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Chapter Two:... And Summer Romances

(Hackett's Quarry Forever, Part 2)


If Nora could freeze a moment into a snapshot of time, one that she could look at and remember and cherish forever, it would be this moment.

Pressed against the rough wood wall of the cabin, Nora smiled against Sarah's lips as her girlfriend kissed her, her hands holding Sarah's face as she felt Sarah's hands on her waist, bringing each other closer. The taste of strawberry chapstick filled Nora's mouth, the type of chapstick Sarah always used that had become something so distinctly her, as Nora traced a path she knew by heart now across the trail of Sarah's mouth, one she'd always follow, amazed at how well their lips melded together, amazed that this had happened at all, that she'd be kissing this beautiful girl behind a cabin on the last day of summer.

It was surreal. It was wonderful.

It was perfect.

The magic ended when the need to breathe became too important to ignore, but even as they parted, Nora's smile was still on her kiss-bruised lips as she slid a finger across Sarah's lips, her blue eyes sparkling with laughter and gentle tenderness and love that only Nora knew.

"I wish I could keep kissing you forever," Sarah murmured, smiling as she lifted a hand to gently stroke Nora's cheek.

"I know," Nora replied, dropping her hand just to take in the sight of Sarah Coleman, her heart lighting up in joy all over again. "But at least we'll have plenty more chances at Cornell."

"If I can lead you away from your robots and engineering projects, that is."

"If it means kissing the beautiful girl in front of me, I'd leave behind my projects always," Nora vowed, before making good on it to press a feather-light kiss on Sarah's lips, strawberries flooding her mouth yet again.

Nora could feel Sarah's smile on her lips as she pulled away, before it dropped away and she sighed. "But seriously, we should probably head back to the others. They must be getting ready to leave and wondering where the hell we are."

"They know. I mean, I made sure I'd keep my promise and make this loud enough for Dylan to hear," Nora said, a wicked grin carving up her face as Sarah tilted her head and howled out a laugh, the sound heavenly to Nora's ears as she drank in the curve of Sarah's smile, her laughing eyes, even the way her blonde hair flowed down to one side when she tilted her head in that way of hers.

God, she loved every part of this girl standing in front of her. Nora resisted the urge to kiss her again.

"Yeah, I don't doubt that," Sarah remarked, grinning even as a serious light came across her face. "But seriously, we should head back though."

Nora groaned, tilting her head back. "And here I was hoping I could steal a few more minutes with you."

"Come on, Nor. It's not like we have a whole semester waiting for us at Cornell," Sarah teased, that grin on her face making Nora look back and try to melt her annoyed expression. Nora fought valiantly to maintain it as she leaned against the wall, arms crossed.

"I know, but I just want to make this moment last longer. Summer's gonna be over when we finally leave this place, remember?" Nora pointed out, a pointed frown on her face.

"Who said summer had to be over when we leave?" Sarah returned.

"Uh, college and the mountain of demanding assignments and conflicting class schedules that will make it impossible for us to see each other, let alone continue dating," Nora reasoned, giving her girlfriend a pointed look. "That kind of thing always ends summer."

"That's true," Sarah conceded as she slung her arms around Nora's neck, smiling softly. "But I'm sure we can make time together. It isn't summer, but it's still time we have. And I know I still want this, want you, no matter how busy our lives become or whatever is thrown our way. We'll get through it together, always."

Nora bit her lip, steadfastly remaining silent despite the logic and emotion of Sarah's words, which Sarah noticed as her smile turned teasing.

"Come on, you know I'm right," Sarah teased.

Nora gave her a look, before she sighed. "Okay, you have a point."

"I always do," Sarah chirped, grinning as she leaned her forehead against Nora's, blue eyes holding Nora's brown. "But if you do feel this way, or if you're struggling or anything, then talk to me about it, okay? I'm here for you, for all the ups and downs."

"I know," Nora murmured, giving Sarah a small, appreciative smile, grateful yet again for how wonderful and supportive Sarah was. "Thank you."

