Chapter one - remembering Brandon

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Flippy got home and laid down on the couch he remembered after he had slain the tiger army and the general himself but he also remembers that faithful day when he met Brandon Wars.


Fliqpy laughed quietly while walking back to the slaughtering ground where he killed the tiger soldiers but he stopped behind the bushes and he sees a male raccoon with Snow White fur and bright blue hair and was wearing a grey-shirt, dark-grey jeans, and two combat-boots he didn't recognized walking around and said to himself, oh my God...whoever did this...I don't think Kyle is behind this...I saw him talking to Alex and the colonel...dam favorite...I hate it when they criticize me and my other siblings. he was gritting his teeth for a moment before Fliqpy thought, hmm!...a soldier from Vega-City...he must be one of those Warzone Raccoons I keep hearing about...but I'm surprised to see one of them in person. He then accidentally broke a stick causing him to be alarmed... he turned around and yelled, *gasp* WHOS THERE?! Then Fliqpy seizes his chance and pulls a gun towards his back as he said, don't move a muscle. he said, what the heck is this an ambush?...because it's worthless to kill your... Fliqpy replied and he interrupted, turn around slowly and no tricks. He turned and Fliqpy. The raccoon said, hmm...what are the odd chances that I get captured by another hidden enemy. Fliqpy said, well it's better that way give it up...before I shoot you. The raccoon hesitated before a few more soldiers came in. Fliqpy turn back to Flippy as he shook his head...he looked dumbstruck for a moment. One soldier said as he walked toward the raccoon, well...looks like you caught a spy Sergeant Flippy. The raccoon said, Sergeant? That bear Flippy said, hey no talking...who are you?...and why are you here?...your one of the soldiers from that military base aren't you?...and your also the one who created that tiger massacre aren't you? The raccoon said, first of all...I left that military for a reason and second of all...that was my brother...I only killed a few before getting shot in the brother has different fur and hair colors and he's 5 years older than me....take a closer look. Flippy said, you do look similar to him I'll agree to that...but you must come with us I'm afraid...try not to contact that military...or else. The raccoon said as he glared, I don't plan to... Flippy was surprised and said, so your coming with us willingly huh?...what should we do? Flippy thought, this guy must be serious...*looks around* and I don't see the other six with him or anyone else... One soldier said, hmm...well it could be a trap but who knows...we will give him 2 years and see what happens...*he turns to the Raccoon* so you left for a reason huh?...what's your name? He said, my name is Brandon... Flippy said, well Brandon...your going to haft to come with us...and no tricks... he nodded as one blindfold and handcuffed him for precaution...they know him and my brothers are dangerous...then they walked off as Flippy thought, I feel very sorry for him...*looks around* he must be telling the truth...other wise we all be dead...I should look into him for the time being... later when they arrived and put Brandon in the cell. Flippy looked into him more. He opened his profile and red, Brandon Cullen Wars, 20 years old, cold and dead inside since the age of twelve and join the military with his brothers, and was cold as snow. Flippy said in concern, wow...he's really troubled and dead inside at the same time... 10 months went by, Flippy looks at him dead inside, and Flippy had to talk to the others and the commander of the military he worked for to give Brandon a chance luckily he was convinced so Flippy Would help Brandon. He then went to go get Brandon. Later when he arrived. Flippy said as he open the cell room door, hey still alive?... he replied, not for long... he removed the cuffs and said, come on your coming with me.. he hesitated before standing up and walking with Flippy... Flippy thought felt his heart aching while they took one step at a time. Then he said, where are we going? Flippy replied, you'll see... that's when they went to the interrogation room. The one soldier said to Brandon, Brandon is it? He nodded. The solider said,'s come to our attention that we noticed that you really have left the anyway...unless your a spy and want to be executed I advise you to redeem yourself. He said as I looked at them, Re...deem? Flippy looked at Brandon and said in confusion, what? haven't heard the word redeem before?...*he shook his head no* oh...sir...I'll look after Brandon for the time being so he can redeem himself. The soldier nods his head and said, understood serge. During those times Brandon began to redeem himself more and more every single day at the same moment Flippy and Brandon became instant friends. When the next war came in Brandon showed his powers and his demon form when Flippy was in trouble. It didn't bother them considering Brandon was on their side. Flippy had about minor bruises but Brandon had a gunshot to the arm. Flippy was able to save another friend from the war but this time he was on time. Brandon said as he sat up, thanks Flippy...your a soldier with a heavy heart. Flippy said with a smile, and your one good hearted demon Brandon. Brandon smiled as the both of them laughed.

<flashback ends.>
Flippy said as he looked at the ceiling, well at least Brandon and his big brother are good people...I wonder if the grey raccoon is gonna be okay...hmm...*smiles as he sits down.*

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