Courting Session

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(So, SO, sorry for the looooooong delay. I was busy and stuff to work on, but here it is! Hope you enjoy!)

Hiccup's P.O.V.

Okay, making good time. I look around as everyone sets up camp to spend the night. "Yes! My own place. I plan to build a hut. Only for the bearded!" I look to find Tuffnut standing on a boulder, boasting about his 'beard'. "Ruffnut, you gotta stay out. Chin whiskers don't count." I shake my head. "I see a tower of manliness in the shape of me." I look to see Snotlout uses his fingers to frame something, but then see Eret walk in front of him and that's my cue to not pay attention to that anymore. I look to see (Y/N) get some supplies so I walk over to her, "Allow me, M'Lady." I generously take the crate, she gives me an amused smile. "You're such a gentleman." She replies. I smile back and set the crate down, dusting off my hands.

"So you better start showing me some respect!" I hear Snotlout shout and look to find him fall off a barrel, Eret walking off unbothered. I shake my head as I stand up. "That will be the day." I look at (Y/N), her arms crossed and looking at Snotlout with an unimpressed look. I smile and wrap an arm around her, "He's just being Snotlout." I tell her. She smiles but then a scream was heard and we look over to find Gobber holding his back in pain. "Gobber just can't catch a break, can he?" (Y/N) says.

I was about to reply but then start to notice everyone was settling in. I let go of (Y/N), "Hold on, gang! I said make camp. Not... Build a new village." I call out to the crowd. "Who died and made you Chief?" Snotlout stupidly asks. I hear a shing sound and I turn around to hold (Y/N) back. I hear a lot of people groan and then a smack followed by Snotlout yelping. (Y/N) calms down and puts her sword back in its sheath. I let her go after she gives me a nod that she's okay. "This place is nice, but this is a temporary stay. Grimmel could still be after us." She says to the crowd. "(Y/N) is right. It is nice, but Grimmel is still out there, and this is not the Hidden World." I add.

"We don't even know if this Hidden World exists!" A man exclaims. "Yeah, this place is real." Another agrees. "There's nothing more stubborn than a mob of tired, hungry Vikings." Mom speaks softly, having walked over to us. "We have been traveling for a while and the dragons have been carrying a lot of supplies. Let's just take a few days to rest up, okay?" (Y/N) suggests. I think it over then nod my head. "Well, I guess this can work as a base in the meantime. It's defensible, hidden." I mutter to myself, looking around the area. "All right. You can stay." I say out loud. "Say hello to New Berk!" Gobber shouts, the crowd cheers in excitement. "Let's get building, lads!" "Until!" I intervene, raising my hands to get their attention, "Toothless, Twilight, (Y/N), and I find the Hidden World." I cleared. The crowd groans  and boos, but then walks off to get started on building.

(Y/N) lets out a tired sigh, "I'm gonna go help Astrid unload some materials. I'll be right back." She says, then walks off towards Astrid. I watch her and smile softly, but then I grunt as Tuffnut forcefully leads me elsewhere. "Now, about that voice. Can we lose the whole honking goose thing?" He asks. I roll my eyes as he continues, "It's hard to imagine wedded bliss with that going off every minute." He cackles, walking off while I remain. "If you two are going to continue West, I should head back to ensure we weren't followed." Mom says. "Great idea!" Snotlout appears, suddenly, "I'll go with you for protection." He states. "No!" Mom denies, ".... Because.... You're far too important here." She quickly recovers. Snotlout smirks, "Yeah." Then walks off.

I shake my head with a smile on my face then face Mom. "Be careful. Come back if there's any sign of danger." I tell my Mom. She was about to speak but sighs instead. "What?" I question her. She looks at me, "This plan of yours.... To hide us from the rest of the world. Though... Though I wish it were possible, I fear it can't last, son. I tried for years, but greedy humans always find a way. I only ask you think about it." She says. I look to the ground in thought. I feel her pat my shoulder and I look up to see her smile gently at me then walks off to Cloudjumper. I watch them fly off and think about what she said.

