Chapter 6 - (case 5) fall festival caper part 1

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It was only September still and Whisp was excited for the fall festival to start. The festival takes place at a new charity carnival right next to Lumpyland. Though as the children felt excited for the fall festival something happened. Someone disappeared and this here is Whisper Willowquim's exciting case yet. Young Whisper was wearing a shirt (yellow with an orange leaf on it) that Flippy gave him as a gift for the fall festival, a dark brown coat with leaf-shaped buttons (Sugarbaby wanted to make sure he doesn't get a cold), blue jeans, and two orange shoes. It was only 3 hours until the fall festival opens for the children. Whisp was talking to his classmate Akihiro about what had happened. Whisp said, alright Akihiro...let's see if I got this straight your older half brother disappeared 6 hours ago before the fall festival opens. Akihiro said as he looked down, that's only mostly right Whisp...but I'll set this brother Re-Zi is the chairman of the new carnival...the fall festival here opens in three happened just this afternoon at lunch time people in the carnival thought it was a good idea for him to volunteer at the magicians practice show for the opening of the fall festival and she was the same magician from my first birthday...the magician sealed my brother in the mystical chamber waved her hands around and opened the box...and the trick was astounding Re-Zi was gone and no one knew how she did it. Whisp said, so when you were there did you waited for the magician lady to bring him back?..I heard from my Aunt Nougat that everyone waited for him to reappear. Akihiro then said as he looks down and said, that's just it Whisp...the magician couldn't bring him back...the moment I saw that I was in shock and I was parents went in hysterics and the police have been searching for him frantically for him yet not one clue.. Whisp rolled his eyes and said, probably cause weren't searching at all... Akihiro said, you really don't like cops do you? Whisp said, nope..besides they have no idea what a hero my father is. Akihiro then said, can't argue with that...but still even with them looking me and my parents looked everywhere in the carnival...but no one has a clue where Re-Zi might be and besides he had all the charity money with him..and if something happened to him I..I never be the same. Akihiro started to cry bloody tears. Whisp said comforting him, Re-Zi and the charity's gonna be okay's time to solve a mystery and this time it's a real good mystery...don't worry Akihiro...I'll find your brother... Akihiro said as he sniffed and wiped his bloody tears, r-really? Whisp said, come on would I lie to you? Akihiro said smiled and said, you maybe a demon on the inside Whisp but I haft to admit you have the heart of an angel. Whisp chuckled and then said, wish me luck Akihiro. Kinen then runs to them and said, hold on.. Whisp turns to him and said, what is it Kinen?..something wrong? Kinen then said, I'm gonna need to help ya on this in case you find clues. Whisp then said, you sure about that? Kinen then said giving him a crystal ball, a course I wanna return the favor for helping me and my father set up our fall festival booth...I have two small crystal balls so that we can keep contact and if you find a clue ya know what to do... Whisp smiles and said, well then...alrighty Kinen let's go we gotta mystery to solve... Whisp walks to the soon to be opened carnival with Kinen as Akihiro said, there goes one brave boy... about one minute later Whisp sees the magic show and said as he pulled out his magnifying glass, alright I gotta find the charity money and Akihiros brother Re-Zi...I better be on the look out. He looks around before noticing something in the trash can. Whisp picks it up and said, a clue...hmmm... he sees it's a magic wand before pulling out the crystal ball Kinen gave him and said, hey Kinen I think I found's probably a magic wand. Kinen said in the crystal ball, yeah I agree..I wonder who uses a magic wand. Whisp then said, a magician. Kinen said, that's right Whisp...this clue might be a sign... Whisp said, could be..if I remember correctly the magic show is the last place anyone saw Re-Zi. Kinen said,'s definitely the first place you should check out. Whisp nodded and said, okay check back with you later. Kinen then said, oh yeah I almost forgot to tell ya during the way here I placed a spell on your magnifying glass so you can see green glowing hand prints and footprints. Whisp said in amazement, wow..thanks Kinen I appreciate it. Kinen said as she giggled, any time little detective. The crystal ball fades as Whisp puts it back in his pocket. Whisp
