Chapter 2: The genius AI twin brother

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It's been almost seven years since the fateful night that has brought him - Harry Potter - to the newlyweds Lily and James Potter, and their first child, Adrian Potter.

Harry had learned many things from the cradle that brought him here, that cradle now abandoned in the old courtyard of the dilapidated house that once belonged to the couple. He had to sneak back to his old house, because heaven knows what his aunt and uncle would do to him if they knew he dared to run away from home. He came from a place called planet Scorpio, a planet located far far away, billions of light years from Earth. That planet was once extremely modern and advanced in magic, but in the end it was that modernity that caused the catastrophe which led the entire planet to perish.

Presumably, he had crashed here when the space cargo which contained his capsule used the space jump went past this Earth.

Funnily enough, despite having many memories and knowledge from his old planet, he doesn't really have any with the people he called parents. One day after he landed in their backyard, they were murdered by a man in a black hooded cloak, and Harry stood in front to protect his tiny little brother.

He just had to do so. He has to - and still has to protect this child.

Because he's not even human.

He is an A.I which was designed to play with and protect children. Scorpios people often use his ​​model when their family only has one child, so that the child can have siblings, or simply they just wanted their children to be safe.

(Of course, Harry didn't have this epiphany on his own. He'd read the A.I ​​manual attached to the bottom of the crib.)

As a result of him protecting Adrian, Harry was left with a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt in the center of his forehead. But he doesn't care.

Harry loves his brother very much. He didn't know if it was because he was programmed that way by his creators, or because he felt a special bond with this child, but he decided that he would always protect the child, and will not spare anyone if they intend to harm his brother.

His intelligence, from the day he emerged from the cradle, was completely immeasurable.

Simply, because he is an A.I.

The humans around him couldn't even do magic, and the robots they could build right now were poor at best, even borderline mere machines. That's why Harry didn't think they could realize how terrifying the intelligence of such a high-level AI could become.

"What do you think you are doing, just standing there, kids? Get in the car, now! before I give you some whacks!" A fat man with a great mustache grabbed his collar and pulled them towards the family car. That man was his uncle, Uncle Vernon Dursley.

The cousin of the two - Dudley Dursley - whined. He was a chubby kid just like his father:

"I don't want to go to school! I want to see the Great Humberton!"

Harry rolled his eyes. If it was him or his brother, they wouldn't even dare to open their mouth and whine about it.

After his parents' passing, Harry and his brother were placed in the care of his uncle and aunt, Vernon and Petunia Dursley.

Living in the Dursleys' house, Harry and Adrian were often scolded for any and everything they did, rarely had enough to eat, and if not careful, they even got beaten by his uncle with anything, from his hands that were the size of porcelain bananas, or with any object that he can gets his hands on, such as Dudley's baseball bat, or aunt Petunia's frying pan.

Mrs. Dursley, a long-necked woman called Petunia, Harry and Adrian's aunt, comforted her son:

"Okay, okay sweetie bear. When you come home from school, I'll make you a nice strawberry shortcake, yeah?"

His cousin, Dudley Dursley however, was treated differently. The boy was obviously pampered by his parents, even owns two bedrooms, while Adrian had to sleep in the cupboard under the stairs, and Harry was forced to sleep in the house's cramped, filthy attic room.

Before the brothers could climb into the car, Uncle Vernon pointed his fingers at them and warn:

"I warn you boys, if I hear anything even remotely weird from the school, you two will not have any meals for a week. Is that clear?"

That's right. Even though he and his brother were both unwelcomed under the Dursleys' roof, his younger brother Adrian often made things worse with inexplicable incidents whenever he was scared or angry. For example, when Aunt Petunia tried to put an ugly shirt on the boy, he made the shirt smaller and smaller, until in the end it can only fit a small doll.

At such times, Harry often tried to hide Adrian away from the wrath of Aunt Petunia or Uncle Vernon.

Adrian now clutched his hand nervously. Both children looked exactly the same, except for the scar on Harry's forehead. Harry patted his head gently.

"It's okay, Adrian. Just go to school and do your best. I will always protect you."

* * *

The rest of the first graders in the class were all just boring, at least in Harry's eyes. Of course, being boring here doesn't mean they don't have anything cool to show Harry. But, in the perception of a genius, the thing children deemed "cool" doesn't even excite him in the slightest.

Dudley quickly became acquainted with his equally large friend, Piers Polkiss. Adrian was looking around the classroom, nervously talking to a friend sitting near them. It seemed that the fact that twins are rare in the school gave them slightly more attention from their classmates.

Their teacher - Miss Candice - started the class by having the children introduce themselves. Harry and Adrian were seated together, because one could tell at a glance that they are brothers.

Harry knows Adrian's personality. Although the boy was a rather active child, he was also terrified of Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia. Living with the Dursleys, he'd learned that he shouldn't ask questions, and don't argue with them, and he'd be fine.

His younger brother was only six years old, and with his average intelligence, he couldn't understand the rights other children his age have, and what would happen to his uncle and aunt if they'd dared to disobey them, and tell the truth to the authorities.

So, just as Harry thought, Adrian stood up, briefly said his name, then sat back awkwardly on the spot, his face red.

Harry, however, had calculated very carefully what he needed to say. Something innocent, but delivers enough information so the school can take action.

He stood up, crossed his arms, and innocently introducing himself:

"Hi guys. My name is Harry Potter. My parents died when my brother and I were one year old, so I live with my aunt and uncle Dursley at number 4 Privet Drive. My brother usually sleeps in the cupboard, and I sleep in the attic of the house."