I look over at (Y/N) as she and Astrid talk. "Greedy humans always find a way." I frown a that but then shake it off and walk over to them. "Do you think I'm crazy?" I ask them. They stop talking and look at me. "Let's just say... This whole idea is very you." Astrid replies. (Y/N) smiles at her then walks up and stands next to me. "Thanks again for standing up for us last night. A brawl would have broke out had it not been for you." She says to Astrid, laughing a little. "Don't thank me yet. I just hope you guys are right about this." Astrid says. She hands me a leather book and pats my shoulder then walks off.

I look at the book and see that it's my father's, the one I looked through before Grimmel appeared. I sigh and run my fingers along the leather. I feel a hand be placed on my shoulder and look to see (Y/N) give me a small smile. I give her one back. Then look back at the book. I frown as I think. Maybe.... No. I have to try. I have to protect the people. I have to protect..... I glance over at (Y/N) as I see her look at the book in my hands with a soft frown. I look up in determination. I will not fail.

Third Person P.O.V.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

After making tents to rest in, everyone fell asleep. Hours passed and dawn was soon to break. Hiccup is sound asleep with his arm around (Y/N), who had her back facing him, holding her close as the two sleep peacefully. Toothless was lying on his back on the ground on Hiccup's side while Twilight was curled up on (Y/N)'s. Both without their gear off to rest comfortably.

Twilight let out a rumble then slowly opens her eyes. She catches a scent and starts to wake up, standing up as she sniffs the air. Toothless wakes up shortly after, jolting up from his slumber and sniffs the air. He rumbles as he picks up a familiar scent and peeks his head out of the tent. Twilight gently nudges (Y/N) to wake up, but is unsuccessful. She huffs and grabs the blanket covering the two and yanks it off. "No, it's too early." Hiccup groans, holding (Y/N) closer to him as she starts to stir awake. Twilight gives him an annoyed look then walks around the bed, mindful of her brother, grabs Hiccup's prosthetic and yanks him off. Him landing on the ground with a thud, "Why?" He whines. What's going on?" (Y/N) groggily asks, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she sits up. "And.... you're up." Hiccup groans, still lying on the ground while (Y/N) stretches.

Twilight gives an unimpressed look at Hiccup but then hears noise outside the tent. Toothless exits the tent and his sister follows after. The two look around the area until Twilight sees some plants move, the female Light Fury revealing herself. Toothless purrs happily at seeing her but then roars softly as the baby blue-eyed Fury walks off and he follows after her. Twilight was about to follow after him but then hears noise in another direction. She looks at where she heard it then looks to where her brother went. She shakes her head, knowing her brother could take care of himself. She walks towards the direction of where the sound came from, but then looks down and finds pretty rocks making a trail. She tilts her head in confusion but then follows it.

Toothless makes eye contact with the female white dragon, purring softly as he is mesmerized by her eyes. Oblivious to where he is going and ends up walking into a barrel, groaning in pain. After shaking off the pain he looks around to try and find her again, peeking under a cart. His green eyes meet blue ones as the female Light Fury does the same, cooing softly. She lifts her head up then runs off, Toothless rumbling a little in confusion but follow after her.

(Y/N) exits out of the tent as she looks around to find the two Night Furies. Hiccup follows after her, yawning as he adjusts his armor. He rubs the sleep out of his eyes as he watches (Y/N) kneel down. She left her sword behind because she was still a little groggy from having to wake up so early. He smiles softly, the woman's (H/C) hair still a little messy. (Y/N) scans the ground for tracks but then spots something ahead. She stands up and walks towards it then bends down to pick it up. It was a pretty rock and she looks to find more making a path leading into the woods. "Hiccup, this way. And quietly." She says quietly to Hiccup as she stands up and follows the trail. "Okay, okay. I'm coming." Hiccup responds, jogging a little to catch up to her.

Twilight follows the rock trail until she finds herself in a field of flowers. She looks around in wonder at the field of purple flowers but then she hears a twig snap and becomes alert but then relaxes as the male Light Fury makes his appearance. He stops a few feet from her and gives her a warm smile. Twilight tilts her head a little but sits down as she watches him with a focus gaze.

