Prologue - two years passed

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<two years passed>

It had been two years since the war happened...Flippy felt a lot of pressure and depression on himself cause Fliqpy didn't feel the same way about him. It was the day of the death anniversary of Mouse Kaboom and Sneaky. Flippy felt heart broken he thought he would find someone else before a familiar girly voice shouted, WWWWHHHOOOOAAAAAAHHHHH!!!...LLLOOOOKKKKK OOOUUUUTTTTTT!!!! Then Flippy got bumped into before he can look up to see who it was. When he wason the ground and to his surprise it was Flaky. Flippy has a crush on her when she was in high school but lost interest in her for some reason. But now he felt star struck again. Then as he stood up to help Flaky a photo fell out of his pocket. It was a photo of him and his pals. He picked it up and said as he looks at it, Kiara...Brandon...I really miss you both...I wish you both can stay here and we would have a lot of fun. He puts the photo back into his pocket and helps Flaky up and said, are you alright Flakes? Flaky looks at Flippy and said, u..uhuh. She took her hand and stood up. He wanted to say something but couldn't. Flippy meant so much to Flaky. She always knew he protects her in any way when she needs someone the most..she wished that she can return the favor to Flippy. Though Flippy didn't know Flaky wanted to return the favor that much...she wanted to know how it feels to protect the ones she cared about even if it meant she has to have blood covering her hands.

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