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FREYA wrapped her hands around the bars of a cell, specifically, the one belonging to Willem and Martyn Lannister. The boys stared up at her with wide eyes, and their view then dotted to Freya's handmaiden beside her. Freya grinned, "Hello, boys." She hung her arms inside the cell. "Did Lady Talisa patch you up?"

The boys nodded quickly. The old one rose his brow in surprise and asked, "Are you Robb Stark's wife?"

"Indeed." Freya nodded, her mind suddenly leaving from the topic she wished to speak of. "What of it?"

"Is it true what they say about him?" The other boy asked. "That he can turn into a wolf at night? And that he eats the flesh of his enemies?"

Freya smiled fiercely. "All true."

"They also say that you're a siren!" The first boy exclaimed. "You're a Greyjoy, and when you lived on the Iron Islands, you sang outside your window to lead sailors and pirates to their deaths."

She laughed at the statement, but nevertheless said, "True again, lads." She lightly nudged her handmaiden closer, who was holding a special plate of food. "Are you both Lannister boys?"

They nodded. "My name is Martyn, and my brother her is Willem," the older brother answered.

"I heard you had been treated unfairly due to your name, so I brought you something." Freya had Selene slide the plate through the cell bars, and on it were two cookies. "I found them in the kitchens, and the staff were going to throw them out."

"I hope you like chocolate," Selene whispered, looking around to make sure no one spotted them.

The brothers beamed with happiness and reached for the cookies. Though their families were enemies, Freya knew these children had no effect on what the Lannisters were really doing. They were just boys, stuck in the middle of a war. Her heart swelled at their happiness, in even the darkest of cells.

"Are we supposed to hate each other?" Willem asked in between bites.

Freya sighed. "You have nothing to me. I have no reason to hate you, and I hope you feel the same for me."

"Your husband is very scary," Martyn muttered, "but you're not. I don't hate you."

She smiled, wrapping her arm around Selene's and waving goodbye to the children. Just as she left, Freya swore she heard Martyn Lannister say, "I wish this war was over already. I don't want to die."


Freya asked of her handmaiden for hot water that night. She needed to draw a bath and Selene was happy enough to retrieve this for her, in exchange that Freya prepare herself to bathe. Selene gathered her other handmaidens that were stationed at Riverrun to help her carry tubs of hot water and soap. The group collected as much as they could from the kitchens, laughing happily to themselves as they did so. Selene, with a cloth in her hands, asked the other handmaidens to deliver the water to Freya and Robb's quarters, and she'd meet them after making a stop.

Selene grabbed two more leftover cookies from the kitchens as she left. She walked down the spiral staircase of the castle, passing several corridors before she approached the dungeons. She felt terrible for the children that were kept in a cell, despite them being the enemy. She might've cared more than Freya, and this was the reason for her bringing them more food. She suspected their captors barely did so.

Selene though of Theon as she strode. She thought of the moments they spent sleeplessly together. She thought of the laughs they shared. Although, all those were suddenly clouded by her anger towards him. She hated admitting to herself that she grew very much attached, and probably loved him – a man seven years younger to her twenty-five – but that was how it was, right? You didn't get to choose who you loved, and Selene was dealing with the consequences.

But as she rounded the corner, Selene was pulled away from her thoughts. She began to hear a consistent screaming and pounding of feet. She heard the clanging of silver, which almost triggered her hands to shake. Selene began to sprint down the dungeons hall, the cookies jumping up and down on the plate they laid on. Her eyes went wide at the scene before her.

She saw a large group of men swarm the cell of Willem and Martyn Lannister. "Is this a rescue?" She heard one of the boys exclaim, but was met with a sound of gurgling.

Selene screamed loudly before beginning to run towards the horde of men. She threw the glass plate at one of them, which shattered against his head and caused him to fall to the ground. "Lannister filth!" Lord Karstark said from inside the cell. "Take him!"

"Please, I didn't do anything!" Martyn yelped. "I'm just a squire!"

Selene threw a punch at another man, finally pushing them out of her way to see Lord Karstark sticking his blade into Martyn Lannister's gut. Selene's lungs hurt; her knees felt weak, but she still let out a horrifying yell. Karstark turned her way, and this was when Selene realized she was being gripped by his guards so she couldn't move. Lord Karstark approached her, spitting in her face, "What did you see, bitch?"

"You murdered them!" Selene hocked up a wad of spit and released it in Lord Karstark's face. "MURDERER! YOU MURDERED CHILDREN!"

Lord Karstark screamed, "THE ENEMY! THEY WERE THE ENEMY!"

Selene fought against the hands that held her. Quickly, her mouth opened to scream out Freya's name, but she was suddenly met with a new noise: her own gurgle. Selene felt the pain coming from her neck, and then, ever so slowly, her own blood trickled down her collar. She fell limp in the arms around her, allowing her blood to splatter on their clothes as she choked on it in her mouth. Lord Karstark had slashed his knife across Selene's neck, so she would not tell Queen Freya. Although, he knew it was only a matter of time before they were caught. He instantly regretted his decision.

In her chambers, Freya wondered why Selene hadn't returned to wash her hair, but figured she may have gotten busy. She never minded this, because she tended to give Selene her freedom anyways. After having taken her bath, Robb had appeared in their room, distraught from the afternoon's discussions. He had tried pursuing Freya's maidenhead, since apparently, seeing her argue with his uncle got him hot and bothered.

Freya still wasn't used to seeing this side of Robb, and his coaxing to thrust himself within her was starting to get annoying. She never imagined that she'd see this part of him, but now that she was, she was becoming rather irritated. Because her own guilty conscious practically refused her to let him inside of her, she would sometimes stay awake at night, listening to Robb pleasure himself, due to she not being able to do it for him. The sounds left Freya scared. She wasn't ready to tell him, and she feared he was expecting it.

But as his fingers began to slip themselves inside her robe, Freya suddenly grabbed for her throat, feeling an immense pain within it. She pushed Robb's pressing lips off her and fought for air. What was happening? Was her guilt finally make her publically panic? Her fingers rubbed at her jugular, causing Robb to ask, "What is the matter?"

Freya breathed heavily. "I ..." She got a grip on her panic, and felt the anxiety slip away. Her breathing returned to normal, but the soreness around her neck was still prevalent, leaving her confused. She finally whispered, "I don't know."


A/N: Soooooooo..........okay, that was painful to write. But it was necessary.

A lot of Freya's life revolved around Selene, and the only way for her to become independent and detach herself was for Selene's passing. I didn't want to do it, but hey, I kill off most of my characters??? This one hit me hard tho, and y'all the next chapter is gonna have a lot of tears

I do want to make an AU spinoff with Selene sometime, because she's an important character and I really want to explore her backstory more! I hate that this was necessary for the storyline, but it needed to happen to shape the next actions of the characters :'''(

R.I.P. my beautiful queen, Selene ❤

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