tries out his magnifying glass and to his surprise green glowing footprints lead to the magic show. Whisp whispered, wwwoowww...okay time to solve this mystery. Whisp walks into the magic show as he follows the footprints. When he entered he looked around for a bit. Whisp said, okay here's the room where Re-Zi disappeared... the young raccoon looked at the mystical chamber that Re-Zi entered before noticing something on one of the seats it was a ride ticket. He picked it up and said as he took out the crystal ball once more, Kinen I found another clue...check this out is this some kinda ride ticket? Kinen as she looked at it in her crystal ball, yes this is definitely a ride ticket...*looks at it* that looks like a ghost on the ticket. Whisp looks at it and said, wow your right it does...though it reminds me how Len tried to pull his so called prank. Kinen said, your telling me I wouldn't speak to him for weeks... Whisp then said, well Halloween isn't until next month I Better keep looking... Kinen then said, okay...listen if there's a chance the magician is here. Whisp said, your right I should go and talk to her...thanks Kinen. Kinen then said, no problem. Whisp places his crystal ball back in his pocket before going upstairs and towards the back stage before he noticed something. He took out his magnifying glass once more to see footprints leading towards the wall and said, someone must've been through here...but I'll worry about that later right now I need to see the magician. Whisp walks into the backstage and looks around while walking to the dressing room. He noticed another clue and said, whoa a clue... he walked towards it and said as he sees it's a plastic pumpkin, it's a plastic pumpkin...hmmm something like this belongs somewhere spooky... he then notices a plastic spider on their and said, it's too early for Halloween decorations...Kinen is right these clues might like a trail or something. Then he walked to the dressing room and knocked on the door. The magician opened it and said as he sees Whisp, oh hello there young man can I help you? Whisp said, my names Whisper Willowquim I'm a classmate of Re-Zi younger Brother Akihiro...would you mind if I ask you some questions or so? The magician (a white female rabbit with white hair in a white and pink magician tux named Abra) said, aren't you a bit too young? today...but who am I to judge?...nice to meet you little boy but can we cut this short?..I'm a very busy woman...isn't it exciting? Whisp asked, what's exciting mam? Abra said, all of the excitement and all of the people? Whisp was confused but said, what do you mean you by that? Abra said, why all of the people interested in me and my act that's what I meant. Whisp asked as he raised a brow, so your happy Re-Zi's gone? Abra said, well I wouldn't say that young man...I didn't mean to make him vanish permanently ya know. Whisp then said, will please help me mam?..I would appreciate it. Abra then said, I love to young man but I gotta get ready for the show in three hours. Whisp then said, I'll check with you later your earrings by the way. Abra then said as Whisp walked off, thank you young man I bought these about three weeks ago. Abra said as she closed the door, what a nice boy. Whisp walked back to the stage and looked around before he noticed a hand print on the wall. Whisp said,'s pretty weird that someone would walk through walls unless they're unless. Whisp placed his small hand and the wall opened like a door. Whisp said in amazement, whoa..a secret passage let's see where it leads. Whisp walked into the secret passage as he looked around. He then sees it leads to a haunted house ride for kids. Whisp said, it's so spooky but cool...I can see why where the ticket, pumpkin, and spider cane from. He then took out the crystal ball which also works to record other talks as Kinen said after letting her hear the talk, that magician seems to care about her and her act more than Re-Zi...don't ya think? Whisp said, yeah I'm with you...she seemed to into her act pretty much. Kinen said, so you found out where the other three clues came from? Whisp said as he walks around looking for a clue, yeah I'm in this exact location...turns out the the ticket is for this haunted house ride... Whisp then notice something out of place inside a wooden box. When he opened it he sees it's a wet frog toy. Whisp recalls the frog squirting game for the little kids and said, this must belong to that frog game I passed by... that's when Whisp noticed a wet grey baseball cap. He picked it up as Kinen said in the crystal ball, is that a wet hat? Whisp said, yeah it's all wet. Akihiro who was there said as he looked at it, that's Re-Zi's favorite hat...he had in on ever since his fourth birthday..he must've been here. Whisp said as he walked out of the haunted house ride and into the part of the carnival, I had a feeling he's not alone...Akihiro I dunno how you're gonna react to this but it seems like he got himself snatched by someone. Akihiro said in tears as he gasped, oh brothers been kidnapped. Whisp sighs and said, afraid so.. he looked at a clown tent and walks to it before he knocked on the tent and said, hello?..anyone home? Then a white seal in red hair in a clown outfit said as he looks at he boy, hey there young man I'm Polk Fester I'm