"So, where are we-" "Shh!" (Y/N) hushes Hiccup as she pushes him to kneel down with her. The two quietly make their way through the woods until they see Twilight and the male Light Fury in the center of a flower field. They watch from afar as they observe the interaction. The white dragon then notices them, making the two Vikings lay on their stomachs. They hope that the white dragon would not fly away, but instead they maintained eye contact with the dragon's golden gaze. He then looks at Twilight, who gives him a skeptical look. He purrs in understanding then starts doing what he planned to do for the purple-eyed Night Fury.

He opens his wings and flaps them as he jumps into the air. He lands gently and prances around a bit then stops, stands on his back legs, and gives a strong flap of his wings onto the ground, blowing off the petals of the flowers within the area. They then fall slowly and Twilight watches in amazement, trying to swat some that are close to her. The male Light Fury watches and gives a soft purr as he watches her in adoration.

Hiccup watches in fascination then looks over at (Y/N), who has been watching the whole thing with a tender look. Her (E/C) eyes practically glued at the two dragons. He smiles softly then looks back at the scene. Twilight gives her attention back to the dragon across from her and sees that he is still giving her a loving look. She rumbles a little, slightly flustered, and regains composure. The Light Fury takes a step forward but then looks at Twilight. The female Night Fury realizes he is asking for permission to approach her, so she decides to approach him.

The male Light Fury coos in happiness and the two start to circle each other, all the while looking into each other's eyes. They stop and Twilight, hesitantly, leans her head forward and the male Light Fury leans forward too. Their noses lightly bumping as they meet. (Y/N) lets out a choked noise and quickly covers her mouth. Hiccup jumps a little as the two dragons direct their attention to them. "Uh.... How's it going?" Hiccup awkwardly asks. (Y/N) lightly smacks his shoulder.

Twilight gives them an agitated look to hide the embarrassment of having been watched by her friends. The male Light Fury could not help but let out a rumble that sounded like a laugh. "Sorry, Twi." (Y/N) apologizes, moving to sit on her knees. Hiccup sits up as well and notices that the male dragon is not at all unsettled by his and (Y/N)'s presence. Twilight looks at him then makes her way to the Vikings. She stands beside (Y/N), who lays a hand on Twilight, and gives the male dragon a welcoming look.

The Light Fury starts to slowly approach the group and Hiccup smiles as he approaches. (Y/N) slowly lifts her hand up for the white dragon to inspect and Hiccup, who was enthralled by all this, lifts his hand up also. The male Fury sniffs both their hands, glancing at Twilight to see her narrowed eyes. A warning to not try anything. He then focuses back on the two humans and lightly nudges against their hands. Hiccup lets out a breathless sigh and (Y/N) giggles softly as she gives him a little scratch under the jaw, which the male dragon enjoys very much as he purrs. But then Hiccup realizes something, if Twilight is here with the male Light Fury.... "Wait. Where's Toothless?" He asks out loud.

Meanwhile, Toothless is chasing after the female Light Fury on ground as she flies above the trees, calling to him. He then screeches to a stop to avoid tumbling down a small cliff. He ended up near a bay as the female Fury swoops down and lands on the sandy shore. She looks back at him and gives a welcoming look. Toothless notices and closes his eyes to stand tall, trying to look regal as he peeks an eye open to see if she is watching. He steps forward, trying to act gracefully, but ends up slipping on the sand.

He gasps as he tumbles down the hill and rolls over a few times as the female Light Fury watches and jumps out of the way, tilting her head as Toothless lands on his feet. He shakes himself to get rid of the sand and faces the white dragon. She coos a little as she sits down and Toothless gives her a gummy smile, trying to hide his embarrassment from earlier.

Twilight tracks down her brother and sees that he is with the female white dragon. The male Light Fury arrives after her along with Hiccup and (Y/N) as they carefully crawl under some tree roots to not be heard. Twilight on Hiccup's left and the male Light Fury on (Y/N)'s right as the all watch.

Toothless gulps nervously, the blue-eyed Light Fury perks up and decides to take the lead. She rises up, spreading her wings and trots around in a circle as she flaps her wings slowly. She then lowers herself onto the ground, tucking her legs in as she gives the male Night Fury an encouraging grunt. Toothless blinks rapidly, trying to figure out what to do, and moves his gaze elsewhere from the dragon across from him until he spots his sister, the white male dragon, and his two human friends.

