Chapter 3 - something strange/inside Flakys head

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Flakys pov

Fl..Flippy had my b..back for so long...I wanted to save him too...I..I don't care if he has a sp..split personality. I love him. B..But I sometimes w..wish I..I would return the favor. Wh..when I got home I..I felt head hurts, my chest begins to hurt, and I felt my heart pumping in an unusual rate. I heavily breathed and thought to myself, what's?...happening to me?...I'm feeling weird..I went to bed and fell asleep as I felt the headache not going away.

Fliqpys (now in Flakys body) pov

I woke up and said to myself, ugh...damn Flippy bumping into that frightened bitch!...huh?...*feels something weird going on* why is my voice so girly?...wait where the fuck am I?!...*goes to the bathroom and looks into the mirror and let's put a scream*...IM IN FLAKYS BODY?!...OH FFFUUUCCCCKKKKK!!!! A neighbor said, HEY DRAMA QUEEN KEEP IT DOWN!!! I yelled, WELL YOU BE FUCKED UP IN THE WINGS PAL!!! I was on my knees in hysterics and shaking. I said to myself, grrr this is all Flippys fault if he...*realizes something.* FUCK!!!...if Kiara sees me in this body I'm fucked! Yeah yeah I love her!...but I can't help it...Kiara is my ain't that different about how Flippy loves Flaky!...she's perfect and far more sexy than Flaky ever could be...ugh...I was in Flippys Head and now I'm stuck inside this damn bitch with Flakes in her spikes...*growls and hears something outside* huh?...*looks outside and sees something suspicious* hmm?...*sees a body bag* what are these assholes dragging off? I sighed, went outside, and followed them. It took a while before I realize it was Just Sniffles and The Mole carrying a sack full of dirt and soil. Sniffles sees me and said, oh it's just you Flaky... I said, uhh..yeah I...I was at my house when I saw the two of you walking and I thought you two were burying someone. Sniffles said as he looked at me dumbstruck, uhhh...okay...are you feeling okay? I said, yes I am..I just haven't had much sleep lately. I walked off as I rolled my eyes.

Sniffles pov

I didn't know what was going on with Flaky but I never knew what beautiful yellow eyes she has. They look cute on her...though those eyes remind me of Fliqpys...oh well. I shrugged before me and Mold carried the bag of soil and dirt.

Fliqpy/Flakys pov

When I went inside it made me feel uneasy. Honestly I'm in a woman's body..not just any woman I'm in Flippys woman. I kinda felt my chest a little. Though it's not so bad being in a girls body but I just wanna be in Flippys body again. God I'm such a perv. Though I haft to wonder what Kiara would think.

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