonna be heading into swooping season when we get back, right?" Nick reminded, eyebrow raised.

"I know," Hayden replied, a devious grin on her face. "But they're not gonna get me as long as you're around."

"Are you saying I'm your human shield?"

"I never said human shield," Hayden pointed out, grin widening as Nick threw her a glare, before it faded as he said, "You're right. I miss home, too. I miss Mum and Dad, and Danny. And I miss being able to surf."

Hayden's own grin disappeared. "Yeah. It's gonna be nice, when we get back and can surf again."

"Absolutely," Nick agreed, a gleam in his eyes at the chance of surfing the waves before uni started up. A feeling Hayden shared, especially since surfing helped her destress from the anxiety that was her education course along with playing her guitar and listening to music or researching and learning more about wolves and werewolf legends, her body practically singing with the urge to get on that plane, drive home and grab her board and dive into the ocean, to feel the spray of water on her face and taste the salt in her mouth. To carve up those waves and then lie on her board in the ocean when it died down and know, in that moment, what it felt to be truly alive.

It was an electric feeling, a feeling like the ocean itself, feeling she could never describe unless she was talking to Nick, and he would understand, understand the feeling of adrenaline and freedom that raced in his bones when against the roaring might and power of the ocean and not be daunted by its fury, that raced in Hayden's bones. A testament to their own lives—that from the moment they were born, Hayden and Nick would always understand each other.

That there was no one who'd know Hayden better in the world than the boy sitting next to her, and there was no one who knew Nick better in the world than she did, that they knew and understood each other's very souls in a way no one else ever could, that there was nothing—nothing—they would not do for each other.

Maybe it was just a general twin thing, but Hayden liked to think it was unique to her and Nick.

Leaning against her brother, Hayden sighed as she grabbed her toast and confessed, "I am also looking very forward to eating Bullets again."

"Didn't you bring two big bags of Bullets with you along with that giant jar of Vegemite?" Nick asked, looking at his sister pointedly.

"Yes!" Hayden yelled, taking a bite of her toast. Swallowing as she took delight in the familiar salty taste of Vegemite contrasting with the butter and then taking a swig of her hot chocolate, she flung up her hands and almost hit Nick as she continued, "I'm down to only a few more left."

Nick shook his head. "You have an addiction, Hayden. Not having them for one day won't kill you."

"First off, it's liquorice coated in chocolate and they're bloody delicious. What's not to love?" Hayden defended. "Second, I know. What doesn't kill you will make you stronger, remember?"

Nick raised his heads in submission. "Okay, fair points. I know better than to argue with the girl who won our high school's debate in Year 10."

"As you should," Hayden replied, grinning at her brother, before she elbowed him. "Relax, I'm only being dramatic. I can survive another night without Bullets—though, once we're home, I'm heading to the nearest store and getting a bag."

"I thought you said you could survive one more night without them?" Nick pointed out.

Hayden waved her hand, taking a second bite of her toast. "Schematics."

The twins lapsed into silence, before Hayden questioned, "Hey, Nick, if Danny didn't show us this place's pamphlet, what do you think we would be doing right now?"

Nick was quiet, lips pressed in thought before he shrugged. "Don't know. Probably getting ready to head back to uni. Maybe surfing some waves or you're dragging me out of bed at this time in the morning so we can see the whales on the headland."

"Sounds about right, especially the headland part," Hayden concurred, pointedly ignoring the look Nick gave her since the early morning was always freezing when Hayden managed to get Nick out of the house to see the humpback whales swim past with her on the headland. "But even though I miss home and our parents and Danny... I think coming to Hackett's Quarry was the best decision we made. Not like Danny has to know."

"God, no. He'd gloat over it for months," Nick agreed, shuddering at the implication of their older brother taunting them how he was right about having them be summer counsellors at a summer camp halfway across the world in the middle of the woods for months.

"Must be a brother thing. There's plenty I won't admit you're right about," Hayden mused.

