Chapter two - rememebring Kiara.

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Flippy had another flashback about Kiara as he does he thought, Kiara...


Brandon and Flippy were talking before they heard another alarm and another enemy was approaching them. Several soldiers and Flippy and Brandon. That's when they met her. In the middle of battling another tiger army. They see a woman (a cotton candy colored cat) who was slaughtering tigers around her. Fliqpy sees the patterns of her mangling and slaughtering enemies and became infatuated with her as he said inside Fliqpy, wow...*gets starstruck* what a sexy and violent creature she is. But as soon as she was done she was stabbed and fell. Brandon and Flippy rush to her as the cat said, don' Flippy said as he and Brandon helped her, sorry but we can't let you die... Brandon said, a good soldier never leaves another soldier behind. Flippy said, yeah what he said. They carried her out of the battle field as the girl thought, why me? Later when they brought her into the infirmary. One of the Soldiers said, alright...this one is named Kiara Praise...a tiger-slayer from a small town similar to happytreetown...we don't know her background or anything...I advised her to join us or be executed for interrupting the battlefield. Flippy and Brandon looked at each other before they had an idea to reason with her to join them. Flippy said to Kiara, Kiara is it? Kiara nodded and said as she sees them, yeah...hey wait your those two soldiers who didn't leave me to die. Brandon said, saving your life is the term we use to describe it. Kiara felt her heart warming up before looking at the two and said, but why did you save me?...out of pity? Flippy said, no Kiara...we did cause we don't wanna see someone die. Kiara said as she smiled a little, I never thought I say this...thank you two...of you haven't saved me I woulda died...just tell me...who are you two. Flippy said, I'm Flippy and this is my friend Brandon. Brandon said, it's nice to meet you Kiara. Kiara smiled at them as she felt like she made herself new friends. Friends that really understand her.

<end of flashback>

Flippy smiled at the photo of him and his two friends as Fliqpy said in his head and sighed, I miss Kiara. Then suddenly Fliqpy felt like he was vanishing away as he said, wh..what's happening?...what the hell?.. before he can finish he vanished completely and was transported into someone else mind.

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