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FREYA was crying.

The guards had requested to meet with their leaders for a "dire situation," but neither Robb or Freya could prepare themselves for this. Their guards laid the bodies of Willem Lannister, Martyn Lannister, and Selene in front of them, all spread out on a thin sheet. Both Lannisters were stabbed in the gut, while Selene's throat was cut with splotches of dried blood crusting over the surface. The handmaiden's eyes were glazed, yet the brightness of hazel still shined, along with her dark hair.

Freya kneeled at the sight of her handmaiden – no, her friend. She had always complained that Selene treated her like a child, but she was truly a mother to her. She had been with Freya for a good part of her childhood, and she was the mother that she needed. They stuck together through thick and thin – hell, Selene even risked going to war with Freya to stand beside her. She was more than a handmaiden or a friend; Selene had been a mother.

Hot, wet tears flowed from Freya's eyes. She screamed when she saw her handmaiden's corpse, so loud that her voice cracked. She hit her fists against the wood of the great hall in Riverrun, not minding that her robe was slowly slipping down her body. This was unjust; this was unfair. Freya's sobs drowned out the room, so much that the Blackfish and Edmure had to look away.

Robb pulled his wife upwards, and she quickly clutched herself against his body. Her tears stained the leather of his shirt, but he paid no mind. He wrapped an arm around her back and kissed her forehead. Robb finally looked up to his uncle, ordering, "Bring them in."

The Blackfish opened a large door, and in walked Lord Karstark and some of his kin. Freya slowly turned to meet the lord's eyes with fury. She rubbed at her eyes, but the frown on her lips never ceased.

"Of course, it was you," Freya spat, pulling herself away from Robb. "Have you realized what you've done?! You killed my handmaiden and long-time friend!" Her teeth ground in frustration. "You will d –"

Robb laid a hand on his wife's shoulders, and their eyes connected for a brief moment. Freya's mouth shut as he asked, "Is that all of them?" Robb received no answer, and he continued, "It took five of you to murder two unarmed squires and a handmaiden?"

Freya rubbed at the edge of her nose.

Lord Karstark lifted his head. "Not murder, Your Grace." He said in a grave voice. "Vengeance."

"Those boys didn't kill your sons," Freya snarled, her brow knitting together. "And neither did my handmaiden, but it's not like you gave a shit about that."

Robb added, "I saw Harrion die on the battlefield, and Torrhen –"

"– Was strangled by the Kingslayer." Karstark looked down. "They were his kin."

"THEY WERE BOYS!" Freya screamed, her voice echoing hoarsely. Her mouth wobbled as she wished herself to not cry. "AND SELENE WAS AN UNARMED HANDMAIDEN, BUT YOU KILLED HER TOO!" Her hands formed into fists, and Lord Karstark stared at her with wide eyes.

Robb brought her back to him, gripping her arm softly. "Look at them," he ordered. "You murdered two children, and a unarmed woman."

"Tell your mother to look at them," Karstark nodded. "She killed them as much as I."

"My mother had nothing to do with this."

Freya carefully glanced at Catelyn, who sat off to the side. She was staring at her hands, with her hair long and flowing down her back. Freya cleared her throat. "This is your treason, Lord Karstark," she said, looking at Selene's corpse. "You were not ordered to kill any Lannisters, regardless of what they did to you. You did anyways, and they were children and a handmaiden, who had no involvement whatsoever. That is treason." She slowly viewed up at the lord. "Why did you kill her?"

Karstark swallowed hard. "She was in the way." He huffed heavily, causing Freya's eyes to blaze. "I'll have you know: it's treason to free your enemies. In war, you kill your enemies. Did your fathers not teach you that?"

The Blackfish suddenly swung and punched the lord square in the jaw. Lord Karstark doubled over to the ground. Freya pulled at the ends of her robe over her fists, glaring down at the lord on his knees. "I could've done that myself," she muttered.

"Leave him," Robb ordered softly.

"Aye. Leave me to the King and Queen. He wants to give me a scolding before he sets me free. That's how he deals with treason – both of them. Our King and Queen in the North, or should I call them, the King and Queen Who Lost the North?"