Sarah smiled, giving Nora a quick peck on the lips as she pulled back slightly, her hand sliding into Nora's. "Come on, we better head back before they send a search party after us."

"You go ahead. I'll go and try to find Abi or Emma and meet you at the van," Nora replied.

"Okay. See you in a few minutes, babe," Sarah said, giving Nora's hand another squeeze.

"See you in a few minutes," Nora echoed, smiling as Sarah let go and walked away.

"Love you, babe!" Sarah called.

"Love you too!" Nora replied back, that smile still on her face as she watched Sarah walk away.

God, she loved Sarah so much. She couldn't wait to see where their relationship would go, to hold hope this would be more than a summer romance.

Pulling away from the wall, Nora walked into the camp, intent to find Abi and maybe Emma and head back to the van, where they would drive away from camp.

Ending summer for all of them.


The strap of Allison's bag dug into her shoulder as she locked up the cabin she'd spent two months in with Hayden and Nora, before turning and heading down the stairs and making for the van.

She didn't get far when she heard a familiar voice shout, "Allison!"

Stopping, Allison turned to see Hayden Furcillo jog up to her, her dark hair swaying behind her in its ponytail as she came to a stop in front of her, making Allison remember keenly their stark height difference. She smiled, hands on her hips, and said, "Glad I found you! You seen Nora or Sarah anywhere?"

"No. But they're probably locking lips somewhere," Allison informed, looking at the girl who'd been one of her roommates.

"Oh. That's... probably true," Hayden admitted.

"Why are you looking for them, anyway?" Allison questioned, crossing her arms.

Hayden shrugged. "We're all ready to go, and I volunteered to look for them and you. Oh! Have you see Abi, Emma or Ryan, by any chance?"

"Haven't seen them," Allison replied, as she internally winced at the reminder that it was time for them to go. That this break, while she could admit was needed, would end and she would refocus on her medical studies. That in a few hours, Hayden and her twin brother, Nick, would be on a plane that would land halfway across the world, and she'd never seen them again.

Never see Nick again.

At that thought, Allison's heart fluttered, Nick's smile and his laugh, his easy friendship and that instant connection between them flooding Allison's mind, that over these two months she'd developed a severe crush on him. A crush that she tried to ignore, because no matter how much she wanted to see if it could be more than friendship, Allison didn't want to ruin their friendship, and it seemed that way on Nick's end, that he just saw her as a friend. 

And besides, maybe it was for the best. After all, they lived on two opposite sides of the world. Could a relationship between them ever work out?

"Hello, earth to Allison! You okay there?" Hayden's voice questioned, snapping Allison out of her thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm here," Allison said. "All here. Just got... a little lost in thought."

Hayden frowned. "You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure," Allison confirmed, before continuing on with her walk.

Hayden easily caught up to her, her longer legs eating up the distance as she stretched her arms over her head. "Man, I can't wait to go home. Don't get me wrong, this was a blast, but I'm ready to be home. I can only imagine the heaps of assessments I have waiting for me."

Hayden shuddered dramatically as Allison nodded empathetically in agreement—she too was dreading the mountain of work she knew would be waiting for her.

It's gonna be worth it when you're a doctor,  Allison told herself. And there is another reason to why me and Nick would never work—med school kills relationships.

"Yeah, it's been a good break," Allison agreed. "But I guess the real world always has to catch up to us."

"Yeah, guess it has to," Hayden murmured, before she flashed her a smile. "Well, even if we have to go our separate ways, at least we'll always remember being counsellors together. And phones do exist—we can all exchange numbers and call and text each other."

"Maybe," Allison murmured, looking down.

Before she could take another step, Hayden grabbed her, forcing Allison to look at her concerned face as she asked, "Is everything really okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Allison replied, but at the disbelieving look in Hayden's face, she sighed and admitted, "Not totally. I mean, what are the odds we'll still keep in contact, especially with you and... and your brother? Seems highly unlikely. Not to mention, I'm in med school, and that typically doesn't bring good things for personal relationships..."