Harry could see a number of faces gaping at him, including his classroom teacher, Miss Candice. He took a breath, then continued:

"My uncle is so funny, he just told us this morning that we won't be able to eat for a week if we get any complaints from the school. All in all, my family is very happy."

He finished his sentence, then sat down calmly, despite the whispers of the other students in the class. Adrian's face was as white as a sheet of paper, and Dudley's chubby face was bewildered, because he didn't understand the situation. It's not easy for a seven-year-old who's used to being pampered to realize the seriousness of his parents' actions.

Miss Candice took a while to calm the students. Then the class continued with the introduction of the other students' names, before they all sang a joyful song about school.

Harry could see that the teacher's gaze never left his brothers throughout the lesson.

* * *

"Why did you do that?!" Adrian sobbed, "Uncle Dursley will skin us alive! We've been told not to talk about home."

They were at recess, the two brothers leaning against the locker while the other kids ran and played around the classroom. Harry caught a glimpse of their teacher hurrying to the principal's office. He took his brother's shoulder and said calmly:

"Listen, Adrian. We'll be okay. Just tell the truth if anyone comes to ask later. They will help us."

Adrian wiped his tears. The boy sniffled and asked:


Harry hugged Adrian's small head, softly whispering:

"Really. Have I ever lied to you?"

"You did. You lied when you tried to take a beating in my place." Adrian pretends to pout.

Harry rolled his eyes. He couldn't say anything back, because what the boy said was true.

"Yes, but this time I'm telling the truth. Just believe me."

* * *

The last class in the morning is Math. Since neither Harry nor Adrian received anything more from the Dursleys for school than a single pencil, Miss Candice gave each of them a blank sheet of paper, so they could take notes on today's lesson.

She whispered to them that she needed to meet both of them at the principal's office at lunchtime. Then she turned away and wrote the name of the counting numbers lesson on the blackboard.

Miss Candice had her back to Harry, so she couldn't see his eyes fixed on hers.

This will be the second step in his plan.

* * *

Harry is no ordinary kid. So he wasn't so naive that he didn't notice how strange it was when all the neighbors turned a blind eye to the Dursleys' mistreatment of the two brothers.

It seemed obvious to everyone that they were wearing Dudley's old clothes, and that there were occasional light bruises on the children. Their sleeping place is already alarming enough. But there hasn't been a single case where they actually called a Social Support Worker.

Finally, Harry came to a conclusion. Someone was trying to get him to live with the Dursleys. Maybe they also have a spy somewhere snooping on them. Harry had always felt himself being watched, sometimes in the street, or sometimes when he was shopping with Aunt Petunia and Dudley.

As he sat there, spinning his pencil, Harry looked at Adrian, who was intently focused at the blackboard. If someone were trying to harm his brother, Harry would track them down and make them pay a price much, much more than they could have ever imagined.

Of course, in case the plan to get rid of the Dursleys' guardianship failed, Harry's backup plan would be to make himself really famous, so that his voice would have a wider influence. Even anyone who wants to silence the situation can't erase information about violence once it hits the popular media channels.

Fortunately, with Harry's mind, it wasn't that difficult.

Miss Candice walked to the front of the class, smiling at the children:

"Okay, let's do some Math. Math is the subject of working with numbers, you will soon learn addition and subtraction as well."

She began to give examples:

"Now, we're going to learn things like one plus one equals two, or two plus two equals four. So who can tell me, what is three plus three? You can count with your fingers if you like."

"Six." Harry replied bluntly.

Miss Candice looked at him, smiling gently:

"That's right. But you're not supposed to talk out of turn, Harry. If you want to answer, raise your hand."

Harry interrupted her:

"I can do more. I can add millions."

Miss Candice seemed to notice the difference in this student immediately. Knowing how to read millions is already not an easy feat for a seven-year-old kid. She raised her hand to her chin and asked curiously:

"Then can you tell me, what 15 + 17 equals?"

"32" Harry replied immediately.

Miss Candice nodded, looking very impressed. The other kids in the class were paying attention to Harry. He could see his brother and Dudley gaping. In the Dursleys, Harry didn't usually appear to be overly intelligent, so it was understandable that his brother hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary.

"So do you know how much is 32 + 348?"

"380" This response is as fast as the previous one, in less than a second.

"Right...that's right. What about 512 + 1264?"

"1776," Harry replied, without taking long to calculate. Miss Candice looked quite taken aback, but the corner of her mouth curled into a curious smile. She thought for a moment, then spoke slowly, her eyes fixed on Harry:

"So...can you tell me what 512 multiplied by 1264 is?"

Harry sat back in his chair, thinking for a long time without answering. Miss Candice thought that maybe Harry's intelligence was just that, so she gently told the class to continue with four plus four. But, the next instant, Harry's voice took her by surprise:

"Six hundred and forty-seven thousand, one hundred and sixty-eight (647168)"

The class erupted into whispers, while Miss Candice had to pull out her calculator so that she could confirm Harry's results.

"I don't think anyone can do that." The other students said.

He waited for the teacher to finish typing, then continued immediately:

"The square of it is four hundred and eighteen billion, eight hundred and twenty-six million, four hundred and twenty thousand, and two hundred and twenty-four. The square root of this number is 804.47 when rounded to two decimals."

Miss Candice looked back at Harry in awe, but said nothing. Harry crossed his arms mischievously.

"So? When can I graduate from 1st grade?

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