Heathlegs// Help Needed

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"HICCUP!" Fishlegs screamed.
Hiccup jolted up from the forge and looked to his left. There, he saw a frantic Fishlegs. Toothless cocked his head questionably. Hiccup glanced at him and shrugged.
"He looks like a chicken with its head cut off," Hiccup muttered.
Toothless gave his laugh and watched as Fishlegs almost dropped from lack of oxygen. Fishlegs heaved for breath and he looked at Hiccup.
"Hiccup," he gasped, "you gotta help me."
Hiccup nodded silently and waited for an explanation.
     "I wanna propose to Heather, but I don't know how," Fishlegs blurted out.
     Hiccup grinned and clapped Fishlegs on the back. "Great! Wait, wh-why do you need my help?"
     "Because I can't think of a good way!" Fishlegs fretted. "Formal? Causal? Maybe both?"
     "Fishlegs, just be yourself," Hiccup said expertly.
     Fishlegs inhaled deeply and nodded. Hiccup smiled and pushed him away. Hiccup smiled and glanced at his hand, the golden band glistening on his finger.

Fishlegs muttered about to himself while on his flight with Meatlug. Fishlegs groaned and slouched on his Gronckle. Meatlug whined and looked back at him, hovering above the ocean.
"Ugh, I need help!" Fishlegs growled. "Hiccup told me to be myself, Snotlout told me to impress her, the twins told me to take her and blow something up and Astrid said to be myself too. And then the Mrs. Larson said to take her to a grove of flowers. Ms. Goldenburg said to woo her. I mean what the heck does that even mean?"
Fishlegs gave up on his rant. Meatlug continued at a brisk pace through the air. Meatlug suddenly stopped and dropped to a nearby cliff. Fishlegs tried to pull her up, but she was adamant about going to the cliff. When Meatlug landed Fishlegs' eyes popped.

Hiccup stood outside Heather's hut. He cleared his throat.
"Your presence is requested at the base of Outcrest peak." Hiccup smirked.
"By who?" Heather asked quizzically.
"You'll find out, but know that if you don't show up, he will know what your decision is." Hiccup nodded and walked away.
Heather smiled and closed the door.

Heather stood at the base with Windshear, having landed only moments ago. She wore her usual braid, but a green tunic and black leather skirt, that ended above her knees.(kind like Astrid's in style) Rustling in the bushes alerted her, but Fishlegs stepped out with Meatlug. Meatlug waddled over to Windshear and warbled something. Windshear roared quietly and flew off.
"I didn't think you'd come," Fishlegs admitted.
"Well you have a very formal way of getting me here," Heather said with a smile.
Fishlegs pulled out a strip of fabric. Heather looked at him.
"Do you trust me?" Fishlegs asked hesitantly.
Heather smiled and nodded. Fishlegs returned the grin and gently tied the cloth around Heather's eyes. Heather almost gasped as he picked her up and gently placed her on Meatlug. He climbed on behind her. Heather chuckled as the whoosh of a take off breezed through her. She felt them land and Fishlegs pull her off. She was placed and stood still.
"Happy birthday," Fishlegs murmured in her ear.
He then removed the blindfold. Heather squinted at the vibrant light, but when her eyes adjusted, she gasped in awe.
The cliff was beautiful. Covered in golden poppies and layered with grass. The cliff overlooked the ocean, the gentle waves lapped at the edge. The sunset was perfectly illuminated in the dying light, making the colors more vibrant then ever.
Heather turned to look at Fishlegs, but again gasped. Fishlegs was on bent knee a small ring in his hand.
"Heather, I tried to find a perfect way of proposing, but a little birdie told me to be myself and then I came across here, and well, what I'm saying is I love you. And I don't want to spend the rest of my life without you by my side. So what d'ya say Heather? Will you make me the luckiest man alive?" Fishlegs smiled up at her.
Heather smiled. "Yes, yes of course!"
Fishlegs stood up and was immediately embraced by a hug. Heather pulled back and then gently pressed her lips on Fishlegs'. Fishlegs gave in quickly, but pulled away. He slid a gold band on her finger. It had a tiny diamond on the top. Heather enveloped him in a bear hug.
It was perfect, will a little help.
So I know I said this chapter would be up yesterday, but I forgot how busy yesterday was, so here it is on Saturday night. Currently 10:51.
Sorry about that and thanks for reading!

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