Nick chuckled before he realised what his sister just said. "Wait, what?"

Twisting around, Hayden smiled and patted his arm. "Nothing you need to worry about, Nicky. Mostly just some stuff between me and the girls. Especially one girl..."

Nick groaned. "Hay..."

"Nick, we're leaving after all the kids go home. If you want to tell Allison how you feel about her—and don't deny it, you two have been mooning over each other all summer to the point where it's sickeningly, frustratingly obvious—then this is pretty much your last chance," Hayden pushed on, giving Nick a stern look. "And it's not like we're in the seventeenth century or anything. Phones are a thing, remember?"

Nick gave her a look. "You're not gonna let this go, are you?"

"Not in a million years," Hayden confirmed, sticking her tongue out as a devilish glint was in her eyes.

Nick kept giving her a look, before he sighed. "Okay. But, no promises."

"Yes!" Hayden exclaimed, pumping her fist in the air. "You're not completely hopeless after all!"

"Hey!" Nick yelled.

"Sorry, but it's true," Hayden replied, shrugging, knowing full well Nick couldn't turn the tables on her—after all, her one true love was always either gonna be Bullets, music or the ocean. And when it came to her brother's painfully obvious crush on the girl who taught kids archery all summer, Hayden was willing to use all her advantages provided to her as his sister and tease/encourage Nick to tell Allison, then she was going to use every one, especially today.

If he wasn't going to tell her today, then Hayden doubted he ever will.

Hayden grew quiet before adding, "I know I've been pushing it, but if you really like Allison... then tell her. I think she likes you back as well, ever since you guys saw each other, and I get you might be scared—I wouldn't blame you if you were. I think this type of thing would be terrifying. But I just want you to be happy—for you both to be happy. And if you see an opportunity to tell her... then please, take it."

Nick looked at her, a smile tilting up his lips. "Thanks, Hayden."

"Don't mention it."

The twins were quiet before Nick pointed to Hayden's toast, now returned to the plate. "You gonna finish that, Hayden?"

"In a bit," Hayden answered.

"Okay," Nick replied, before snagging her toast.

"Hey!" Hayden yelled, lunging for it but Nick pushed her away, taking a bite out of it as his eyes gleamed wickedly.

"Mmm, tastes nice and salty."

"You asshole, I'll throw you in the lake!" Hayden threatened as she made another attempt, but Nick just got off the bench, inciting Hayden to chase after him as he held up the slice of toast, taking advantage of the few inches of height he had over Hayden to keep it aloft in the air. But that didn't stop the dark-haired girl from trying to take her toast back, the twins running around the tables as Hayden screamed out threats and expletives while Nick kept eating the toast. Distantly, Hayden wondered why no one else had woken up, especially the campers, but she was mostly consumed in her righteous fury at her brother for stealing her toast.

Finally, she managed to tackle him in a move that would make any professional football player proud, sending Nick and herself crashing to the ground in a tangle of limbs and shouting as Hayden grappled for the toast, snatching it back and eating the last bit remaining, crust and all.

As Nick gaped at Hayden for that brazen move, a familiar voice commented, "Well, that was entertaining."

Hayden and Nick turned to see Dylan there, smirking as he leaned against the wall.

"How long were you standing there?" Hayden questioned as she and Nick stood up.

"Not long," Dylan replied, but the smirk and the look in his eyes told Hayden it was long enough.

Eyes narrowing, Hayden threatened, "One word, and I'll spill you nearly fell into the lake trying to impress Ryan the first week we were here."

Nick choked out a laugh as he looked at Dylan. "Dude, you did what?"

"That was meant to be a secret between us," Dylan hissed out, eyes also narrowed.

"Summer's over," Hayden reasoned, before adding, "Also, why are you here? I thought you'd be at the radio hut doing the announcements. Did a fuse blow or one of those old-timey radios end up dying or something?"

