Hiccstrid// So Bad, but Everything can be Fixed

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Requested by IANXGIRL
Um 🤔 hmm.. how bout where Hiccup and Astrid get in an argument because Hiccup doesn't spend that much time with Astrid and then Hiccup tries to reason with Astrid on why he hasn't been spending enough time with her and storms off. They haven't spoken for a few days and Hiccup wants to apologize to Astrid for not spending enough time with her and when he goes to find Astrid Astrid is no where to be seen because she's been injured badly and Hiccup finds out and he regrets not being with Astrid when she needed him (I hope this made sense to you)

     "What's going on?" Snotlout asked.
     Ruffnut and Tuffnut quickly hushed him. All three leaned against the door to Hiccup's hut. The battle brewing inside was to delicious to not hear. The three had never heard Hiccup and Astrid fight, never. Fishlegs soon joined and they all crouched outside, listening in on the couple.
     "I can't understand how you can be so irritating," Astrid huffed. "You have to to be the most brainless person in the world."
     "Astrid, just because I don't spend time with you, doesn't mean I don't love you," Hiccup reasoned out. "I've just been busy."
     "Right trying to find Krogan and Viggo," Astrid snarled. "You know what? I hope you never find them, then maybe you'll realize what a muttonhead you are."
     "Wait Astrid!" Hiccup reached to grab her hand. "Please don't leave me. I can't lose you."
     Astrid scoffed, though tears brimmed her eyes. "You already have."
     Hiccup stared hopelessly at his retreating girlfriend. He lost her, he truly screwed up. And now it cost him his best friend and only love. Hiccup sank to the ground in a corner. He silently cried, not wanting a soul to hear him.

     "C'mon Stormfly, we're going on a little trip," Astrid said, throwing some gear and provisions on her.
     Stormfly chirped as Astrid mounted her. Astrid and Stormfly soared off, not noticing the hunched figure sitting atop a Night Fury. Astrid soon landed on a nearby island. Multiple storm cells made an impossible wall to get through to Berk. Stormfly found a small overhang to shelter from the incoming rain.
"Looks like we're stuck here girl," Astrid said. "I wonder if Hiccup's okay."
Astrid shook her head and ventured into the rain. Firewood was her main goal. She wandered around, searching for loose twigs and broken branches. Stormfly shook herself from head to tail, splattering droplets of water, chirping indignantly. Astrid finally saw a ravine. She could see a large oak tree whose leaves and branches had broken due to the storm. Stormfly waited impatiently while she gathered them.
     "Stormfly? What are you doing?" Astrid asked.
     Stormfly whipped around, turning in tight circles, her tail was erect and her eyes were wild. Her frill was stuck up and she was antsy. Suddenly she stopped. A massive dragon appeared. It walked on all four paws, but it's many eyes flitted around. Astrid looked up at it in terror, she had only read about the Green Death and now she was on an island with one.
"Stormfly?" Astrid called hesitantly. More urgently she cried, "Stormfly!"
In a second, Stormfly was beside her, wings raised and roaring furiously. Stormfly spiked the Green Death. She flew up once Astrid was on top. Stormfly flew away, her wings pumped rapidly, placing distance between the Green Death and them.
Suddenly Astrid let out a cry of pain and slumped off of Stormfly. The Green Death's fire had hit them. Though Stormfly's fireproof hide protected her, Astrid's clothes quickly became flammable. Once Astrid hit the ground, she rolled. The rain sizzled and put out the fire, after a few minutes of excruciating pain.
"Stormfly," Astrid said hoarsely. "Get Hiccup."
Stormfly shook her head and lifted Astrid up and placed her in a cave, safe from the giant dragon and the falling rain. Stormfly chirped and nuzzled Astrid one more time. Then she took to the air, pushing herself to get back to the Edge. Adrenaline rushed through her body as she gained speed when seeing Hiccup's hut come into her sharp view. She stopped short and rammed inside Hiccup's hut, breaking the door to splinters.
"Stormfly?" Hiccup asked. "Oh no, where's Astrid!"
     Toothless and Hiccup shot off behind Stomfly. The Green Death came into view. Hiccup gasped as he saw a tiny figure in between the paws of the behemoth. Toothless did not need an order to start blasting. With Stormfly's spines and fire with them, they soon chased off the massive dragon. Toothless landed in front of Astrid.
     "Astrid?" Hiccup whispered.
     Hiccup scooped Astrid's light frame up and remounted Toothless. Stormfly crowed sorrowfully and brushed against her rider. Toothless glance up, noting that Astrid was firmly in Hiccup's arms and that Hiccup was secure. Soon they were off, Toothless' wings pumping quickly to get back before the next major storm hit. Hiccup watched as the light drizzle ran off of Astrid's face.
     Once inside Astrid's hut, Hiccup removed her shoulder pads and laid a blanket over her. Her shivering was a sign of either early hypothermia or fever. Hiccup motioned for Toothless to light the fire. Toothless obliged and then laid next to Stormfly, warbling some soothing dragon what nots. Hiccup pulled a small stool up next to her bed.
     "Oh Astrid," Hiccup whispered. He picked up her hand and held it. "What have I done? I'm sorry, I wasn't there when you needed me. I do care Astrid, you are the most important person in the world. I promise not to spend late nights hunched over maps, not to keep secrets of my discoveries, not to be such a muttonheaded boyfriend, but most of all, I promise not to ever make you feel like I don't want you."
     Astrid shifted the slightest and her fingers tightened around his hand and then released. Hiccup's eyes lit up at the small gesture. He pressed a kiss to the back of her hand. He shifted in the seat and laid his head next to her torso. Soon her was cozy and drifted into a sea or sleep.

     "Hiccup?" Astrid croaked. "What happened?"
     "I don't know," Hiccup's head shot off the bed as he replied. "All I know is that we now know where a Green Death lives. And not to ever go flying near there."
     "Hiccup?" Astrid asked.
     "I'm sorry, I should've talked to you instead of just flying off. I do love you," Astrid said sitting up.
     "I know, I love you too." Hiccup leaned his forehead against hers.

Ta da!!!!!!!!
Comment and vote peeps!😘

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