Freya's eyes went wide. "You shut your mouth, Ser." She hissed, her tone laced with venom. The kraken inside of her was growing more fierce, and it didn't take an idiot to realize this. "I do not believe me or my husband murdered unarmed squires and a loyal handmaiden. This is your bed, and you'll have to lay in it."

Robb took a moment to collect himself. All he wanted was to make love to his wife tonight, but – per usual, it did not go as expected. He exhaled slowly, looking down at her hurt expression, before his vision turned to the lord in front of him. "Escort Lord Karstark to the dungeon," he commanded. "Hang the rest."

"Mercy, Ser!" One of Karstark's men screamed. "I didn't kill anyone! I only watched for the guards!"

Freya's nostrils flared as the men were being escorted out. She growled, "Then I guess we'll hang you last so you can watch the others die."

"Please! Please, no!" He hollered as the guards pushed him out of the great hall. "They made me –"

The door closed with a slam. Robb allowed Freya to rest her head on his chest. She closed her eyes, refusing to stare at Selene's body anymore. Catelyn didn't move, but Robb did guide his wife over to the table that housed their map and board pieces. He sat on top of it, and Freya cautiously wrapped her arms around his neck, enjoying the feeling of being close to him in a sentimental way. She slowly felt at peace with her emotions, though her insides were running wild.

Robb placed a kiss on top of her head as Edmure walked over. "Word of this can't leave Riverrun." He advised. "They were Tywin Lannister's nephews. The Lannisters pay their debts. They never stop talking about it."

Freya untangled herself from her husband as he said, "Would you make me a liar as well as a murderer?"

"It wouldn't be lying," Edmure replied, furrowing his brow. "We will bury them and remain silent until the war is done."

"Oh, you are damn right that we are burying them," Freya added, pointing a finger. "We may have a ceremony, but I order that my handmaiden's body be sent to her city of birth, Braavos, for burial. It's what she would've wanted."

Edmure nodded curtly. "An honorable request, Your Grace."

Robb rubbed at his chin. "I'm not fighting for justice if I don't serve justice to murderers in my ranks, no matter how highborn."

The adults around them stood from their spots, staring at the young rulers carefully. Freya continued her husband's rant, "He also murdered a woman who has been with my family for years. I will not stand for him to live. We will fight injustice with justice."

"Do not speak of this," the Blackfish muttered grimly. "You seem to have a gentle heart, Your Grace."

Freya shook her head. "I don't have a gentle heart." She glanced to her husband before mumbling, "He has to die."

"The Karstarks are Northmen." Catelyn reminded, stepping closer to the scene. "They do not follow the rules of sea lords, like the likes of you, Freya. They won't forgive the killing of their lord."

"Catelyn is right," the Blackfish agreed. "If you do this, the Karstarks will abandon you."

Robb's fingers locked with his wife's, for they were together in this. "Lady Selene tended to the boys and brought them supper. Now they're all dead. Do you see the picture I'm painting?"

"More boys will keep dying until this war is over!" Edmure exclaimed. "You need Karstark men to end it."

Freya stomped her foot childishly. Her anger was flowing yet again. "Don't you understand?!" Tears dripped down her cheeks for the second time, and she quickly wiped them away. "He murdered Selene. I cannot forgive him of this. I want his head."

"Spare his life. Keep him as hostage," Catelyn suggested, and both uncles agreed.

Edmure then said, "Tell the Karstarks that as long as they remain loyal, he will not be harmed."

Robb sighed, taking in the words of his elders, but as he stared at his wife, their voices seemed to drift away. They were both speaking out of spite and anger. They spewed ignorance and revenge. This, essentially, was their biggest mistake as rulers. Robb was choosing this because he felt it was right, but Freya was doing it only for vengeance. Her handmaiden – more so her friend – had died for foolish reasons, and she wouldn't feel right until this man's head was cut off. She didn't care what their elders were saying. This would end in death.

Little did these two young rulers know, that this act of revenge would hurt them more than better. They were not prepared for what was to come.

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