He looks to them for advice and Hiccup helps him by rising to his knees and flaps his arms up and down. Toothless copies him, flapping his wings up and down for a few moments before stopping, but the female Light Fury was not impressed and grooms herself. Toothless deflates a little then looks back at the others. (Y/N) motions him to do it longer while the male Light Fury gestures with his wings, raising them, to try something different. Hiccup again flaps his arms, standing up but steps on a twig. This catches the female white dragon's attention, but Hiccup ducks down and Twilight covers him and (Y/N) with her wing as she ducks down also with the male white dragon hiding before they could be spotted.

Toothless mentally sighs in relief but then sees the female white Fury in front of him give him a questionably look with a soft growl. He grins awkwardly and starts flapping his wings again, but faster. However, he does it too fast and starts to twirl around. Grunting as he tries to keep his balance, but struggles to do so. He does not realize that as he spins around, he hovers towards the Light Fury. The female dragon gasps and Toothless finally realizes his fast approaching of her and stops in front of her, some sand flying at her and she uses her wing to protect her.

Twilight groans as she cringes at her brother's slip-up, while the male Light Fury winces in second-hand embarrassment for the green-eyed Night Fury. The female white dragon moves her wing from her face, her nose twitching as she sneezes the sand off her face. She licked her nose as she looks back at Toothless, who cringes at himself and looks back up at the others. Hiccup cringes but covers it by smiling quickly and gives Toothless a thumbs up. (Y/N) gives him a strained smile, to hide her cringe, but gives him a thumbs up also.

Twilight closes her eyes and shakes her head then flashes her brother an encouraging gummy smile. The male Light Fury smiles in sympathy and decides to help him out a bit by using his head to motion the male Night Fury to walk around his sister, giving a soft rumble of encouragement. Toothless perks up, rising and standing on his back legs while the female Light Fury watches and chitters with a head tilt. Hiccup motions Toothless to keep going and even stands up, doing some kind of chicken dance. (Y/N) covers her face and groans quietly at her partner's display. Twilight doing the same but lowers herself to lay down and covers her face with her paws.

Toothless gives an understanding grunt and copies Hiccup. He stands up and positions his arms as wings as he flaps them around then waddles around as he flaps them. The female Light Fury watches in confusion and curiosity as he walks around her. Toothless notices and stops in front of her. He looks to the ground and thinks of something else. He perks up and lowers himself down, stomping his feet rapidly. He covers himself with his wings then pops his head out as he dances side to side, warbling as he gives her a gummy smile. The female Fury in front of him watches in slight fear.

Hiccup facepalms, (Y/N) thumps her head onto the ground, Twilight groans, and the male Light Fury winces, all feeling second-hand embarrassment.

Toothless bounces around as he holds his tail above him, his wings outstretched oddly. He grunts as he bounces closer to the female white dragon, bobbing his head with a scary expression. The Light Fury flinches away with a low growl, she hisses and smacks Toothless in the face. This snaps Toothless out of his little dancing session and he watches the white dragon fly off. She lands on a branch of a nearby tree and looks back at Toothless with an annoyed look. She wraps her tail onto the branch dangles upside down, wrapping herself in her wings.

Toothless coos softly and approaches her. Hiccup maneuvers himself around (Y/N) to look over the tree as (Y/N) stands up and leans against him as she peers over his head. Twilight huffs in exhaustion at her brother's antics, but positions herself as she looks over the Vikings. The male Light Fury rumbles lowly at his sister and Toothless' 'courting' session and makes his way to stand next to the purple-eyed Fury as he watches also.

Toothless notices them as he made his way near the tree. He uses his wings to point at the female Light Fury. Twilight's eyes widen and she shakes her head to tell her brother not to do what she is thinking he is doing. Toothless ignores his sister and walks onto the frail branch. The branch creaks as Toothless carefully steps over the female Fury and looks over at the others, grunting.