Allison trailed off, but she knew she made her point clear. Maybe she was being pessimistic, but it sounded true. Besides, it's not like she needed distractions—she had to focus on her studies, to fulfil her dream of being a doctor and to save lives and make a difference in people's lives someday. If she didn't, if she failed...

Allison couldn't think that, just like she couldn't allow herself to screw up her shot when she fired an arrow at a target. It had to aim true on the first try, it had to all work out, and it would be worth it despite all the sacrifices made in achieving it.

It would be very much worth it.

"I get that," Hayden murmured, empathy on her face. "I mean, education coursework is probably not as gruelling as med school, but it's still hard. Just try to take time for yourself and not burn out, okay, Allie?"

"I'll try," Allison replied, fixing for a smile. "Maybe I'll let off steam by firing some arrows into pictures of the professors I don't like."

Hayden threw back her head and laughed. "Maybe. I mean, I go for surfing or music, but whatever works for you."

Allison smiled, more genuinely. "I think I'm gonna miss you, Hayden."

"Likewise," Hayden replied, smiling back.

They lapsed into silence as they continued walking through the cabins and toward the lodge. Aside from the sound of birds and the wind, it was silent, and almost peaceful compared to the noise and chaos of the camp when it was active and there were kids running about. Allison's eyes slid to where she knew the archery range was, where she'd taught kids to fire arrows off into targets and bullseyes, where after they were gone Allison let off some steam and worked on her archery skills alone by firing arrows into them, nailing the bullseye each and every time as she remembered the gentle words of instruction her father had given her when he taught her.

Remembering how good it felt, to have a bow in her hands and an arrow released from the string and aiming true for the heart of the target, the exhalation and inhalation of breath in the aiming, the release, and the bullseye, the space of heartbeats as the arrow flew through the air toward the target, the thrill it gave Allison. It was something she didn't know she missed, that she needed, until she came here and was doing archery again.

Well, sometimes she wasn't totally alone...

You're really good at this.

Allison's cheeks flushed as Nick's words sprang to life in her head—the memory of when he caught her firing at the targets, the embarrassment of being caught that faded into the feelings that came of their friendship, her crush, the pride and something else she felt at seeing the awe in Nick's eyes when she aimed, fired and landed each target she wanted to hit again and again. The compliment he'd given her of her shooting skills. The way, when he returned her arrow to her, their hands had brushed and something electric had ricocheted up Allison's arm at the contact. That whenever she went to the archery range, Nick would be waiting there, watching her and offering her encouragement if she missed her target and cheering for her when she didn't. The day he asked her shyly if she could teach him how to shoot.

That had been an afternoon where, though Allison kept up the same disposition she had when teaching the campers, she had blushed and smiled more than she should because it was Nick she was teaching, who felt lightning whenever they touched, who she had to get close to when she corrected his position. Whose joyous smile and eyes that screamed "Allison, did you see that?" when he hit a target in the bullseye had Allison's heart sing with both pride and that light, fluttery feeling whenever she was around Nick. The lessons continuing until he'd gotten good at it and Allison saw no reason to keep teaching aside from practice, and yet he always came to visit her and watch her and still give her that support or occasionally join her in firing arrows at targets. And it made Allison fall even harder for Nick, if that were possible.

These were memories she would cherish for days after it, fond memories she'd take back with her when she returned to college.

But it was not something she needed right now.

Pushing it away, Allison looked at Hayden, face tilted to the sunlight as they walked, as if she was soaking in all the summer sunshine she could before she returned to a world still in winter. The bottom of her black short-sleeved graphic shirt was knotted up, exposing a sliver of olive skin tanned by years under the sun, which hardly disturbed the image of a wolf, a crescent moon and flowers in a white outline on it, or the round aroace flag pin next to it. Jutting out from the pocket of her shorts was an object Allison instantly recognised.

"I see we all got our phones back," Allison remarked.

"Yeah—Dylan and Nick liberated them earlier," Hayden confirmed. "Though don't bother trying to get any signal out here—there's no bars. Trust me, I already tried back at the lodge. If you want to see if you got any messages or new emails, it's better to do it when we're not in the middle of the woods."