"Uh, no, everything is still in working order. Just wanted to grab something to eat," Dylan explained as he headed to the kitchen, stopping to call over his shoulder, "I know you've been hoping for it to spectacularly blow up in my face all summer, but summer's over and exactly zero have blown up."

"The day's still young!" Hayden yelled back as Dylan disappeared into the kitchen to get something. When he was gone, Hayden turned back to see Nick frowning.

"What?" Hayden questioned.

"Nothing. Just that I'd never thought you two would be friends just from that conversation," Nick observed.

"Sarcasm's our love language," Hayden returned. "And Dylan's like another brother to me. And I've got plenty experience with brothers."

Gesturing to Nick, she added, "Exhibit A, been with me since the womb."

"Ha ha, you're hilarious," Nick deadpanned.

"It's a talent," Hayden replied with a smile, before she jerked her head to the table she and Nick had been sitting at. "Come on, I better clean that up and we'd better get ready for the campers and us to leave."

Nick nodded his head and joined Hayden as she picked up her plate and finished off her hot chocolate, the siblings heading to the kitchen. As they did, Nick said, "You know, it's been two months and we've haven't seen or heard your reason for coming here."

"I thought my reason was that I love kids and it's a great learning experience for being a teacher?" Hayden commented. But at the look on Nick's face, Hayden asked, "Okay, what's my reason, then?"

"Wolves," Nick answered, that single word enough as it was accompanied with a grin. Because he had a point.

It was a reason Hayden had. A reason, aside from the kids and the teaching experience and, okay, to escape the winter chill for a bit, that Hayden could hopefully see a wolf sometime during her time here, to see a glimpse of the animals she'd loved ever since she was a little kid. Except, two months later, Hayden hadn't seen or even heard any wolves. Which would be weird, except...

"They probably like to avoid humans," Hayden reasoned, shrugging, before an impish grin appeared on her face. "Or maybe there's a werewolf in the woods and it scared them off."

Nick rolled his eyes. "Hayden."

"I'm kidding!" Hayden exclaimed, grinning wider to show she was joking.

But now Nick looked serious as he contemplated, "Do you think I'd make a good werewolf?"

Hayden snorted. "If you did become a werewolf, you'd better not eat me or I'll haunt you for the rest of your life."

"I wouldn't do that. I... I can't even imagine hurting you if I did, Hayden," Nick said, the quiet tone of his voice emphasising the horror and vehemence of his words—that, in the ridiculous, far-flung chance her brother somehow ended up becoming a werewolf, he couldn't ever imagine hurting or killing Hayden, like the act itself would be hurting or killing himself in the process. 

"I know," Hayden said, her tone softer, getting it. After all, she'd feel a piece of her die if Nick was hurt or killed. If she was ever responsible for hurting him or even killing him...

Hayden couldn't even bear to imagine it.

Shoving the thought away, Hayden half-grinned and added, "Not like that's ever gonna happen anyway. It's more likely the wolves want to avoid us. But let's go and greet these campers last time."

"We better—I think I'm gonna miss those kids," Nick replied, Hayden making a noise of agreement as they left the lodge and went to greet the campers one last time.

And then get themselves ready to leave Hackett's Quarry and go back home.


Late afternoon sunlight poured down, tinting everything in a hazy shade of gold as the camp bus trundled out of Hackett's Quarry Summer Camp for the last time this summer, the kids inside yelling their goodbyes and waving to the counsellors still at the camp, waving and saying their goodbyes back to them before they too would leave.

Hayden's grin was so wide it almost hurt as much as her waving hand from where she stood on the lodge's balcony porch between Dylan and Nick and next to Sarah and Nora and Allison, as from the ground in front of the lodge, Emma waved her arms and exclaimed, "Bye!"

"So long, kids!" Hayden yelled, as a heartbeat later Nick exclaimed, "Laters!"

"Peace and love!" Dylan said.

"See you next summer!" Sarah shouted, waving her hands enthusiastically and smiling so wide Hayden wondered why her cheeks weren't hurting.