The male Light Fury could not help but mentally sigh at how stubborn his sister is being, rolling his eyes. Twilight gives Toothless a narrow glare, still shaking her head. Hiccup uses his arm to represent a branch and uses his hand to represent him, quietly making a snapping sound as he shows Toothless what would happen. (Y/N) uses her arms to make an 'X' to tell Toothless to not do what he is thinking.

But the green-eyed Night Fury does not understand anything they are saying but gets the jumping part. He grunts as he starts using his weight to make the branch move up and down. The female Light Fury groans as she unfurls her wings and  looks to see Toothless moving the branch, yowling as the branch sways some more. And just as predicted, the branch snaps, Toothless falling with it as he lands with a thud onto the sandy ground. The female white Fury growls at him then covers herself again.

Toothless looks up at her with wide eyes, cooing a little as he stands to get her attention. Hiccup waves his arms to get Toothless' attention. (Y/N) looks at the broken branch then looks at the carving on Hiccup's arm brace and an idea pops into her head. She looks around and smiles as she spots a stick. She grabs it, puts a hand on Hiccup's shoulder to keep her balance as she holds up the branch for Toothless to see. The male Night Fury tilts his head, but then looks at the branch on the ground then perks up with realization and grabs the broken branch with his teeth.

The female Light Fury hears movement and opens her wings slightly to peek at what is going on. She watches as Toothless moves around, drawing on the beach. He carefully moves around to avoid stepping on the lines. He pauses, branch in mouth, as he smooths out the sand to erase a mistake. He then draws another line in the sand and smooths it out with his tail and wings. The female white dragon jumps down in curiosity at what the male Night Fury was doing. Toothless stops as he notices her and rumbles happily, smiling as she approaches. He squints at her then gasps as he rushes to finish his drawing. Completing it to reveal that it is a drawing of her.

"Oh, now you can draw." Hiccup muses with an eye roll. (Y/N) laughs quietly at his comment and feels pride for Toothless. The male Light Fury looks at the drawing in fascination but then feels a nudge and sees Twilight give him an unimpressed look. He huffs smugly and gives her a nuzzle, which flusters her but does not pull away.

The female Light Fury is impressed by Toothless' drawing and steps towards him, stepping on the drawing itself. Toothless growls lowly and the Light Fury snarls back, making the Night Fury jump and drop the branch. He stares at her with a love-stricken gaze and the female Light Fury perks up at that, purring softly as she makes her way around the drawing. Toothless watches nervously as she makes her way to him, the two sniffing one another. Hiccup watches with a wide grin and feels (Y/N)'s hands gently grasp onto his shoulders, her face having a wide grin also. The Light Fury rumbles softly as she turns away and calls after him as she begins to fly. Toothless happily follows after her, roaring as he gives chase on the ground. The female Fury flies over the water, circling around it as Toothless calls out to her. She smiles at him but then looks back and gasps.

Her brother gasps as Twilight covers Hiccup and (Y/N) with her wing but it was too late. The female Light Fury shakes her head with a snarl as her brother calls out to her. He looks to Twilight, who gives him a sympathetic look and nods her head to his sister. He gives her a sad look but then flies off to meet up with his sister. They snort and huff at each other, Toothless watching with wide worried eyes. The female Light Fury roars then flies off. The male looks back at Toothless and gives him a remorseful look and then sends a loving gaze at Twilight. His golden orbs meeting her dark purple ones before he follows after his sister. Twilight removing her wing from the Vikings.

Toothless roars after the female Light Fury and tries to follow after her. However, he ends up crashing into the water and Twilight makes her way to her brother as the Light Furies squawk back but do not turn back. Twilight grunts to Toothless, but he does not respond as he lifts his tail from the water. He slaps it into the water angrily, groaning at his inability to fly on his own.

Hiccup sighs softly as he looks between the two dragons and taps his chin in thought. (Y/N) frowns as she moves and makes her way to sit next to Hiccup, looking at the two dragons, who she see as family. Hiccup then looks at her black vest with the Night Fury drawings then looks down at his own. He perks up as an idea forms in his head.

(Hope you enjoyed it. Okay, no idea when the next part will be out but I'll try to get it out as soon as I can. Okay, bye!)

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