Hiccstrid// Debate Names

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(Requested by: @Che4343
        What about Hiccstrid choosing their kids' names and ending up in a heated debate)

     "Zephyr," Hiccup suggested.
     "It might not be a girl," Astrid reminded.
     "But it might be," Hiccup countered.
     "Valka, please tell Hiccup that if we have a girl, we are not naming our daughter Zephyr," Astrid pleaded.
     Valka sat a cup of tea on the table next to Astrid. Astrid laid a hand over her bump and looked at Valka.
     "Well, it's your decision," Valka tried to mediate. "You must look for a name together."
     "Hiccup, please not Zephyr," Astrid whined.
     "Why not?" Hiccup tried to defend. "It means soft breeze."
     "You can't name a baby after the meaning of the name only," Astrid huffed. "You don't know that she'll turn out to be a soft breeze. What if she whips through our village with the ferocity of a wildfire?"
     "You make it sound like she's going to destroy our village," Hiccup said with a frown.
     "No, what I'm saying is that she may be a fearsome warrior," Astrid said.
     "But she may be a warrior with a gentle heart," Hiccup said, leaning forward to brush Astrid's cheek with his fingers. "Just like her mother."
     Astrid smiled lightly as Hiccup stood up and got the Book of Dragons. He pulled it out and sat it on the table. Astrid stood up and joined him at the table. Hiccup blew the dust off of the leather cover.
     "You haven't touched that book since Toothless left with the other dragons." Astrid opened it.
     Hiccup squeeze his eyes shut. Astrid looked at the picture. She tilted her head and her eyes widened. "Is this, is this the Light Fury?"
     Hiccup nodded and turned around. "I was going to add her to the Book, figured I should have Toothless' girl in it."
     Astrid laid a hand on his shoulder. "You miss him, don't you?"
     Hiccup turned and smiled softly. "Every day, but I have you right?"
     Astrid smiled and leaned into his side. "Forever and always. I love you."
     Hiccup wrapped his arms around her in a hug. "I love you too." The two stood there for a bit before Hiccup broke the silence. "So Zephyr?"

     Astrid smiled as Valka wiped her head with a cool cloth. Her mother, Ingrid, finished and handed Astrid a small wrapped baby. Astrid grinned not moving her eyes off her baby for a second. Gothi and Ingrid cut the cord and laid Astrid's legs flat, adjusting the blanket over her legs. Astrid was exhausted and sore, but it all faded when her daughter opened her eyes.
     Valka put the cloth in the bowl and opened the door. Hiccup looked up from his pacing and grinned, gently pushing past his mom and stepping inside the door. He walked over to the side of the bed and sat down on the edge. Astrid laid her head on his shoulder and Hiccup let out a soft laugh.
     "She's beautiful," Valka said quietly.
     Ingrid kissed Astrid's forehead. "Congradulations my darling girl. We'll leave you three alone."
     Ingrid and Valka stepped out, no doubt to rest themselves. Hiccup looked at their daughter, who was looking at her parents with wide eyes. He gently brushed his knuckle over her tiny cheek.
     "She has your eyes," Hiccup murmued.
     "And your hair," Astrid finished.
     Hiccup nodded and brushed the fine auburn tinted hair. Hiccup reached out and Astrid laid their baby in his arms. He cradled her close, never wanting to let go. Hiccup smiled and dipped his head to bop her nose lightly. She giggled and reached out to his face.
     "And you were worried about being a father," Astrid murmured, swinging her legs over the side and facing him.
     "I was, but I guess there's a natural thing going for me," Hiccup admitted.
     Valka poked her head in. "The village is waiting in the Great Hall for the naming ceremony."
     Hiccup and Astrid looked at each other in silence. Hiccup took a deep breath and looked at the girl.
     "Don't tell me you still don't have a name," Valka breathed cautiously.
     "Well there's always Z-" Hiccup was interrupted by Astrid slapping a hand across his mouth.
     "If you say Zephyr one more time, I swear I will beat you up," Astrid said.
     Hiccup looked thoroughly degraded and nodded. He lightly bounced the little girl while Valka thought. Astrid spewed off a few other names, but Hiccup was no longer listening. He was looking at the beautiful little bundle of life that he and Astrid had made.
     "What do you think?" Valka's voice snapped him out of his trance.
     "Wha?" Hiccup looked up.
     "Wait a week and then announce it," Astrid repeated.
     "That will give the two of you time to adjust to being parents, and for Astrid to recover," Valka reasoned.
     Hiccup nodded. "Sounds like a plan."