"See ya later, kids!" Kaitlyn called out from the ground as Jacob waved beside her and yelled, "Yeah! Hackett's Quarry forever!"

"You said it, Jacob!" Sarah agreed, her smile widening a fraction as Nora gave her girlfriend a fond smile in the midst of her hand waving before she dropped her hand and down below, Emma blew kisses to the kids as the goodbyes to the kids ended.

And now, it was their turn to leave.

"Hey, babe, wanna spend some time together before we have to go?" Nora questioned, smiling at Sarah as she held her hand.

Sarah beamed. "Sure!"

Turning, she said, "See you guys in a couple minutes!"

"Please, don't let us rush you and your oh-so-important make-out session," Dylan snarked, inciting an eye-roll from Hayden and jabbing her elbow into his stomach.

"Bye, Dylan, and for that, we're gonna make it extra loud and obvious!" Nora promised as they headed down the stairs, the two girls giggling and whispering as they made their way to the cabins.

Dylan scoffed and Hayden glared at him and said, "Shut up."

"Hey, I didn't even say anything this time," Dylan responded, raising his hands in defence.

"The scoff said enough," Hayden sniped.

Before Dylan could snark back and they could engage in a verbal spar, Allison cut in.

"I'm gonna go and get my bag—I think I left it in the cabin," Allison said.

"Oh. Do you want me to help you?" Nick offered, causing Hayden's head to snap back to her brother as a delighted grin started to form on her face.

"Uh, I'm good. It's just a little bag. Thanks, though, Nick. That was really sweet," Allison declined, colour rising on her cheeks.

"Oh, yeah, yeah, sure. Just thought, I, y'know..." Nick said, the words trailing off.

"I do, and thank you," Allison replied, smiling before she walked down the stairs.

When Allison had rounded the corner in the same direction as the cabins, Hayden punched her brother in the arm. "Nick! What the hell? That was your chance!"

"Yeah, I'm with Hayden on this. You've been crushing hard on Allison all summer, man, when are you finally gonna make your move?" Dylan questioned, solidarity forming between him and Hayden even as she sent him a look and hissed, "Says the one who hasn't made any moves on Ryan either aside from nearly falling into lake and blatantly flirting with him."

Dylan sent her a sharp look as Nick defended, "It wasn't the right moment, okay?"

"Nick, the right moment's gonna fly by you before you even know it's there," Hayden deadpanned, looking down and feeling tired. Why were romance and crushes so freaking complicated? She'd never understand why they had to be.

"Hey, look. Let's not focus on romance or whatever and on something more important," Dylan suggested.

"And that is?" Hayden prompted, not at all missing the irony that out of all people, she would be the one not wishing to focus on romance anymore.

"Finding our tickets back to society."

At the meaning behind the words, Hayden grinned. "Oh, God, yes! I mean, I've enjoyed spending a couple months without my phone, but I am so eager to reconnect with the world, and—holy crap, Nick! We probably have a shitload of emails from uni, oh my freaking God!"

With that, Hayden bolted past an amused Dylan and a pale-faced Nick to the doors, opening one as the boys followed behind her. As they walked inside and closed the door, Hayden heard the stairs creaking and she, Dylan and Nick turned to the doors, knowing it was probably either Jacob or Kaitlyn coming to collect the bags remaining in the lodge.

But as Hayden looked at Dylan, she saw a devious smile on his face, one she matched with her own. Because while summer may be over, there was still time for one last prank.

So, just before whoever was outside could open the door, Dylan locked it—just as the handle turned.

"Oh, Jesus Christ," came Jacob's muffled voice before he knocked on the door. Stifling her laughter and schooling her face into one of neutrality, Hayden watched as Dylan opened the door and greeted, "Hi."

"Hey, are you guys gonna help with the bags or what?" Jacob asked.

"Oh, um... y'know, I was actually just working on fixing... uh, the door," Dylan lied as now Hayden couldn't hide the smile on her face, a fist against her mouth to stifle her laughter as she could feel Nick's body shake with suppressed laughter next to her. "It's... it's broken."