the owner of this carnival can I help you? Whisp said as he looks at him, I'm Whisper Willowquim I'm here to ask you some questions about the magic show. Polk said, oh was a shame about what to that guy he seemed like a nice guy. Whisp said, he sure is...his little brother is my classmate and that's part of the reason that I need to find him. Polk said, well I'm sure someone will get that boy back. Whisp said, which is precisely why the word is spread. Polk said, I'm sure it is...I'm pretty sure with all of them pitching in we will find him in no time. Whisp said as he raised a brow, I hope so...thank you so much for your time Mr. Fester. Polk said, good luck. Whisp said before he noticed Polk was wearing a clown suit, we'll be in touch but I gotta question before I go...what's with the clown outfit are you running a cotton candy stand? Polk was confused before he realized what he meant and said, oh..not really I'm just wearing this besides this here is a clown tent..I'm sure your parents have taken you to a circus before. Whisp said, yeah but I was at my preschool class and as a result I gotta hug from an elephant.. Whisp walks off as Polk whispered as he goes back to his clown tent, what a nice kid...reminds me of my kid when he was that age. As soon as Whisp arrived at the ticket booth next to the Ferris wheel he pulled out his crystal ball and Kinen said inside the crystal ball, well he sure is relaxed about the whole thing. Whisp said, no kidding he looked too relaxed. Kinen said, yeah poor Re-Zi's gone and all he can think about is the money. Whisp said, that's greedy. Kinen said, I'll say...I better talk to the person in the ticket booth. Kinen said, alright good luck. Whisp puts his crystal ball in his pocket before he went to the door and knocked. Then when the door opened a light grey seal with red-orange hair said as he looks at him with a stern look, hey what are you looking for?..festivals not started yet. Whisp said, I'm Whisper Willowquim and I'm looking for Re-Zi do you know anything about the case sir? The seal said, all I know is that he disappeared during the magic show which was pretty cool. Whisp asked, seriously you think it's cool? The seal said, yeah's all the attention my dads carnival and festival is getting. Whisp asked as he raised a brow, your dad?..are you Mister Polk Fester's son? The seal said as he nodded, correct names Curtis dad runs the show here. Whisp asked as he crosses his arms and raised a brow, so you wouldn't know anything about Re-Zi now wouldn't you? Curtis said, nope..besides I have no reason for a kid to look at my stuff. Whisp thought, I wasn't going to... then Whisp said, you'll tell me or the one in charge of this case if you learned anything correct? Curtis said, yeah all I know is one of the towns hero Splendont is in charge of the case...and I'm not involved. Whisp looks at him suspiciously and said, okay thanks for your time Mr. Curtis. Whisp walked off as Curtis said, yeah sure whatever...see you soon. Whisp took out the crystal ball as Kinen appeared inside the crystal ball while walking to the junkyard of the carnival. Kinen said, I can't tell what Curtis wants or something else. Whisp said, probably so Kinen besides..something tells me he's involved in this whole thing. Kinen said, cant argue with that...he seems eager to count the cash that business he thinks he's bringing in that's weird. Whisp said, my thoughts exactly...anyway I got one last suspect to talk to you all ears? Kinen said, all ears buddy good luck. Whisp nodded as he places the crystal ball in his pocket. He arrived at the junkyard and sees a place where the handyman is in. Whisp knocked on the door and a handyman (Handy the Beaver) opened the door with his teeth and said as he sees him, and what are you looking for? Whisp said, I'm trying to find Re-Zi I'm Whisper Willowquim. Handy said recognizing him, I know who you are your that little boy who helped me with the groceries... Whisp said, oh yeah that's right...have you seen anything strange? Handy said, you may say that...I seen strange things all the time... Whisp asked, do you know where Re-Zi might be or who he might be with? Handy said as he shook his head no, not really..I became a handyman about the same week this festival and carnival was opening I mean it's as old as the town itself...besides only reason why it looks new cause everything was renewed and I know what your thinking yeah I have no arms but I have a technique that you may never know..I fixed what needs to be fixed. Whisp asked, so you must know anything about this carnival is that right? Handy said, uhuh... Whisp asked, really? Handy nodded his head. Whisp said, okay...we'll let you know when we'll speaks to you again Mr. Handy...see you. Handy said, okay little guy. Whisp walks off as Handy whispered, I hope Re-Zi's okay...I may need to get back to work. When young Whisp recalled the wet hat and wet frog it leads Whisp to the frog squirting game for kids. When he arrived at the frog squirting game he