     Hiccup and Astrid lied in bed that night. Their daughter slept soundly nearby, but both of their minds were filled with names.
     "How about Merida?" Astrid bounced.
     "No, way to much like a girl my dad tried to set me up with," Hiccup said apprehensively.
     "Okay, Marissa?" Astrid tried.
     "Santa Clarida?"
     Hiccup opened an eye and looked at her. "What? That's not a name."
     Astrid nodded. "Just checking to see if you were really listening or on auto pilot."
     Hiccup sighed. "I'm listening, but you know what name I want."
     Astrid groaned. "We are not naming her Zephyr. How do you even spell it?"
     "Z-E-P-H-Y-R," Hiccup spelled. "It's easy."
     "No," Astrid whined.
     "Please," Hiccup begged, "I'll never ask to name our child again!"
     Astrid frowned. "How about a game Tuffnut invented. It's called boulder, parchment, flint."
     Hiccup nodded. "Winner can name our daughter."

     Before anyone knew it, four years had passed. Hiccup and Astrid were once again standing in front of the village, announcing the name of their child. A baby boy, with handsome green eyes and downy blonde hair. His sister, Zephyr, yes, Hiccup won the game all those years ago, stood in front of Astrid, proudly watching Gothi perform the naming ritual. Valka watched with intrest, as Hiccup and Astrid had refused to tell her the name of her grandson.
     "By the power of the village Healer, we welcome our new heir," Gobber announced. "Nuffink!"
     The village all cheered, just as they had for Zephyr. Hiccup proudly held his son close and Astrid swung Zephyr onto her hip. Nuffink looked around, confused at all the commotion in his early life. The village all came up to greet the new heir, but also to off their blessings and prayers over the child. Valka walked over to Astrid, who was now alone as Zephyr played with her friends.
     "Hiccup won again didn't he?" Valka said slyly.
     Astrid rolled her eyes affectionately. "What gave it away?"
     Valka scoffed and her hand waved breezily. "Small things."
     Astrid and Valka both broke out into a fit of laughter. Hiccup finally was finished with the village and walked up mid laughing fit. Hiccup bounced Nuffink and looked at the women in suspicion.
     "Alright, what did I miss?" Hiccup asked.
     "I was just wanting to hold my grandson," Valka said, recovering quickly.
     Astrid still looked ready to burst, but managed a 'mhm' without breaking. Hiccup handed Nuffink to Valka, who took him and bounced him. Hiccup and Astrid watched as she left the Great Hall, her tradition to introduce the children to Stoick. Hiccup wrapped an arm around Astrid, rubbing her back.
     "What were you and mom really talking about?" Hiccup asked.
     "Small things," Astrid said easily. She looked at Hiccup and cupped his cheek briefly. His growing beard was soft in her hand. "She told me she could guess who named him."
     Hiccup looked at her in shock. "How?"
     Astrid merely smiled and walked away. Hiccup chased after her and soon both were in a full run.
     "How did she guess?" Hiccup yelled.
     "Figure it out!" Astrid yelled back. "It's not that difficult!"

Hope y'all enjoyed!!!!! Sorry it wasn't really that heated, but it was fun writing!
Thank you to all who have commented one-shot ideas! I love it when you have the ideas and I get to bring them to life!
Don't stop commenting ideas!!!!!!!

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