Chapter 7 - (case 5) fall festival caper part 2

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Whisp looked around where he or she coulda gone. He said following the suspects trail, hmm..the suspect must've taken the money after doing whatever it is to Re-Zi..I hope Re-Zi is okay Akihiro is more worried about him than ever...though if I follow the trail it may lead me to the suspect and possibly where Re-Zi is. Then as he passed the Ferris wheel he notice the mechanic who worked the Ferris wheel was knocked out. The mechanic of the Ferris wheel had a bruise on his head as he groaned as Whisp gasped and ran to him. Whisp said tapping his shoulder, hey..hey wake up.. the mechanic of the Ferris wheel opened his eyes as Whisp asked, who did this to you? The young raccoon spotted the first aid kit and gave him a band aid for his bruised head. The mechanic of the Ferris wheel said as his bruised was covered, th-thank you. Whisp asked, what happened? The Mechanic of the Ferris wheel said in concern, I dunno...I was getting ready to get the Ferris going for the kids on the ride when I saw someone in the distance I coulda sworn it was one of our charity people Re-Zi but before I get to see if it is someone snook up behind me and hit me in the head and I was out cold. Whisp asked, hmmm...did you get a glimpse of this person before you blacked out? The mechanic said, sadly no I wish I did though but I'm worried..Re-Zi is not only one of the charity people here but he's my partner.. Whisp said, hey it's okay I'm still trying to find him if I find him I'll let you and everyone else know... the mechanic said, you wanna ride the Ferris wheel again?...I wanna make sure the person who knocked me out wasn't tampering with must understand I take my work seriously when it comes to the Ferris wheel. Whisp then said, okay but before I go in I wanna ask you...did Re-Zi have people that hate him? The mechanic of the Ferris wheel said as Whisp got on, I dunno everyone in the carnival and festival liked him especially Abra she and Re-Zi fell in love about 3 weeks ago after Re-Zi started working here. Whisp said, oh. The mechanic of the Ferris wheel started the Ferris wheel as Whisp rode it. Whisp then caught a glimpse of the suspect going to the parachute ride. When the Ferris wheel ride was over Whisp got off and said to the mechanic, thank you sir...but right now I gotta see what's going on at the parachute ride..when the festival and carnival starts I'll come back with a friend to ride the Ferris wheel again. The mechanic of the Ferris wheel said, it's no problem and thank you...listen please bring Re-Zi back to us and be careful. Whisp said, I will sir...but take it easy on that bruise okay?...and stay safe. Whisp runs to the parachute ride as the mechanic said as he waved, I will...*to himself* for a four year old boy he's really brave. When Whisp arrived at the parachute ride he sees a police hat at the entrance of the parachute ride. Whisp said as he looked at it, hm..this is a police hat... he took out his crystal letting Kinen see it as she said, I wonder if a guard was in a hurry and lost it. Whisp said, possibly...I'm heading to the security office right now...I may hate the police but I need to see if there's a clue there. Kinen said, alright. Whisp placed he crystal ball in his pocket and ran to the security office. When he arrived at the security office and entered it. Whisp asked himself, I wonder where the security guard is?..hmph!..probably looking around instead of finding Re-Zi. Whisp then looked to see a crowbar with a note on it and looks at a rubber bat that is possibly from the haunted house ride. Whisp said as he looks at the crowbar, hmmm...this may come in handy...but what's this?... he grabs the note and red it allowed, I didn't leave this here but I thought I let you know by writing this me at the junkyard as soon as possible. Whisp thought for a moment or two before he ran to the junkyard. After Whisp arrived at the junkyard he said looking around, if Handy was a crook why would he be suspicious?...although I doubt he would write that note he doesn't have any it the suspect?... that's when a voice said behind Whisp, actually I wrote it. The young raccoon looked to see a figure in a hood and dark grey clothes. But it revealed to be one of Whispers biological older brothers Oblivion who was a rebel with a big heart. Whisp said in surprise, hey...your one of my biological brothers aren't you? Oblivion said, correct although it's the first time seeing you in person Whisp...I only visited you in your dreams when you were two years old. Whisp asked, what are you doing here? Oblivion said, I gotta mysterious phone call from an unknown number giving me instructions. Oblivion gives him a piece of paper that has the instructions in it and one of them is showing Whisp something important. Whisp asked, but what did this unknown person wanted to show me. Oblivion indicated him to follow him in the workshop Handy was in. Whisp thought, I wonder if Handy is at home right now. Oblivion said, after that unknown phone call I dropped everything and had to come you have the crowbar? Whisp nodded and gave it to him. Oblivion used it on a box Handy was keeping and opened it. Whisp looked to see bunnies and said, these bunnies are from the magic show...I get it now..Handy isn't being a criminal he's just protecting these cute bunnies...big brother call me crazy but... Oblivion then said, it's okay I always know...I'm something no one can understand...I'm glad your raised well and good Whisp...although I may need to tell you something that will help you... Whisp said, what is it? Oblivion then said, someone is helping you out by leaving those clues all around here... Whisp asked, is it the same unknown caller? Oblivion nodded. Oblivion then stood up and pet Whisp on the head and said, I'm glad to finally see you in person Whisp...I wish you luck...I gotta go now it's nice seeing you. Oblivion ran out as Whisp said as he waved, BYE BYE... Whisp smiled and said, it's nice to see Oblivion in person too...but I gotta get back on the case...hmmm...I better get to the haunted house ride and see what is up... Whisp then ran to the haunted house ride.. when he arrived he sees a clue. Whisp picked it up and saw a ticket that is possibly a ride ticket. Whisp said, this must be the carousel ride ticket...must be my next stop. Whisp runs to the carousel ride as he thinks what Oblivion said. When Whisp arrived he sees a magic show key and a pair of rings. Whisp then said, hmmm...I better see where this leads to in the magic show. When Whisp arrived there Whisp sees a box below the stage and looks around. Whisp pulls the lever and the platform comes down. That's when Whisp unlocks the box and there was another clue inside. It was a ticket to the bumper cars as he said, another clue...must be for the bumper cars ride..hmmm...if the suspect is there then I need to see if he or she is... Whisp takes a look at the platform and said, if what Abra said is true then someone must've waited here and grabbed Re-Zi after he was lowered here. Whisp then said as he went on the platform and pulled the lever, well I better get to the bumper cars. After the platform was lifted Whisp to the stage the young raccoon goes out of the magic show and runs to the bumper cars ride. Whisp said while running, this time she or he won't get away. When Whisp arrived to the bumper cars he sees the same figure from the tunnel of love ride before he yelled, STOP RIGHT THERE MEANIE!! The figure looked at him before he jumped into the bumper cars. Whisp rushes to one of the bumper cars too and chases after the suspect. The suspect grunts and tries to speed off but unfortunately Whisp was full speed ahead dodging every empty bumper car. Whisp caught up to the suspect and said as he bumped the bumper car the suspect is in with his, NOT SO FAST!!! After the suspect got bumped Whisp said as he pointed at him or her, TELL ME WHERE RE-ZI YOU BIG MEANIE!! The suspect jumped out of the bumper car and ran out as he drops something. Whisp did the same and chased him as he said, HEY GET BACK HERE!!! Whisp stopped as he lost sight of him once more and said, shoot I lost him!..we were so close... Whisp then notice something and said as he picked it up, hey this is a security tape... Akihiro ran to him and said, Whisp are you okay!? Whisp replied, I'm fine but I think I found a security tape this could be important...we need to get to the security office and watch this. Akihiro nodded and said, agree...but we better hurry we got one hour until the festival and carnival opens. Whisp nodded as they ran to the security office.

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