looked around before seeing something out of place and said, a clue... he looks closer as he takes out his crystal ball and said, those nuts and bolts must belong to one of the rides don't you think Kinen? With one look at the nuts and bolts Kinen said, I'll say someone must've been hard at work. Whisp recalls the junkyard he was at before he walks back to the clown tent Polk Fester was at. Whisp arrived and knocked on the tent entrance. Polk looked and said as he sees Whisp again, hi there young's your search going? Whisp said, we're working on it do you have a couple of minutes? Polk said as he shrugs, I do have 2 minutes...say have you come across that charity money? Whisp replied, no not yet...but I'm sure when we find Re-Zi we will find the money. Polk said, oh I'm sure someone will get to that money...really sure...a-and we'll get Re-Zi back too. Whisp said, ya know your carnival and festival is getting lots of attention. Polk said in a little flattered but same tone, yeah it has...once it opens in 3 hours it will be more busy...though if this keeps up I'll finally open my circus. Whisp asked in confusion, circus? Polk said as he looked down, yeah...ever since I was a kid I wanted to be the most funniest clown of all but my father owned this carnival and festival instead of a circus but with the money I'll be throwing pies and honking the horns. Whisp asked, why not open one here as a new addition here? Polk said, I'll keep that in mind... Whisp said, anyway I gotta get back to searching be on your guard....and thanks for your time.. Polk said as he smiled a little, whatever you maybe a kid yourself but something tells me you will do a swell job...the money isn't as important as Re-Zi. Whisp raised a brow and said, okay... Whisp walks off to the ticket booth as Polk whispered, open a circus here at the carnival and festival?..I shoulda thought of that when I inherited this place...I better go check on my son before he disappears. Whisp pulled out his crystal ball as Kinen said inside the crystal ball, doesn't Mr. Fester look too worried about someone finding the charity money? Whisp said, yeah he seemed that way. Kinen said, my gosh it's like he has gotten it hidden away or something? Whisp said as he arrives at the ticket booth, I'll say...wish me luck on Curtis again Kinen. The young raccoon places the crystal in his pocket once more as he knocks on the door again. Curtis opens the door and said as he looks at Whisp, oh hey again...I didn't think I see you again kid. Whisp said, we're still looking for Re-Zi did you see anything? Curtis then said, not yet we're just getting in three hours...though cause of the disappearance the festival carnival has been getting attention...even Madame Abra...but no one has been noticing me. Whisp looked at him suspiciously and said, that's a weird thing to say. Curtis said as he sweated, look don't get me wrong I hope the guys okay and all but publicity is everything...ya know I advise you to talk to Handy. Whisp asked, why is that? Curtis said, cause he's the handyman around here despite having no arms...he knows this place inside and outside. Whisp said, I'll keep that in mind...thanks for your time Curtis. Then Curtis said, ehh whatever... Whisp walked off to the junkyard as Curtis whispered in annoyance, I can't believe I'm being questioned by a four year old. Later when Whisp arrived at the junkyard once more he sees a clue and said, a another clue...*looks at it* this looks like a ticket... he pulls out the crystal ball as Kinen said looking at it inside the crystal ball, wow...I think you found a Ferris wheel ticket. Whisp said, my thoughts exactly...I'm gonna go talk to Handy again you ready? Kinen said, all ears. Whisp places the crystal ball in his pocket before he knocked on the door. Handy opened the door and said as he sees Whisp, oh hello again. Whisp asked, you said you know everything about this carnival correct?...any hidden places and all? Handy nodded and said, yeah I got lots of ways to be quick around here...shortcuts, secret passage ways, and all that. Whisp asked, can you tell me where they are Handy?..I'm really eager. Handy said as he chuckled, sorry kid if I tell you it wouldn't be a offense little Whisp but your too young to understand about these things... Whisp said, okay I understand Handy..thank you. Whisp takes only a few steps as Handy whispered closing the door, I better make sure they find that boy before it's too late... Whisp for our his crystal ball as Kinen said inside the crystal ball, he's unusual than before...ya think he's hiding something? Whisp said, possibly...but let's keep going...Akihiro is counting on us. Kinen nodded before Whisp places the crystal ball back in his pocket. Whisp arrived at the Ferris wheel and rode it. He reasoned with the mechanic to let him ride it luckily. Whisp looked around before he noticed someone running to the clown tent. Whisp said as he got off, I saw someone going to the clown...