Hiccstrid// I was Being Silly

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(Requested by: @C_Drawz
          Hiccstrid fight over the stupidest reasons)

     "I can take care of myself!" Astrid furrowed her brows in anger.
     "I know, but that doesn't mean that I can't worry," Hiccup retorted.
     Tuffnut, Ruffnut and Snotlout were watching the Edge's newest couple blaze into a fight. Fishlegs and Heather had recon, but they decided to take an extra day for themselves. Ruffnut held popcorn and watched with wide eyes. Hiccup and Astrid never fought, they were always on the same page. Well, excpet for now.
     "But I am a trained shield maiden! I can do my own work." Astrid crossed her arms and huffed.
     "Why is it so hard for you to accept that I care?" Hiccup frowned.
     "Just because," Astrid ended.
     Astrid stormed out and jumped on Stormfly. Hiccup watched, his chest heaving from the exerstion of the battle. He turned to see the gang looking at him.
     "What?" Hiccup asked.
     "Wow!" Snotlout chuckled, breaking the silence. "That was amazing!"
     "What's going on?" Heather's unsuspecting voice asked.
     "You're back early," Ruffnut commented.
     "Yeah, we decided that we should get back and help with everything here," Fishlegs explained. "What's going on?"
     "Hiccup and Astrid had a blow out," Tuffnut exageratted.
     "Tuff it wasn't a 'blow out'," Hiccup corrected. "It was just a misunderstanding."
     "Sure, sure, sure." Snotlout waved off. "Just a 'misunderstanding' that made the roof almost collapse and Astrid fly off to who knows where!"
     Heather turned to Hiccup with an eye brow raised an a very unamused expression. "Well, why are you still here? Aren't you going to go find her?"
     "She seemed pretty upset," Hiccup reminded.
     "So, go find her," Heather said pushing him towards Toothless.
     Hiccup nodded, a small spark returning to his eyes. He mounted Toothless who smiled and shot off. Toothless tracked Astrid as fast as he could, knowing that Hiccup wanted to get there soon. He flew to a small island. Hiccup dismounted and looked around. This island was familiar, but Hiccup could not quite put finger on why. Suddenly the answer came when the signature call of the Death Song rang clear.
     "Garf?" Hiccup called.
     Garf poked his head out of the bushed. He squeaked and bounded forward to meet Toothless. Hiccup left Toothless and Garf to play with Stormfly, who had followed close behind Garf. Hiccup followed Stormfly and Garf's prints backwards, certain that Astrid would be at the end of them. Lo and behold, there she was. Hiccup quietly approached, her back to him and her knees to her chest. Hiccup quietly sat down next to her.
     "Astrid, I'm a muttonhead," Hiccup started. "I just, I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you. I-I-I love you Astrid Hofferson."
     Astrid simply raised her head slightly. Her eyes stared off into the distance and her loose hair waved in the breeze. She took a deep breath. "You won't lose me."
     "I know, I'm sorry I overreacted," Hiccup said solomnly.
     Astrid sighed and turned to look at him. "I was so mad because Hoffersons were always known for their bravery, skill and brains in battle. My family's skill has always been a treasured art, but over time, people forgot that we were still people. They began to want our skills more than us. My dad pushed me as far as he could, he wanted me to carry on the Hofferson legacy, but he forgot that I was still a person."
     Hiccup scooted closer and laid a hand on her back. "I'd never just see you as a skill or weapon. You're, you're Astrid. Beautiful, strong, smart and caring."
     Astrid smiled and rested her head against his shoulder. "Thank you, and I'm sorry too."
     Hiccup shrugged. "Eh, don't worry about it."
     "So, who sent you after me?" Astrid asked suddenly.
     "Heather," Hiccup replied. "Wait, how did you know someone sent me? I could have just come by myself."
     Astrid sat up. "No, I know you. I was mad and you like to give people space to cool down, usually a day or two."
     Hiccup rolled his eyes. "Sometimes I think you know me better than I know myself."
     "Isn't that my job?" Astrid joked.
     "Well, if it is, I wouldn't want anyone else to do it." Hiccup looked away quickly. "Was that corny?"
     Astrid lightly punched his shoulder. "Yeah. Nice though."
     Hiccup and Astrid sat near the lake for the rest of the day. They watched the sunset, just enjoying each other's company. The dragons played to their heart's content. Hiccup glanced at Astrid, who seemed to beam in the soft light of the sunset. Hiccup's lips curled into a smile as he thought,
     This is the woman I will marry someday, how lucky am I?

Hiccstrid fluff!!! Gotta love writing the fight and the make up!

So next chapter: A Snotlout and Astrid FRIENDSHIP. No dating, simply Snotlout being a good person and helping his collegue. Plus, it will have him accepting that Hiccup is the only one for Astrid.

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