Valka// Welcome to the Gang

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Minor side note: Valka doesn't know about Astrid and Hiccup yet.

     Valka walked with Cloudjumper to the academy, where Hiccup had requested her presence. Valka entered the academy to see a chaotic mess. She stopped and took in the sight of the fight and chaos that was ensued. A larger man was tackling her, assumed, nephew. Apparent twins were whacking each other with swords and spears and fish and maces. Hiccup was pulling apart the duel of her nephew with a pretty blonde, who Valka recognized from when Stoick passed.
Valka let out a sharp whistle, Cloudjumper echoing with a thundering roar. Everyone stopped and looked at her, each freezing still. Hiccup let go and jumped off of Snotlout. Everyone unfreezing and following suit to coming to meet the newest rider.
     "Mom, hey! So, um, hehe," Hiccup stammered.
     The blonde, who wore a scarlet red tunic with a fur hood, jumped in. "We wanted to officially welcome you to the gang, if you want a place."
     Valka found it amusing that Hiccup merely let his arms of limp next to him as the woman explained the riders. Hiccup nodded while she spoke very highly of the riders.
"Most are very well behaved and trained on their dragon," she said.
"Pttthh, Astrid, oh, that is so sweet that you think of me like that," Her nephew interrupted arrogantly. "I knew you always loved me. And for you to say in the best I-ow!"
Astrid gave him a sharp jag with her elbow, straight to the rib cage. Astrid huffed and shook her head. She looked at Valka. "Ignore Snotlout, he's a muttonhead."
Valka nodded and smiled. "Well it looks like you've done good work Hiccup."
Hiccup nodded with a grin. Valka could not help but notice Astrid nodding to Hiccup and the look of peace and love that seeped into Hiccup's gaze. Valka smiled and mounted Cloudjumper.
     "Hiccup has been talking of tricks, I would love to see them," she said with glee.
     Hiccup nodded, mounted Toothless. Astrid jumped onto a Deadly Nadder, whilst Snotlout hopped onto a Monstrous Nightmare. The twins popped onto the back of their Hideous Zippleback and the husky fellow was on a Gronckle. Hiccup and Valka led the way to a sea stack, the one which held many a competitions.
"Fishlegs? You and Meatlug are up." Hiccup gestured.
Fishlegs and Meatlug sped off, zipping around sea stacks and making a full circle back to the rest of the gang. He ended with a few shots to the sky, exploding in a pretty array of lava. As he landed every applauded.
"Ha ha ha! Still lame as ever. Hookfang and me are next," Snotlout ordered. "Let's show them how this is done-ah!"
Hookfang shot vertically into the air, spiraling down, making even the most iron of stomachs do flips. Snotlout's highly feminine scream echoed, disappearing for a second as they left sight. Valka grew slightly concerned for her nephew, but just as she was about to say something Snotlout and Hookfang came whizzing back. Snotlout's screams and terrified wails continued, but Hookfang landed with grace. He sat and let Snotlout roll off and kiss the ground.
"Uh, we'd love to go next," the male twin pipped up. "But Ruffnut decided to feed Barf and Belch squid." An accusatory glare was sent to his twin.
"It wasn't me, it was you bro! You're always the one trying to find new things for our dragon to eat," Ruffnut argued. "It was you! And now, out beloved dragon can't to anything but make tiny explosions." To prove her point, Barf and Belch ignited a small explosions in front of them, before groaning and laying their heads down.
"Okay, Ruff and Tuff are out," Hiccup said mater-of-factly. "Milady? Your up."
Astrid smirked and nodded. "Better watch out, cause I've been taking a few notes."
Astrid and Stormfly shot off. Together they zig zagged the maze of sea stacks, twirling around them. Astrid and Stormfly shot straight up, Stormfly suddenly went limp and plummeted. Astrid fell peacefully off of her back and free fell alongside her dragon. As Hiccup nudged Toothless to save her, Toothless grunted and nodded. Astrid suddenly righted herself and dropped onto Stormfly's back, doing one last loop-de-loop before landing.
"Ha ha! Beat that!" She yelled triumphantly.
"Alright, you win this time," Hiccup said with a playful grin. "How about you mom?"
"Oh Cloudjumper and I were never really ones for tricks," Valka said modestly.
"Fine, but at least show that rolly neck trick!" Hiccup said excitedly.
"Oh well, alright." Valka and Cloudjumper lifted gently into the breeze.
"Gang, you're gonna want a front row seat," Hiccup said before following his mother.
The rest of the gang followed Valka to the maze of sea stacks. As Cloudjumper picked up speed, Valka walked up to his neck. Cloudjumper rotated as he twirled and wove through the maze. Valka expertly kept her balance and walked around Cloudjumper's neck, as if she was simply walking. As the maze ended she turned Cloudjumper around and smiled.
"That was awesome!" Fishlegs squealed.
"I've never seen a trick like that!" Astrid awed. "I bet you couldn't do that as well." She punched Hiccup's shoulder.
"Ha ha, hilarious," Hiccup said sarcastically, though he smiled at her.
"Well, I'd like to officially welcome you to the dragon riders," Astird said perkily to Valka.
"Thank you," Valka smiled.
She was finally home.

Soooooo???????? What'd y'all think? I loved doing this and coming up with tricks for them, then ugh I couldn't think of any for the twins. Sorry!
Comment down what one-shot ideas you'd like to read!

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