Chapter 3: The concerns of Dumbledore

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Inside the headmaster's office, Dumbledore was holding several Muggle newspapers, rubbing his forehead. He did not think that his plan would go this much astray.

In the past, when the Potter's children were sent to the Dursleys, he was careful so that the authorities, as well as the people around their neighborhood didn't pay too much attention to the family. Of course, he knew that the two children would always have to live in misery, with the mistreatment from their aunt, uncle and their cousin. But it would be better to stay alive that way, than to be found and killed by a horde of Death Eaters to avenge their lost master.

But, everything changed when the school called Social Services, right after the brothers' first day of school. Very quickly, they took the two children into temporary care, as well as stripped the Dursleys' custody of Harry and Adrian.

If that was the only case, then at least it would be easy for Dumbledore to settle. But what happened during that incident made him shudder to think about.

When their neighbor, Mrs. Figg, a Squib whom he had asked to keep an eye on Harry and Adrian, hurried back home to send an owl to him, reporting the situation, she saw one of the children, probably the older one, waiting in front of the house. She recounted that she did not know from which direction the child came, or how he was able to stand in front of her porch without her noticing.

"He asked:

'Are you the one who always watched us? On someone else's orders?'

I swear to the Devil, Dumbledore, I've never seen such a cold and murderous face in a child, his eyes looking a little mix of blue. I had no choice but to nod to his question.

That kid then said something that made the hairs raise on the back of my neck:

'Go back and tell that person to leave us alone, or I can't guarantee the life of both you and the person I called 'aunt' and 'uncle'."

Shaking his head slightly from the memory, Dumbledore folded his arms and leaned back on the throne-like chair inside the Headmaster's office. Certainly one of these two children was indeed somewhat unusual, but he also did not think that this boy would be so heartless and cruel. Perhaps he was just a child with outstanding intelligence, and had realized his actions to monitor the Dursleys, so he wanted to threaten him to protect his brother.

But before Dunbledore could do anything to get the situation under control, one of the brothers - Harry - had become too famous, not because of the events in the past, but because of his amazing talent and intelligence. As soon as he went to school for the first day, the teachers at the school gave up and had nothing left to teach him, and they sent Harry to study at the Oaks Institute for Gifted Children, on a full scholarship.

The two brothers then became the focus of many Muggle newspapers and television stations, and they were very quickly adopted by a couple who were professors at the prestigious Oxford University.

Two years later, Harry not only had passed middle and high school with perfect grades (with the exception of gymnastics, of course, because of the obvious physical gap), but was even admitted to the school that his adoptive parents taught, majoring in Computer Science and Astrophysics. Harry's twin brother, Adrian, is a normal child, not too outstanding, but also loved by his parents and brother.

Dumbledore flipped through the latest issue of a Muggle newspaper with the title filling the entire first page cover: "Did England's child prodigy come close to finding hidden physics explanations for Black-Holes?" And underneath the headline was a child, looking so tiny and slim that he had to sit on a three-legged stool to reach the board. Even so, he still writes complex formulas, and guides college students in their final essay.

The old wizard put down his half-moon glasses next to the newspaper, gently rubbing the bridge of his nose. This kid was so talented, and even had tons of respect in the Muggle society before he was ten years old. In order for him to be truly capable of facing off against the Dark Lord Voldemort, whom he suspected would eventually resurrect, both children needed to be relatively well-trained in magic.

But then he looked at a new report that came in from the Ministry of Magic. Report on the magical prowess of Harry and Adrian Potter. He raised his head again to look at the ceiling: why does Fate always like to play with such talented minds? This kid could bring great changes to the Wizarding Society, but he was truly unlucky.

* * *

If people see Harry Potter now, no one would think that he is a rare genius in the Muggle world, who put forward the theories which brought profound changes for chemistry and physics, and is currently studying for a master's degree in Advanced Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence and Astrophysics.

It simply couldn't be, because he didn't look like that genius at all.

He was excitedly cheering for his younger brother in the elementary school children's soccer competition. To prepare for the day, Harry not only bought a gaudy banner that printed "Hold on, Adrian!!", taking over the actual cheers that were softly written by hand in the corner "Go, Little Tiger!!" as encouragement for the team Adrian was on, he even made the whole family rehearse some 'proper' cheers.

Harry waved the banner frantically at his brother, wiping away his tears. His tiny baby brother is growing up so fast, he's finally entering middle school. He even tried to put on the banner pictures of his adorable little brother, but Adrian caught a bunch of pictures he had hidden very carefully under the bed, and adamantly vowed to burn them if he dared to put those on the banner.

(A real bro-con :))

His adoptive parents just shrugged their shoulders amusedly, they seemed so relieved that the two brothers were so loving to each other. The couple had no children, so they loved Harry and Adrian very much, and were completely lured by Harry's enthusiasm to join Adrian's cheerleading squad that caused quite a stir in the stands.

