Tuffnut// Its a Date// Part 2

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"C'mon! You can't be mad at each other. You two are connected, mi amores," Tuffnut said theatrically.
"Uh, Tuff, mi amore means my love," a voice interrupted.
     "And what are you doing with our dragon?" A second demanded.
     Soon a group of footsteps sounded and stopped right behind the Thorston twin. Tuffnut turned around to see a not so happy Ruffnut, a confused Hiccup and his wife, along with Snotlout and Fishlegs and Heather. Astrid looked concerned, but Tuffnut did not care, as he was otherwise engaged with a more pressing matter.
     "First of all, Hiccup, I knew that, and second, Ruffnut, I am going on a date." Tuffnut stood proudly, well, until Sntolout started laughing hysterically.
     "You, go on a date?" Snotlout wiped tears of laughter from his eyes. "Man, who would want to go on a date with you?"
     Tuffnut looked at him, unamused. "Kaddy."
Snotlout suddenly did not find the situation so humorous. "Kaddy? Really? My crazy and completely out of control cousin?"
"Cousin?" Hiccup asked. "When was Kaddy your cousin?"
"We adopted her as out cousin, she's not actually my cousin," Snotlout explained quickly.
Ruffnut butted in. "But the real question is why are you taking Barf and Belch?"
"We, I mean Kaddy and I, are going to find something to destroy! And I will do it without you," Tuffnut said harshly. Ignoring Ruffnut's theatrical, yet real, gasp of horror, he continued. "All you ever do is be all lovey dovey with the Snot and we never get to blow anything into oblivion."
"Well than fine! Oh brother of mine," Ruffnut said furiously. "Have it your way, but remember, half of that dragon is mine! And don't think of coming to tell me that you and Kaddy are a thing! I hate her!"
Ruffnut stormed off with Snotlout trailing behind his fiancé. Astrid and Hiccup looked at each other in concern, the twins had never had a fight like that before. Sure the old tug your ear hair and punch each other into stars type, but never a separation fight.
     "I'll go talk to her," Astrid said walking out.
     Tuffnut glanced sadly and watched the two women meet up at the top of the ridge. Tuffnut sighed, wanting to go with Kaddy, but not wanting to break his twintuition with Ruffnut. He looked down and sighed heavily.

     Kaddy walked to her door with Rumen behind her. Tuffnut stood there, sorrowfully. Kaddy tilted her head in confusion.
     "Um, so, I've been thinking, and I don't think we will work." Tuffnut spoke with his hands. "Kaddy, you're a great girl, and I really like you. But my sister is not pleased with us and as much as I lo-looo- like you, I can't give her up for you."
     Kaddy smiled. "I know Tuff, you're connected. You always will be and I accept that." She quickly kissed his cheek. "We'll still be friends right?"
     Tuffnut nodded vigorously. "Of course!"
     Kaddy watched with a sad smile as Tuffnut returned to his sister. She knew that he would always return to his sister in the end, but she would always leave a space for him in her heart. She really loved Tuffnut Thorston, and who knows, maybe one day he will return to her. He always did say, "If you love something enough, let it go, and maybe it will return to you".

So, reason why this chapter did not get out earlier.
I've been working on a few other books. I have two OutlawQueen/OUAT books I've been working on. One is published, the other is not. And I'm also working on editing the first volume of HTTYD One-shots.
Leave your comments for ideas!!!!!!

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