Hiccstrid// Betrayal

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Requested by @GlassesGirl1495
                 Can you do a one shot where Stoick tries to kill Astrid for a reason(you can choose the reason)

     It was a sunny day on Berk. The day began like any other day. The Vikings of Berk bustled around with their busy lives. Apple carts, sheep and runaway young bulls were scatter throughout the plaza, as well as running through the plaza. Astrid Hofferson sidestepped an anxious young bull.
"What the?" She was stopped by a large Gronckle. "No! Stop!"
The Gronckle spun around, a crazed look in his eyes. Astrid held a gentle hand to its nose. For a second she thought he was fine, but then he attacked. Yelling she turned and ran, dodging the fire blasts. She counted, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Suddenly she whirled.
"I'm truly sorry for this," she muttered punching the dragon straight to the nose.
     He shook his head, growling. He charged at Astrid, knocking her off her feet. Astrid hammered at its tough hide with her fist. She soon saw the familiar shadow of Hiccup and Toothless. They flew over, Hiccup writing something down.
     "Hiccup!" Astrid yelled. "Hiccup!"
     Astrid could see his blasts recharging. Her eyes widened as she realized, it was her or the dragon. She fished in the small pouch on her waistband for some Dragon Nip, hoping it would smooth him. But to no avail, he took it and it seemed to enrage him even more. Astrid forced him to enter the arena.
     "Okay, so you're clearly not fond of Vikings." Astrid took her axe, dropping it to the ground and stepping away. "What d'ya say we get along, hm? How does that sound!"
     The Gronckle fired. Astrid narrowly dodged the blast and continued racing around the arena. She suddenly grabbed her axe, hurling it at the Gronckle. The blade sliced through the Gronckle's side. It looked in shock and fell, tired from the refueling of firepower. She checked the gash. It was deep, but small. It could easily heal on its own. She did her best to gently roll the dragon into the old Gronckle cage. She picked up her axe, closing the bar on the door.
     "Astrid Hofferson!" An enraged voice boomed. "What have you done?"
     Stoick stood behind her, looking at her blood glinted axe.
     "Stoick, I can explain," Astrid said placing the axe back on her back.
     "Explain what?" Stoick roared. "That you just killed a dragon?"
     "And that's what I'm trying to say," Astird reasoned. "I didn't kill a-"
     "What will Hiccup say?" Stoick asked quietly. "Come with me."

     "Hey! Please Stoick! Please don't do this!" Astrid slammed her hands on the metal bars of her prison cell. "Please! This is a mistake!"
     "I will see you tomorrow Astrid, for your trial," Stoick said, his voice heavy with regret.
"No!" Astrid screamed. "No."

"Hey dad? Have you seen Astrid? We were supposed to take a flight." Hiccup walked down from his loft with Toothless trailing him.
     "Hiccup, there's something you should know," Stoick said calmly. "Astrid is in prison."
     "What? Dad! Why?" Hiccup spluttered.
     "Hiccup, she killed a dragon," Stoick broke the news. "In the arena."
     "Dad, there has to be a mistake, or maybe the Gronckle was about to kill her and that was her only way out." Hiccup shoved his way out the door and raced down to the prison cells.
"Astrid!" Hiccup cried.
"Hiccup?" Astrid perked up at her boyfriend's call. "Hiccup! I'm in here!"
Hiccup slid to his knees in front of her cell. "Astrid, what happened?"
"I was trying to train a Gronckle." Astrid slung the chains off of her as soon as Hiccup unlocked them. "I didn't kill a dragon, I swear. But I did give him a pretty good nick, and he exhausted himself from shooting me and so I rolled him into one of the pens in the arena."
"Dad, listen to Astrid," Hiccup pleaded, a hand around Astrid. "I believe her."
"Very well, show us the untrainable dragon," Stoick said in a mocking manner.
Astrid nodded. "Gladly."

Astrid stood with her axe ready, Hiccup with his fire sword and Stoick with his fists curled. Astrid nodded at Hiccup. As soon as the gates were open the Gronckle burst forth. It's eyes flitted back and forth, slitted and dangerous. Astrid dodged a lava blast form him and accidentally rolled into a barrel of weapons.
"Ow!" Astrid hissed as a few poked her in multiple places.
"Hey there, big fella," Hiccup cooed. "What d'ya say you calm down so I can prove my girlfriend is right?"
Hiccup managed to sneak a view of the dragon's side, seeing the already healing nick that Astrid's blade gave him. Hiccup knew Astrid was telling the truth, heck, he trusted her almost over his own father. Hiccup waved the blade in front of the dragon, luring it into a trance. As he backed the dragon into the pen, he clipped the rope holding the door open, closing it.
"You okay?" Hiccup asked, helping Astrid from the ruble of weapons.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Astrid assured.
"Astrid, I wanted to say that I'm sorry," Stoick said slowly. Sorry for doubting you and sorry for locking you up."
"It's okay, I'd probably have done the same," Astrid admitted.
"C'mon, the least I can do now is give you some proper food." Stoick laughed and led the way out of the arena, Hiccup and Astrid following.

Perhaps not my best written ones, but I had a very hard time coming up with an idea for Stoick to lock Astrid up and be read to trial her. Yes it wasn't kill, but it was close.
Anywho, an interesting Hiccstrid and Valka chapter coming next!

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