Hiccstrid&Valka// Training?

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     It had been two months since Valka moved back to Berk, two months since Hiccup became chief and two months since Valka got her son back. Things had settled on Berk, well, settled as much as possible. Normality had not really returned, it at all possible, but Valka hand Hiccup shared the Chief's hut. Soon Valka wove her way back into Berk and the Berkian society. Valka and her son had spent almost every waking minute together, but today was sure to be a surprise.
     "Hiccup! Are you going to train?" Valka called to her son.
     Hiccup turned from walking out the door. "Yeah, wanna come?"
     "Sure, I'll bring Cloudjumper," Valka said enthusiastically.
     "Oh, um, it's not exactly that kind of training," Hiccup stammered. "See I'm actually going to train with a partner, just so I'm not fully reliant on a dragon for protection."
     "Oh, who is this partner?" Valka asked intrigued.
     Hiccup grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the arena. "You'll see when we get there."

Hiccup and Valka walked slowly into the arena. Hiccup pressed a finger to his lips, indicating to be quiet. As he paused, he left his mother at the door and pulled out his fire sword. As he dropped its, the body of the sword rolled on the ground. He looked around. Valka opened her mouth to ask what he was doing, but suddenly a force dropped onto Hiccup.
Valka started to go to defend her son, but she soon recognized the outfit of those person who rolled over and over again with Hiccup. Astrid let out a war cry and tackled Hiccup. She pulled his left arm behind his back and kept her other arm on his neck.
"Okay, okay, you win!" Hiccup said heavily.
Astrid got off of him. As she helped him up Valka approached. Astrid dusted Hiccup's shoulder off.
     "Sorry about that," Astrid said sweetly.
     "No that's okay," Hiccup wheezed, rubbing his shoulder. "I should be used to this."
     "I didn't expect that," Valka said with a smile. "So you're his training partner?"
"I guess you could say that," Astrid said. "But I thought we'd try something different today."
"And what's that?" Hiccup asked picking up his sword.
Astrid flipped her axe up and threw it with pristine accuracy into a bulls eye. She took Hiccup's sword and unsheathed it. She tossed it around a bit before also throwing it into the target. She cracked her knuckles. "Hand to hand."
"Oh no," Hiccup said, "no, no,no,no."
"C'mon Hiccup," Astrid taunted. "You wouldn't be beaten by a girl would you?"
Hiccup dove behind some barrels of weapons, poking his head just above it. "Well, when you say girl, if you mean my beautiful girlfriend who is a trained warrior and more skilled than me, then yes, I will be beaten by you."
     "How about I fight you," Valka pipped up. "I haven't done it in so long."
     "Well then you don't want Astrid, she is like, extremely skilled," Hiccup informed from behind the barrel.
     "But if you want to, I'll do it with you." Astrid put her fists up, ready for anything.
     Valka nodded and let Astrid take the first swing. Astrid darted forward, throwing a light punch to Valka's shoulder before darting back. Valka stepped forward and to the right, while Astrid mirrored her. They circled one another for a while, Hiccup looking onward in concern. Then Valka quickly darted forward, slinging her arm around Astrid's. She twisted it around, pulling it behind Astrid. She held Astrid's other arm in her hand. Astrid fumed.
     "Do you give?" Valka asked.
     "Nope," Astird huffed.
     Quick as lightning Astrid elbowed Valka in the stomach and flipped her over. Valka gripped Astrid's boot and slung her to the side. The two tussled and rolled. After waiting ten anxious minutes, Hiccup ventured out from his safe place. He walked over and pulled Astrid off his mother.
     "Are you done?" Hiccup asked, holding her back.
     "Yup, just finished." Astrid informed.
     "You weren't kidding when you called her skilled and trained," Valka puffed.
     "You okay mom?" Hiccup asked.
     "Of course, I'll be fine," Valka assured.
     Hiccup leaned to the side and pressed a delicate kiss to Astrid's cheek. "Are you okay Milady?"
     "The victor is always okay," Astrid responded.
     "Alright, to the Great Hall!" Hiccup cheered. "I'm hungry."
     "Aww, you big baby," Astrid mocked.
     Hiccup rolled his eyes and led the way, his mother and Astrid on each side of him. Their arms linked as they walked in harmony to the Great Hall. Cloudjumper, Stormfly and Toothless joined them, taking a break from their usual activities.

Bada Bing!
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