Chapter 4 - telling Fliqpy

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Flippys pov

I felt free for some reason. I haven't heard from Fliqpy about 6 hours. I walked out and took a breath for a moment or two. I walked around. I chuckled and giggled as I smiled. Though I felt empty. But I kinda had a feeling that something will happen. But then my worried feeling soon changed as I saw a bunch of guys including Cuddles and Toothy drooling. I didn't know at first but I shrugged and walked away. But for some reason I felt like I was being watched. Although I remembered something that Brandon told me.. I once ask him about his other five brothers although he also told me his other two brothers were missing cause his older half brother was raised by a normal family and his little brother the youngest of the Warzone raccoons was taken when he was a baby..I remember what Brandon said to me when I asked him.


He and I sat down cause he wanted to tell me something that was very secretive. Brandon explained, well you see Flippy there were supposed to be the seven of us brothers including myself but only two of my brothers went missing. I asked, then why keep that a secret? Brandon said, probably cause they didn't want people to know that there was only five war raccoons... I asked, so what happened were they...killed? Brandon shook his head no and said, see my older half brother August is raised by his real idiot father wanted to tryout my shitty moms protestation job and ended up capturing a college teacher who is August's birth mother....they think I didn't know about it but I'm not that stupid to be honest that's just stupid... I said, that's horrible...what happened to August and his mom? Brandon said, well somehow August's mother's husband knew where she was and rescued her along with the baby...and he raised him and their it's a relief for him.. I said, man were your parents always a couple of shitheads? Brandon said, my dad yeah my granny dropped him on his head at the age of two. We both laughed before we stopped as Brandon continued, but my mom...she used to be this all day school girl being sweet and everything but she somehow followed into the wrong crowd by falling for this moron who dumped her a few weeks after they started dating..and that was before she met my father. Flippy said, man I feel sorry for your mom although she coulda gotten help instead of turning to prostitution. Brandon said, that's what I thought she shoulda done. I then asked, so what happened to the other one? Brandon took a deep breath and said, well the other one who went missing...he was taken when he was a baby...and he was the youngest and the last of my brothers. I asked, what happened? Brandon said, well you see my shitty mom abused him way after he was released from the hospital one night some guy took him away but I don't know older brother Oblivion somehow knew but I didn't know I was only two at the time...I'm sorry Flippy it's just that... I said as I smiled and patted him on the back, it's okay Brandon sometimes it's good to let people know what's on your mind. Brandon smiled and said, thanks Flippy. I replied, anytime Brandon. I then said, I really hate to bring it up but do you remember what your baby brother looked like? Brandon took a deep breath and said, memory maybe a blur but all I remember is that he had red fur, black hair, and silver eyes however I don't remember what his name is. I said, I see...but I'll tell you what Brandon if I see a raccoon that matches the description I will know right away it's your little brother.

<flashback ends>

I may admit. After the war I came across a woman who is obviously not from around here..she was holding a baby red raccoon with black hair with silver eyes..  I asked about the baby and she told me he was her adopted nephew. Although what stroke me is that he had the same features that Brandon described his lost little brother. I asked her what his name is and she said his names Whisper Rage Willowquim. His first name was really nice but his middle was so dark I mean why the name Rage? although as the baby raccoon was sucking his pacifier he cuddled his aunt. as the woman thanked me for my time and walked off with the baby. I feel like I was being watched again.

Flakys pov

I..was walking a..around...before I did I realized Flippys personality inside my mind..I don't know how but it was so sudden.. Fli..Flippys personality suddenly said, hey wait! Flaky said, w..what? Fliqpy said as he made me look at the boys looking like they were in la-la land, wh..what's with them? Fliqpy said, I don't know but... he trailed off as a blue cat with pink hair walked passed them. Fliqpy gasped and said, K..Kiara? that her? I said but for some reason I didn't stutter like I normally do, know that girl? Fliqpy said, yes I do...she's one of mine and Flippys friends from the war...we had several friends in the war but only two remained alive...I'm surprised to see her feels like forever since I seen her.. I said curiously, do you like her? Fliqpy said, a course I like her but the only problem is that Flippy loves you and I only love her. I said, I see...I love Flippy too but... Fliqpy said, but what? Flaky said, I wanted to someday return the favor for Flippy...he saved me numerous times but I wanted to do the same for him. Fliqpy said, I see...tired of being the damsel in distress? I nodded and said, yes that and I wanna save Flippy someday just like he saved me. Fliqpy said hole heartedly, well recently Flippy felt like he was being watched but I can't tell who...if something happens then I may be able to help you return the favor. I smiled a little and said, thank you. Fliqpy said, don't thank me yet Flakes.

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