Allison made a mental note of that, trying to curb the flare of anxiety of not being able to check her emails until they were somewhere with better signal.

"Though, lack of signal doesn't stop us all exchanging numbers—or, more specifically, you and a certain someone from exchanging numbers."

At the implication, Allison schooled her face into neutrality. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Allison, come on. I may be aro, but I'm not blind. I know you have a crush on my brother—I've practically known since you two saw each other first day at camp and the sparks literally flew between you two," Hayden said, giving Allison a firm look. 

Allison returned it. "And what if I do? Do you think that maybe I have some good reasons for not saying anything? Reasons like our friendship and med school being a killer for relationships?"

Hayden was quiet for a moment before admitting, "Those are good reasons."

Looking at Allison apologetically, Hayden continued, "I'm sorry, for pushing that. If you don't want to—"

"No, I..." Allison said, before sighing. "You're right, I... I do like Nick more than a friend. I've had a big fat crush on him since I first saw him. Which, is really weird to admit to you since you're his sister. But there's too many things that won't have this work out. Yeah, phones exist, but how many couples can keep up a long-distance relationship when you live on two different sides of the world? Not to mention, I don't want to ruin the friendship we have, to lose Nick in that way, and maybe..."

Blowing out a breath, Allison finished quietly, "Maybe I'm scared of that happening, more than anything."

Silence radiated from Hayden before she murmured, "If it's okay, could I offer some advice?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"I think that's always gonna be scary. But, I think sometimes it's better to take the chance than not, to take that leap of faith and choose the path that's terrifying... because it might bring happiness," Hayden advised, looking at Allison meaningfully as she finished, "Because that's all that matters to me at the end of the day—my brother and my friend being happy, whether they're together or not."

Allison looked at Hayden, stunned at her words. "Shit, when did you get so wise about relationships?"

Hayden's lips quirked up in a smile. "Just because I won't ever have a relationship doesn't mean I don't have good advice. Just be glad I have two types of advice."

"What's the other?"

"Dump him."

That had Allison let out a howl of laughter and Hayden joined in, their laughter making them unaware of a third person joining them.

"What's so funny?" Sarah asked over the sound of laughter as they noticed the blonde walk up to them.

"Just Hayden's advice on love," Allison informed as the laughter died away. "It's either the best advice you heard or it's just break up."

"Or just not have a crush at all. Stay single. It's the best life ever," Hayden interjected, unashamedly proud of that.

"Great advice, but I'll pass on that. I have an amazing girlfriend that I am very willing to have many long, happy years together with," Sarah denied, a joking grin on her face.

"Okay, that's fair," Hayden acquiesced, raising her hands. "And you two make an amazing couple."

"Thank you," Sarah replied, grinning as she eyed Hayden's shirt. "Love your shirt, by the way."

"Oh, this old thing? Hardly noticed I packed it until today," Hayden said, grinning.

"Wish we could have heard some wolves at some point while we were here. I mean, these woods are perfect for them," Sarah said, sighing in disappointment.

"I know. Guess I have to wait until you're employed at a wolf sanctuary and I need to make a trip there to visit you," Hayden mused, grinning at Sarah, who returned it.

Allison sighed. "God, you two are such nerds over wolves."

"Hey, wolves are awesome!" Sarah exclaimed.

"Exactly. They have to be one of the coolest animals on the planet," Hayden agreed.

Allison raised her hands. "I get it. I am not heading into a wolf debate with you two—not when we're almost out of here."

"Then that means you can hear us talking about it on the way back home," Hayden pointed out as they walked to the lodge, which Allison could now see.

Sarah snorted. "That would be just college for me. Home's only a few miles away for me."

"Oh, shit. I almost forgot you live in North Kill," Allison said, the knowledge hitting her like a brick. Since she and the others had come here from all over the country—and in Nick's and Hayden's case, from across the world—she'd forgotten Sarah was a local who, while in college, probably lived only a few miles from Hackett's Quarry.