As the door swung closed and Hayden's efforts to hide her laughter became more difficult, Dylan swung the door closed slowly as Jacob, clearly annoyed, said, "Dylan, c'mon. Dylan, please."

"I can't, it's... it's..." Dylan lied as he kept closing the door.

"I've got to get the last bags in there, c'mon!"

"What's wrong with this thing, it's just closing! It's closed!"

"Dylan, please—" Jacob said, only to be cut off by the door.

Once closed, Hayden let her laughter out as Nick apologised, "Sorry bro!", though Hayden could see the smile hovering across his face.

A sigh, then, "Cool. Thanks guys," before Jacob walked away.

"Oh man!" Hayden gasped out, her stomach hurting from laughter. "That was hilarious! Seriously, Jacob's face! It was almost as priceless as the drop bear face!!"

"You think it was too far?" Nick asked, looking hesitant.

Hayden and Dylan shook their heads in unison.

"Nah, man. When you see an opportunity like that, you take it," Dylan said.

"Dyl's right," Hayden agreed, slinging an arm around his shoulders. "Besides, it's just a joke."

Looking down, she added, "But maybe I should get these bags to Kaitlyn. You guys find the phones—and Nick, our tickets aren't in our bags, right?"

Nick shook his head. "Nope, I'm pretty sure you have them in your carry-on."

"Okay, cool. Just double-checking. God knows what would happen if we missed our flight," Hayden said, grinning as she walked to the stairs where the bags were. "See you in a sec!"

As they parted ways and she was about to grab them, Hayden heard a window slide open and Jacob saying, "Skill!"

Frowning, Hayden headed to where Jacob was standing in a study area Hayden had used to play her guitar and teach the campers to play the guitar as she asked, "So you found another way in, huh?"

"Jesus Christ, Hayden!" Jacob yelled, whirling to her. "You nearly gave me an heart attack!"

"Sorry," Hayden apologised, before jerking her head to the main area of the lodge. "Come on. Let's get those bags."

Together, they headed out of the study area into the dining room, but instead of going straight to the stairs Jacob headed to the kitchen first. Hayden suppressed an eye roll as they made their way back to the stairs, where the bags were ready and waiting.

Grabbing one each, the pair headed to the doors as Jacob held one open for Hayden with a dramatic bow. "After you."

Hayden smiled. "Such a gentleman."

"Hey, you know me. Jacob Custos, gentleman at heart," Jacob said, grinning.

"And so modest," Hayden replied, sarcasm dripping from her tone as she walked past him and down the stairs, straight to the van where Kaitlyn was waiting, Jacob right behind her.

"Alright. Me and Hay have got the bags," Jacob announced as Kaitlyn turned to them. Seeing the van, Hayden frowned. How were the bags gonna fit in there?

"Great. You two got them, huh?" Kaitlyn questioned drily.

"It was a team effort," Jacob replied as he set his bag down while Hayden put hers in a space it could fit.

"Yeah, after he missed seeing them at the stairs," Hayden revealed.

"Oh really, huh?" Kaitlyn questioned. When Hayden nodded to confirm, Kaitlyn looked to Jacob and quipped, "Guess you're gonna have to get used to doing this on your own."

Hayden frowned, looking at Kaitlyn. "I'm sorry, what am I missing?"

"Emma dumped Jacob's ass," Kaitlyn revealed as Jacob sent her a glare.

"Oh. Wow," Hayden said, not expecting that. But then, she kinda was—it was evident that, unlike Nora and Sarah, Emma and Jacob were meant to be a summer fling.

"Oh my God. You are so mean," Jacob accused, still giving Kaitlyn a betrayed glare.

"At least I'm honest," Kaitlyn returned.

"Oh. Okay, here we go," Jacob muttered.

"Okay, you're not telling me the whole truth 'bout you and Emma, are ya son?" Kaitlyn grilled.

