Hiccstrid// The News

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A short one-shot of the third movie!!!!!! I hope they get married and maybe have a baby!

Astrid Haddock walked through the bustling streets of Berk. Her blonde hair was looser than normal and she looked at the nearing battle. All of Berk was gearing up for it, and each was preparing their dragon. Astrid walked over to where Hiccup, Gobber and Valka were hunched over a map. Astrid patted Hiccup's shoulder blade as she joined into the planning.
      "Hiccup? Um, can I talk to you?" Astrid asked shyly.
     "Sure." Hiccup's soft gaze rested on her. He led her to the back of the Great Hall. After sitting down with her he nodded. "What's up?"
     "I, I uh, I went to Gothi's today." Astrid fidgeted with her hands. "And we need to figure this out before the battle."
     "Astrid you're scaring me," Hiccup said, sitting straighter. He took her hands in his. "You can tell me anything."
     "Hiccup, we're going to have a baby," Astrid said quietly.
     Hiccup's green eyes widened. A massive grin set itself on his face as he jumped up and started whooping. "Yeah ha ha!"
He grabbed Astrid and spun her around. Astrid's laugh echoed around the room. All the villagers in the Hall turned to look at their Chief. Hiccup set Astrid down and jumped onto the side of the hearth.
"Astrid is going to have my baby!" Hiccup shouted for the world.
The cheers nearly blew the roof off of the Great Hall. Astrid was pushed to jump up next to Hiccup. She smiled widely and Hiccup engulfed her and their growing child in a tight hug. Valka jumped over to them, grabbing them close.
"I'm so proud of you two," she said with tears in her eyes. "And I know Stoick would have loved to meet his first grandchild."
A small look of pain and happiness crossed Hiccup's eyes. "You really think so?"
"I know he would have," Valka said endearingly.
Hiccup beamed as he took Astrid and pressed a long lasting, passionate kiss to her lips. She broke with a sigh and looked to his eyes. He gazed back. He soon wrapped his arms around her again, cradling her head.
"I love you Astrid," he murmured.
"I love you too Hiccup."

I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So about updates, I'm currently in a summer activity, so I don't have as much time, but I will once it's done(even if I don't want it to ever end) and I will then update more often.
Also, if you like OUAT and OutlawQueen, there is a fanfic up on them too!
Leave requests for one shots and I will try to write them!

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