Sarah waved her off. "It's all good. It's something that's easy to forget, especially when we have some people here who travelled for hours to come here."

Sarah gave a pointed look to Hayden, who held up her hands and said, "I'm not denying that at all. But just because me and Nick live on the other side of the world doesn't mean we're not gonna remain in contact with you all."

"Please, you wouldn't have even gotten onto the plane without me instantly adding me in your contacts, Hay," Sarah said, slinging her arm around Hayden's shoulders—something Allison couldn't hope to achieve with her shorter height. So instead, she offered up a smile to hide how much med school would consume her hours.

"And even if we can't, let's just remember summer and our friendships, our romances and crushes—" Sarah gave a knowing grin to Allison that she ignored—"and our flings that crashed and burned."

"We're talking about Emma and Jacob now, aren't we?" Hayden questioned.

"Yes, we are."

Allison frowned. "Wait, what happened?"

"Emma broke up with Jacob," Hayden informed as she rolled her eyes. "And while I have been playing matchmaker and love the idea of romance, that is too much drama and relationship bullshit for me."

"Here here," Sarah agreed, but her eyes shadowed. Allison knew why, along with why Sarah knew about the breakup before Hayden mentioned it—Sarah and Emma were best friends, having met in college and had been fast and close friends ever since. If anyone were to be Emma's confidant, who knew her true emotions over Jacob, then it would be Sarah.

Sometimes, Allison wondered what it would be like to have a friend like that. That, during the summer, it felt like at times Kaitlyn would be that friend. But it never became anything like Sarah and Emma's friendship or even something like Hayden's and Dylan's, and Allison thought that was enough. 

After all, what were the odds she'd see all these people again? That she'd see Nick again?

She pushed it away as they rounded the corner and saw the van full of bags and Jacob, Dylan, Kaitlyn... and Nick.

Immediately Allison saw Nick first, like he was a magnet and her eyes were always drawn to him. His hair, cut short and holding the same waves that his sister had; the smile playing on his lips and dancing in his warm brown eyes, the mole just underneath his bottom lip; the shirt that concealed the lean muscles that mirrored Hayden's from surfing and swimming that Allison glimpsed and eyed appreciatively when he took off his shirt before they all swam in the lake or the pool on one of their breaks during the summer and he and Hayden out swam them all without contest; the magnetic charm and humour and kindness that drew Allison to Nick and still had her come back to him and fall harder for him every time.

The understanding they were both more vulnerable on the inside than their guards showed, that always seemed to connect them further the more they got to know each other, though they never fully dropped. Not enough for them to truly see what was beneath their walls.

Allison stared at Nick a second longer before she looked away and headed to the van to put her bag in, pushing down the burning feeling of wanting to keep staring at Nick, wanting to take up Hayden's advice and take a chance. Wanting to know what his kiss would feel like.

Not knowing that the moment Allison looked away, Nick kept staring at her, wanting those same things as well. 

And yet, they kept both of these things inside, in hopes of hiding it enough the other wouldn't see.

Not knowing how glaringly obvious it was to all except for them.


Don't worry, it will become very obvious soon >:)

And now, you've all met Nora, Sarah and Allison properly!! I'm so excited to write their characters as well with all the things I have planned for them (especially Sarah >:) ) It's gonna be good >:)

And yeah, Allison is in denial over her feelings for Nick/scared of telling him if it ruins their friendship, which is the exact same reasoning he has, especially when Hayden and everyone else can see how obvious it is. Don't worry, they'll figure it out (but will it be before or after the werewolves?) >:) As for the archery mentions... that's gonna be VERY important (also, I just love the idea of Nick visiting and supporting Allison when she's doing her archery and asking her if she could teach them and them being so close and the pride and love Allison feels when Nick actually lands a bullseye for the first time, and just falling harder for Nick because of his support for something she loves and willing to learn it and participate with her 🥺)

Anyway, next chapter should be soon!

Please read, comment and vote!

GhostWriterGirl out!

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