"Seems pretty clear cut to me—Jacob probably wanted something more and Emma just saw it as a summer fling, and that equated to something that wouldn't have worked out, anyway" Hayden remarked, ignoring the sharp look sent her way by Jacob and an amused one from Kaitlyn. "Also, that's my cue to leave. I'm gonna check up with the guys, see if they found our phones. Later!"

Jogging up to the stairs and leaving behind a very private moment between two people who've known each other since they were kids, and to avoid the topic of romance entirely since despite her attempts at matchmaker and enjoying the idea of it she still got sick of relationship drama, Hayden headed back into the lodge, hoping the boys had found their phones. She hoped they did. She really wanted to check if she'd received any messages and emails over the course of the tech-free summer, both social-wise and uni-wise.

Shuddering at the thought of passive-aggressive emails about course coordinators asking where she was and why she hadn't submitted any assignments, Hayden climbed up the stairs and into the lodge, asking, "So, boys, you liberated our phones yet?"

"Not yet!" Nick's voice came through. "But I think we're getting close!"

"Wait, really?" Hayden questioned, following his voice and walking into Mr. Hackett's office, seeing Dylan behind Mr. Hackett's desk, Nick standing sentry behind him.

"What on earth are you two doing?" Hayden questioned, leaning against the doorframe.

"Liberating our phones," Dylan replied, looking up to grin at her before turning back to what he was doing,

Hayden rolled her eyes. "Funny."

Pushing off the doorframe, she walked in and placed her hands on her knees and bent down, seeing Dylan twisting a key into a locked drawer. Looking at her friend inquisitively, she asked, "You think our phones are in there?"

"Yup. Pretty confident they're locked all nice and secure in here," Dylan confirmed as he turned the key.

"Guess we'll see when that drawer pops open and they're in there," Hayden mused, before she frowned and looked between Dylan and Nick. "Wait, where did you find the key?"

"It was on the desk," Nick answered, gesturing to the desk.

"Okay. That makes more sense than what I was thinking," Hayden admitted, straightening up and crossing her arms, the movement jostling her pin on her short-sleeved shirt. 

"What happened with Jacob and Kaitlyn?" Nick asked, looking at Hayden with a look both curious and concerned.

"I helped Jacob and Kaitlyn put the last of our bags away, then booked it the hell out of here when the conversation took a turn into Jacob and Emma's flamed-out summer fling," Hayden explained, suppressing an eye-roll at the reminder of that particular drama that seemed worthy of a generic teenage drama.

Dylan snorted. "That's funny to hear from someone who's been playing matchmaker all summer."

"Hey, you and Ryan and my brother and Allison could work out along with Sarah and Nora," Hayden reasoned. "Jacob and Emma... that thing's way too messy to be a stable long-term relationship and I'm not there for the drama. Even I get tired of too much romance, okay?"

Dylan chuckled. "Yeah, I believe that and am not skeptical at all."

Hayden scoffed and kicked Dylan's ankle, her friend shooting her a glare before he turned back to what he was doing.

"How long is this gonna take? Shouldn't it be unlocked by now?" Hayden questioned.

"Patience, Hay," Dylan said serenely. "Besides. I'm close."

"How close? Like, thirty minutes close?" Hayden deadpanned.

But the minute the words left her mouth, the drawer was open.

"Like now close," Dylan said, a smirk on his lips before he gestured to the drawer, where their phones lay inside. "Voila. Phones, liberated."

"Thanks, Dylan," Hayden thanked as she knelt by the drawer, rifling through the phones until she found hers—an iPhone with a cover of a wolf howling at a full moon and a galaxy set behind both.

"Yes, finally!" Hayden exclaimed, unlocking her phone and internally wincing at the charge hanging around the middle—thank God she left it on airplane mode before she handed it in—switching it off and opening up Safari and typing in her uni's website, ready to log in and see what emails awaited her.

