HTTYD// Thanksgiving

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     It was Thanksgiving in the Haddock house. Valka raced around the house, setting the table and making sure the tables were looking perfect. All the guests were there, ready to eat. Ruffnut and Snotlout arrived with Tuffnut. Heather had been able to be there with Fishlegs and their three-year-old son Amos.
     Hiccup ran out into the living room and sat on the couch to socialize. Astrid was busy with Valka in the kitchen. Hiccup and Astrid's two kids ran around their mother's feet. Annuk chased her older six-year-old brother around, while Roland ran away from his four-year-old sister. Astrid walked out, balancing the turkey and mashed potatoes. She set them on the table.
     Astrid walked into the living room with their one-year-old toddler. Aster Haddock was their newest addition. He reached for Heather. Heather gladly picked I'm up and bounced him on her knee. Soon everyone was seated at the table, all the kids stationed at the Kids table.
     The house buzzed with laughter and conversations. The family enjoyed having all the friends that they grew up with, enjoyed the company. It seemed to be that as soon as it started, it ended. Soon the women were taking all the leftovers into the kitchen to keep for later. The men took care of the children. All the children disappeared upstairs to play.
     "So! We decided to have a game," Astrid announced, leading all the women back into the living room.
     "Great," Snotlout grumbled.
     "What's that supposed to mean?" Astrid asked sharply.
     "Well, it's just that, all your games end with you getting to beat me up," Snotlout whined.
     "Well, lucky for you, this is a thankful alphabet game," Astrid said with a glare. We'll go around and the person has to say something they're thankful for that starts with that letter."
     Astrid sat next to Hiccup.
     Hiccup called first. "I'm thankful for Astrid."
     Hiccup nuzzled his nose into her hair. Astrid smiled.
     "I am thankful for the business," Astrid stated.
     Astrid and Hiccup ran a multi business of affordable apartments.
     "I am thankful for my cat Windshear," Heather said, her small cat curled in her lap.
     "I'm thankful for my dog Meatlug," Fishlegs squealed, his boxer snoring at his feet.
     "Well, I'm thankful for eggs, for egging houses," Snotlout said victoriously.
     Ruffnut rolled her eyes and slapped him upside the head. "I'm thankful for flags, to remember what country you belong to."
     "I'm thankful for Geese!" Tuffnut exclaimed. "What? It is the closes thing to Chicken."
     "I am thankful for Hiccup, who is the best thing that ever happened to me," Astrid said sweetly.
     "I'm thankful for imagination," Hiccup said smartly.
     "I'm thankful for the Jorgensons finally staying out of my family," Heather said teasingly.
     "I'm thankful for Kites, like our first date," Fishlegs said.
     "I'm thankful for the first lunch Ruffnut and I had, that's when I knew she was the one for me." Snotlout posed proudly.
     Well I'm thankful for malaria, especially when Snotlout had it and it caused him pain," Ruffnut chuckled at the memory.
     "I'm thankful for no college for now," Tuffnut said in an accent.
     "I'm thankful for optimism," Astrid decided.
     "I'm thankful for parrots, especially now that Stormfly likes me," Hiccup said thankfully.
     "She's a macaw," Astrid corrected.
     Hiccup shrugged it off and asked Heather to continue.
     "Well I'm thankful for quirkiness, especially Fishlegs," Heather said wholeheartedly.
     "I'm thankful for rats that are helping in labs," Fishlegs said nerdily.(A/N: yes I know nerdily isn't a word)
     I'm thankful for snakes, and that Barf doesn't bite me anymore," Snotlout said, referring  to the Twins' identical Ball Pythons.
     "I'm thankful for Tuff, who is the best brother ever," Ruffnut said.
     "Well thank you my fine sister, I am thankful for, wait, what's my letter?" Tuffnut asked stupidly. "You know, I never learned the alphabet past the letter s."
     "U!" Everyone shouted.
     "Aha! Yes, u. Uh, I'm thankful for uh's," Tuffnut said, pleaded with himself.
     "I'm thankful for Victories over the Berserkers," Astrid announced.
     "I'm thankful for water, 'cause we need it to live," Hiccup said thoughtfully.
     "I'm thankful for the xylophone Fishlegs' mom gave us for Amos." Heather grinned.
     "I'm thankful for yaks, because they are Berk's substance." Fishlegs tilted his head a bit.
     "And I'm thankful for, zebras?" Snotlout asked.
     Everyone laughed at the last one.
     "Happy Thanksgiving!"
Okay so I know I didn't update last week, because it was thanksgiving break for me. So in return I'm updating today and tomorrow. And then we are back to the weekly one a week!

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