Chapter 4: An unexpected result

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Harry wasn't too surprised by professor McGonagall's self-introduction. He was even expecting it, ever since his little brother started showing signs of accidental magic here and there. He was no stranger to magic, witchcraft, and wizards, not only because on Planet Scorpio they were something very common, but also because Harry had come to recognize and learn a little about the wizarding world on this Earth, shortly after the two brothers were adopted.

Having already had ties with the wizarding world before, Harry knew he shouldn't have divulged too much information here, especially about how "special" he is. So he sat down on the wine-colored sofa, and pretended to doubt the professor's words:

"Witch or magic is just a product of imagination. They are not real."

Professor McGonagall said sternly:

"Oh no, they're very real, Mr. Potter. And your brother, Adrian, is a wizard."

She pulled from her robes a wand, about eight or nine inches long, which Harry recognized, since he had been looking up information on wands invention by witches and wizards on Earth. The professor waved her wand at the white porcelain teapots on the glass table, and the two cups turned themselves into two mice. They jumped up and down in the silver tray.

Harry's parents let out a 'Wow' as they jumped back to avoid the mice, while Adrian squeals with a very eager look on his face. Professor McGonagall waved her wand again, and the mice reverted to their former teacups. The whole family cheered with delight.

Mr. Dawnson said in disbelief:

" this really magic? It isn't some sort of magic trick? And, you're saying that my sons are really capable of doing this?"

Professor McGonagall continued, turning to his adoptive parents:

"Yes, I can assure you, Mr. and Mrs. Dawson, that Adrian Potter is a real wizard. Our wizarding world has always lived side by side with other non-magical people, like you and your husband. Adrian's biological parents are two very capable witches and wizards, and I also had the honor of teaching them when they were teenagers. Adrian has been enrolled ever since he was born, and I am here to announce that he will be able to enter Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on September 1st."

She took an envelope from the pocket of her robes, stamped with the letter H, and showed it to Adrian and his parents. She added:

"I have come here with the responsibility as a professor to inform you about the existence of the magical world, and ask you to allow Adrian to attend our school. Anyway, this is also probably the feverently wish of his deceased biological parents."

Adrian eagerly opened the envelope. Inside, there was a piece of parchment, written in italics, that read:


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorcerer, Chief Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confederation of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Adrian Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1st September. We await your owl by no later than 31st July.


Minerva McGonagall


His parents seemed to have no objections, smiling as they watched their youngest son fiddle with the envelope in amusement. His father, John Dawson, sat on the back of the sofa, put his arm around his wife's shoulder, and said:

"If this is the wish of the parents of these two children, then we have no objection. My husband and I are both infertile, so just having these two children in life is already very happy."

His wife, their adoptive mother, was also regarding Harry and Adrian with a warm smile:

"Besides, having two wizards in the house would certainly be interesting. Don't you think so, darling?"

Professor McGonagall interrupted his mother. She immediately said:

"No, Mrs. Dawson. Only Mr. Adrian Potter will become a wizard, and Mr. Harry Potter will not have that chance."

Both his father and mother were taken aback. His mother covered her mouth.

"Why is that, professor? Don't these two children have parents who are excellent witches and wizards?"

"The boy is unlikely to be accepted to Hogwarts like Adrian, madam. Because Harry Potter is a Squib." Professor McGonagall voiced her answer, her face filled with pity for Harry. If this genius kid had magical abilities, who knows how much of a change he would have made to the wizarding world.

Adrian confused, looking from his father, to his mother, then to his brother:

"I'm sorry, Professor McGonagall, but I wanted to ask... What is a Squib...?"

The professor smiled sadly as she explained to him:

"Son, Squibs are people who were born to magical fathers and mothers, some even come from a long bloodline of wizards and witches, but they themselves have no magic at all. Of course, because they still had magical blood flowing through them, they could still see enchanted places that ordinary people couldn't see. But they are just that. They could never do magic, or study magic. Squibs are rare, so I'm really surprised Harry is one."

Harry and Adrian's parents both looked at each other nervously, while Harry just shrugged. He already knew this was going to happen anyway. Ever since he knew about the existence of the magical world here, and their less advanced magical technology when compared with Scorpion, he knew that in this world it would be impossible to understand the root cause, but the system only prizes magic through results. They also have no way of allowing people like Squib to work in the wizarding society.

And the results are clear. Harry will never have more than a third of the magical power his brother Adrian possesses. While he's not completely non-magical, since he can still see magical creatures (like most Squibs), he certainly can't do any magic by swinging a wand and chanting spells or anything like that.

But, Adrian suddenly stood up, he said indignantly:

"If my brother doesn't get into Hogwarts, I'm not going either." He ran out, grabbed Harry's hand, tears in his eyes. "I just want to go to the same school as you, Harry!"

Then, the boy knelt down to beg the professor, at this point he was really starting to cry. Harry's adoptive parents also quickly got up and ran over to the boy:

"Professor! Please allow my brother to learn magic too. Please! My brother is very smart, he can learn anything!! Please, Miss!!"

Professor McGonagall told Adrian, being very patient, and showed compassion and sympathy for the two brothers. There was no way she could help Harry with magic, no matter how much she wanted to. But it's also heartbreaking to see these two brothers, who have lost their biological parents, and are now forced to separate, because one is a wizard and the other is a Squib:

"I'd love to, Adrian, but for someone without magic, no matter how hard they try, they can't go to Hogwarts. Your brother will have to continue his studies and work that have nothing to do with magic."

His mother pulled Adrian up, then coaxed:

"Come on, Adrian. Stand up. Even if you go to Hogwarts, when you come back for the holidays your brother will still be here, right? Not going to magic school together is not the same as being separated forever." Then she exchanged glances with her husband, after which Mr. Dawson continued, "And if you want to stay here without going to school, that's fine, just don't go to magic school anymore."

Adrian said tearfully:

"But...but...I want to learn magic...And I want to study...sniff...with big bro."

At this point, Harry, who had been quietly observing everything until now, slowly walked over to Adrian, then kneeled down in front of him:

"Listen, Adrian. You have to study magic. You have to be a good, strong and brilliant wizard, for my part too, okay? I'm sure you'll become a great Mage later on. As for me, you don't have to worry about me. I'll find a way to always be by your side, and protect you, okay?"

Adrian used his sleeve to wipe his snot:

"Really? Will you still be with me?"

Harry nodded:

"Really. Pinky swears with me."

Adrian stuck out his tiny little finger, then hooked them on Harry's. The boy smiled a little.

Harry's parents looked at him, worried. They pulled Harry back and whispered:

"Are you sure you can stay with Adrian? Professor McGonagall just said that Squib can't go to school without magic."

"It's okay. I can take care of it." Harry reassured them.

Then he walked over to Professor McGonagall, who was also very confused by his statement, and asked:

"Professor, I know that I have no magical ability, but I would like to work somewhere in the school. I have some basic skills and degrees, so as long as there is a job where I don't have to use magic, I can do it. Like being a Caretaker, or teaching something about Muggle Studies. I wonder if you can ask the Headmaster to help me?"

The professor was so surprised by his suggestion that she didn't even notice that Harry knew the concept of Muggle even though she had never said the name outright.

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