Instead, the connection died out and Hayden let out a frustrated groan. 

"Great. No bars," she muttered, frustration increasing when she saw no new text messages hadn't come through, obviously impacted by the lack of signal. "So much for liberation and returning back to the world."

"Hey, at least we have them back. Take that as a win or whatever," Dylan pointed out, putting his phone away as Nick did the same with his before they took the phones and put them in the pockets of their jeans to distribute to their rightful owners.

Sighing, Hayden put her phone in the pocket of her denim shorts—she'd apparently made the sensible choice of all her friends and her brother in wearing just shorts with her short-sleeved shirts all summer—and joined them, telling herself that once she and Nick were at the airport she could check her emails and text messages. There wouldn't really be anything that important she needed to check until then.

Joining the boys outside, Hayden stood next to Nick as Dylan held a phone up.

"Up here, my dudes!" he exclaimed as Hayden's eyes widened, catching on to what he and Nick were planning.

Wait, they can't seriously be thinking of doing that. Right?

"Why do they look like they're up to something?" Kaitlyn wondered out loud, casting a look to Hayden who just shrugged—she had an idea but she didn't expect them to actually do it.

Her thoughts were proven wrong as Nick held Jacob's phone and called down tauntingly, "Hey Jacob."

"What, no! Dude, please, d-don't—" Jacob yelled up as Hayden gave her brother a look screaming that was a bad idea.

But Nick ignored them both as he yelled, "Go long!" and threw the phone to Jacob.

"NICK!" Jacob shouted as he lunged to catch the phone.

By some miracle, he caught it as Hayden gave both boys a disapproving look, shaking her head. Sure, some jokes were fine, but tossing a phone when it could get broken in the process seemed a little bit too far in her opinion.

It seemed like Jacob wasn't too upset his phone had been nearly shattered as he grinned and gloated, "Boom! Oh, there it is! Oh!"

"Oh man, nice save!" Nick complimented.

Hayden sighed and grabbed her brother's arm. "Come on. Let's not toss any more phones over the balcony."

Dylan and Nick didn't put up any arguments as the trio headed down, where Jacob was still revelling in his catch by thrusting. Hayden wrinkled her nose in disgust. There was a time and a place, okay?

"Ooh, I wish I had some singles," Dylan quipped.

Hayden looked heavenward as Kaitlyn muttered, "Freaks. I'm surrounded by freaks."

"You and me both, Kait," Hayden agreed, as she and Kaitlyn looked at each other in solidarity at the boys' stupidity.

However, the annoyance melted into gratitude on Kaitlyn's face when Dylan handed her phone to her and she said, "Oh, thank God. I mean, I get the whole 'no technology' thing, but take me back, world!"

"Don't get your hopes up, Kaitlyn. There's no bars here," Hayden informed, feeling the sting of that frustration inside her.

"You would've thought Mr. H could have charged up our phones like a little bit," Jacob commented as he saw his phone's battery.

"The guy runs a summer camp. I'm sure he has other things on his mind than charging up the phones of some counsellors who'd never use them in the summer," Hayden pointed out.

"Yeah, nothing's ever your fault, isn't it?" Kaitlyn retorted.

"You know, you should really just save it for emergencies only," Dylan advised.

"Good idea, Dy—" Hayden said, only to be interrupted when Dylan asked, "Unless of course is being dumped an emergency?"

"Ha ho, burn!" Nick exclaimed.

"Wow. And here I thought you had some good advice," Hayden deadpanned. "Glad you're consistent. But seriously, though, guys, we should save up the charge. Out in the middle of the woods, it might take a while for someone to come help us if the van runs out of gas or something and we have low signal. And Nick, we shouldn't use our phones until we're about to get on and off the plane to call our parents and let them know we're coming home and we landed."

"Yes, Mom," Dylan quipped, a wry grin on his face.

Hayden gave him a hard look. "Har har. Funny."

Dylan just grinned as Hayden gave him an annoyed look.