Adrian blushed in embarrassment, and he hurried to the field with the other members. Unlike his brother Harry, who was blessed with a bright mind, what Adrian is really good at is only sports. If he focuses on the game, then he would be less concerned with the 'three-member Adrian fan club'.

"Come on! Let's win, Adrian!" Harry's cheers drowned out the sound of the referee starting the game.

* * *

After the soccer game was over, the whole family decided to go for ice cream, and Harry always remembers Adrian's favorite ice cream: chocolate vanilla ice cream with strawberry sauce. Although his parents also asked him what he would like to buy, Harry only chose a cheap lemon ice cream for himself.

Adrian, while scooping the last bits of ice cream into his mouth, asked curiously:

"Hey, don't you have any classes at university or study today? You're rarely this free to cheer me up, with your schedule full of lectures."

Harry stood up, his face pale. He hurriedly kissed his brother on the forehead, then hugged his parents' before running to the parking lot with all his might:

"Oh my God! I forgot I have a class this afternoon. Bye, Adrian! Mom, Dad, I should be going now."

His parents smiled:

"Do your best, son."

Harry ran away when he saw Adrian waving his hand wildly, and shouted after him:

"Bye bye, big brother!"

He took the bicycle his parents bought him, and rode straight to school. Fortunately, the university wasn't too far from the park where Adrian's school team competed, so it was still half an hour early when Harry arrived at the class.

He sat down in an empty chair at the front row of the lecture hall. His classmate, Nathan, immediately approached and asked urgently:

"Hey, did you finish the questions the professor gave us last week? Those Advanced Math questions are so scary, it makes me want to go to the hospital. I've only just started solving the third problem. How many have you done?"

Harry could remember those questions. Last weekend, the teacher issued 10 complicated math problems, the latter ones are harder than the previous, and requested the future Masters to try their best to solve it to the best of their ability. He said that maybe one of these problems can be an interesting topic for their master's thesis. But Harry had forgotten about it, because Adrian's team playing occupied his mind.

He scratched his head, looking at his friend with a guilty expression:

"Um...I haven't..."

Nathan rolled his eyes:

"Nothing? No words yet?!"

Harry nodded, feeling his cheeks heated up:

"Yeah...I was so busy last week, I had to go cheer for my little brother..."

Nathan had pity his eyes:

"Sucks to be you, then. This professor is very strict, if you don't do it, he will scold you to death. Well, I'll go ask Peterson."

Then he rushed up two tables away, and discussed the answer with another person who had just come to class.

Harry opened his school bag. Due to his hurry, he didn't even have time to put a single notebook in his bag. Inside there was only a flier about the mall sale, and a tourist map of London that he had bought when...

Shaking his head slightly, Harry let his A.I memory automatically recall the teacher's questions. Now he needs to focus on solving these questions first. Meaningless thoughts later.

* * *

"Right. I hope you all spent most of the past week solving the questions I asked. Whether your essay score will be awarded extra points or not is partially based on these answers." The professor with a goatee said to the class. Nathan elbowed Harry, worried.

Their professor added:

"You certainly won't be able to solve more than 7 of them, and I don't expect everyone to, because the last ones are tough questions that even PhD students have a hard time dealing with. The important thing is to do your best, that's enough."

Then he began to check on them one by one:

"Handel, only three? Is it true that you have already thought through all the methods?"

"Peterson, your handwriting is so bad I can't even read it. Good thing you don't study to be a doctor. Got 5 problems down, but 1 wrong. Pretty good, I would say."

"Nathan, I don't even know where to begin. These answers have gone completely off topic."

The professor came up to Harry's desk, and he handed him the mall's coupon. The professor raised an eyebrow at it.

"Harry, what's this? If you want to recommend to me the mall's sale, at least make sure it's still up to date."

The class burst into laughter, but Harry said softly:

"Oh no, it's on the back, sir. Because I've run out of writing papers."

"Ah...oh my gosh," said the professor, flipping through the sides of the discount catalog crammed with Harry's words, "my goodness...your solution is right...I've never seen such a creative way of solving problems like this."

Harry fiddled with his hands:

"Um...I can only solve 9 problems, because I'm a bit limited in time." He only has 30 minutes before class, so he did the best that he could within the time frame.

Beside him, Nathan whispered wordlessly, his face filled with astonishment and disbelief:

"9 problems solved???! But also on a discount paper?!"

* * *

When Harry got home, he stopped his bike in front of the mailbox next to his parents' garden, then opened it to check for new mail. Inside was a thick letter, the envelope was waxed with three interlaced "ICW" characters, and at the sender's was written from the "International Confederation of Wizards". Harry smiled, and then he slipped the letter into his coat's pocket.

Photo: Symbol of the International Confederation of Wizards

When Harry opened the door to the living room, he found his parents and Adrian was sitting with an elderly woman, wearing an emerald green robe, her hair in a tight bun tucked under a pointy hat. She wore square-rimmed glasses, and when she saw Harry, she smiled at him:

"You must be Harry Potter. My name is Professor McGonagall, vice-principal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and I have come to announce your brother's admission to our school."

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