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"Chicken! Chicken! Bock brock!" Tufnut panicked.
The rest of the gang sat around the fireplace in the Clubhouse. Astrid glanced at Heather. Heather shrugged and picked her yak chop up.
"Hiccup!" Tufnut whined. "Chicken has disappeared, I saw her bones at the forest."
"Uh, Tuff? Those bones are from the decoy chicken we put in the forest to lead the Skullcrusher out. Chicken was with you remember?" Astrid pointed out.
"Then how do you explain, THIS!" Tuff whipped out a long piece of brown something.
"Um, that's a piece of dried out dragon dung." Heather looked annoyed.
"Oh," Tuffnut grunted.
Hiccup looked at Tuffnut. "Can we please get back to lunch?"
"Hmmmmmm, how can you eat at a time like this?" Tuffnut screamed.
"Like this," Snotlout said, biting off some yak.
"Chicken is missing! My poor poultry love!" Tuffnut said theatrically.
Heather laughed. Her yak slid to the back of her throat. She coughed a few times, hitting her chest.
"Fishface! Help your girlfriend!" Snotlout ordered.
Fishlegs raced over, wrapping his arms around her waist. He pulled her close, pulling up at the same time. Heather convulsed and the yak went flying.
"Ouch! Ow! Ow!" Tuffnut cried.
Heather gasped for air. She rested a hand on Fishlegs' shoulder to steady herself. She looked gratefully at him.
A crow sounded behind them.
"Chicken!" Tuffnut raced towards the chicken. "Bad Chicken! You scared me! Where were you?"
Chicken crowed and gobbled.
"What's that Chicken? Bock bwrock?" Tuff "communicated. "Viggo's men are off the North border!"
"Time to go!" Hiccup jumped up.
Everyone jumped up, mounting their dragons faster than ever. Tuffnut grabbed Chicken. Chicken squawked as Barf and Belch took off.

Hiccup levitated in front with Toothless.
"We will meet again, Hiccup Haddock!" Viggo howled.
"Our victory goes to Chicken!" Tuffnut cheered.
"Um, Tuff, our victory goes to us," Heather said.
"No! Chicken was the one who told us about Viggo's attack." Tuffnut rubbed his nose against Chicken's beak. "Isn't that right. My little chicken."
Hiccup shared a look of worry and confusion with Astrid before everyone broke into laughter. Tuffnut turned his head defiantly as the riders began their flight back to the clubhouse.
RTTE SEASON 4 CAME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I haven't seen it yet(because I don't have Netflix) But I can't wait!!!!!!!!

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