*to the mechanic as he runs off* thank you Mister. The mechanic of the Ferris wheel said, your welcome...if you need to ride it again let me know besides it's only a practice run before this place opens in three hours. While running Whisp said, I wonder if Polk is still there if so I gotta warn him. When Whisp arrived at the clown tent and entered he said, Mr. Fester ya here?...*looks around* guess not...he looks around as he said, man he must've really wanted to be a clown. That's when Whisp sees a clue and said, hey a clue...a greasy rag...maybe from wiping down rides... Whisp thinks for a moment or two before he notices a handprint while looking at his magnifying glass. He touched the handprint and said, another secret must lead to the junkyard. Whisp ends up in the junkyard again before he finds a clown key. Whisp said, whoa a clown key...I better keep this for safe keeping in case I find something to open. he places the key in his other pocket before he looks to see another clue and said, a clue...*looks at a deck of cards* cards?..hmmm...must belong to the magic show.. Whisp walked out the junkyard. When he passed the ticket booth he stopped before walking to it and said as he opened it, hello? there Curtis?...*looks around* must be busy. Whisp closes the door before proceeding to the magic show. When he arrived back to the magic show Whisp knocked on the door of Abra's magic show. Then as Abra opened door she said as she sees Whisp, hi there Whisp...have you found anything out yet? Whisp said, well I'm hoping to ask you two questions. Abra said, okay but I can only take a second. Whisp asked, you in a rush? Abra said, well like I said before I'm busy...even though I changed my act around. Whisp asked, so Re-Zi's disappearance is good for business? Abra replied, yes but I didn't really mean to make him vanish forever...I wouldn't do that to Re-Zi I loved him...if you want to know a secret go below the stage..once someone enters my mystical chambers the platform is like an elevator that takes him or her to a waiting room...then when the platform gets his or her up they come back to the stage...I didn't see Re-Zi after that happened. Whisp said, so it means... Abra said, look young man I'm very busy can you come back later? Whisp said, I will but one more thing I like to say...I'll find Re-Zi no matter what. Abra said as she looked down, I'm happy to hear that...look don't get me wrong I'm worried about him as much as his brother...I just hope he's okay. Whisp said, don't worry Abra I will find him. Whisp walks off to the bottom of the stage as Abra whispers in concern and worry for Re-Zi, please find him I maybe crazy to say this but your his only hope now. Abra closes the door as Whisp arrived below the stage. Whisp looks around before looking at clue. He sees it's a ticket with a heart on it and said, must belong to that tunnel of love ride for kids with the new water-ski boats...I better go see what's happening there. Whisp ran out of the magicshow. When Whisp arrived he sees a mysterious figure entering the tunnel of love ride. Whisp yells as he runs to it, HEY YOU!! The mysterious figure jumped and ran to one of the skies of the ride. Whisp yelled in angry tone, HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!!! After the crook hopped on one of the skies and rode away in the ride Whisp got on one them as well and chases the figure who is the suspect. While that happened the suspect was trying to make sure he or she looses Whisp but unfortunately for the suspect Whisp was speeding towards him or her. Then Whisp bumped the ski he or she was on and said with a stern glare, STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL!!! The suspect didn't listen he went off the ride and ran as he dropped something. Whisp said as he chases after him, SSTTOOPP!! Whisp stops as the suspect was out of sight and said, rats we lost him or her. That's when Whisp notices something and said, hey the crook drop something. He picked it up knowing it's a box. Whisp then opens it and said, hey it's all the charity money...better get it back to Kinen for safe keeping. When Whisp arrived to Kinen's location Kinen said as she looks at the box where the charity money is stored in, great job Whisp...the charity people will be happy to hear. Whisp said as he gives the money to Ms. Mazy who hears about the whole thing and was in charge of the charity thing this year, yeah but we can't stop until Re-Zi is back safe and sound. Akihiro said, which is weird that the suspect had the charity money...*gasped* he must've hidden my brother somewhere. Whisp said, I'm not sure... Ms. Mazy said, please do what you can Whisp...but I thank you...the charity people will be relieved for this...besides we can't start the carnival knowing someone isn't safe...please hurry though there is only two hours left until the fall festival opens. Whisp nods before he said, I will Ms. Mazy. Whisp walks off as Ms. Mazy said, that is one determine child...I'm glad I have him in my class.

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