"Uh, okay. Well, at least I had a relationship this summer," Jacob fired back at Dylan, bringing the conversation back to relationships.

"Oh damn! Now we burned!" Nick stated.

"Sorry, but you two walked right into that one," Hayden quipped.

"Yeah, well, maybe not everyone's looking for a hookup, okay?" Dylan returned, an annoyed note in his voice.

Hayden frowned, putting an arm out. "Dyl, chill, okay? Let's just focus on leaving."

"Okay, okay! Let's all put our little dicks and do what Hayden said and get this show on the road, huh?" Kaitlyn said, looking between them.

"Sounds good to me," Hayden commented, shrugging despite a bittersweet feeling in her gut that she would never see the friends she'd made here again.

It's okay. We can exchange numbers. We don't have to completely lose contact with each other.

Looking around, Nick questioned, "Where's everybody else?"

"Nora and Sarah went to make out and Allison left to get a bag, remember?" Hayden reminded.

"Oh, yeah. Right," Nick said, looking down as if remembering that missed opportunity to make a move or confess to Allison before looking at Jacob. "Jacob?"

"Why would I know that?" Jacob asked back.

Nick shrugged. "Sometimes you know stuff I don't."

"Look, I don't... I don't even know how to respond to that," Jacob replied.

"You say, 'Nick, you're way smarter than me and you're a super hot stud who gets any chick he wants'," Nick prompted.

"Liar," Hayden muttered.

"Okay, keep dreaming, Junior."

"Okay, I am going to go and find Allison, Sarah, Nora, Abi, Emma and Ryan, since none of you are volunteering to do so. Catch you guys on the flip side when I come back with the others," Hayden declared, turning on her heel and heading back to the cabins and pool,  ignoring whatever was said before she left and intent on finding the rest of their group.

But even still she couldn't suppress that bittersweet smile, that once they were all together, then they'd all be leaving and saying goodbye to this place and going on their separate ways, possibly never seeing each other again.

She could only hope she and Nick wouldn't lose contact with their friends—and that, even if it would be long distance, her brother and Allison wouldn't miss this last chance. That it could lead to happiness for them.

After all, that's all Hayden wanted for Nick, for friends she hadn't imagined she'd make when she and Nick signed up for this.

And really, what else could happen between leaving this camp and taking off in that plane?


Oh, a lot, Hayden. A lot...

Welcome to the first chapter!! I was so excited to write this and write Hayden!! She's very fun to write, with her sense of humour contrasting that she has a very kind heart and loves kids and animals (especially wolves), and is probably one of the most level-headed ones there, especially when things get dicey later on, and I can't wait to show her character further and all her dynamics with Nick, Dylan and the others!! And yeah, writing Nick's and Hayden's interactions killed me knowing what will happen to Nick in the future (especially the snippet about them joking Nick being a werewolf and him being adamant about never hurting Hayden and being horrified he would and Hayden in turn is just as horrified that she could ever hurt Nick)... 

And the Hayden and Dylan friendship... I love it. I love them sniping at each other, yet willing to defend each other. Really serving siblings vibes

And yeah, even though she wants Nick and Dylan to admit their crushes and is supportive of them and Nora and Sarah and believes all their relationships can work out, Hayden is very tired of hearing all the drama related around Jacob and Emma. Our aroace girl has her romance limit, okay? But I loved writing the little moments of friendship between Hayden and Kaitlyn (can't wait to write theirs and Dylan's interactions when they head to the scrapyard)

Also, if you hadn't noticed, but I'm making the mention of the airplane tickets relevant since the game didn't and didn't have Nick more worried about missing it thanks to what Jacob pulled with the van, considering it's a VERY long flight from America to Australia and rebooking tickets can't be easy. So, Hayden's gonna be worried about the tickets for both her and Nick

Next chapter, we'll be seeing Nora's, Sarah's and Allison's viewpoints, so be prepared for that!

Please read, comment and vote!

GhostWriterGirl out!

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