The Journey Begins

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(Hey guys! I'm am so, so,VERY  sorry for not updating in a while. There was work, focusing on other works, reading other peoples' work, etc. BUT, I am here, posting a new chapter! Hope you enjoy.)

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

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All of Berk, the people, the dragons, all essentials, are now flying to find the Hidden World. I look at Hiccup as he leads with Toothless while Twilight and I trail a little behind. I know that Hiccup would be focusing in trying to find the special place and I decided to give him some space to do so. I look down to see the ocean far below us, it was beautiful but it felt like it went on forever.

"Excuse me! Coming through!" I hear Fishlegs and look to find Meatlug wobbling a lot due to Fishlegs trying to feed Fishmeat. The little guy was practically climbing all over him and I let out giggle while watching. "Gods! People who fly with babies are the worst!" I hear Snotlout complaining, as usual. I roll my eyes and feel Twilight huff. I look down at her and rub her head soothingly. "I know, Twi. I know." I comfort her. We have been flying for so long that people have gotten a bit antsy.

"I feel like I'm always asking you two this question, but-" I hear Gobber scream and look to find Grump had fallen asleep while flying. Again. "Wake up, Grump! Wake up!" I roll my eyes and smile. Oh, Gobber. "Is there an actual plan, or...?" "Just keep flying until we reach the end of the world." Hiccup replies, and I can tell he has a smile on his face. "Ah, seems sensible." I can hear the sarcasm in Gobber's voice. We pulls Grump back and flies next to Twilight and I, "Now, is there a plan or..." He asks. I playfully roll my eyes, "We'll find an island to to take a break on. We don't want to overexert the dragons. Also, the people are getting irritated so hopefully we'll find an island big enough soon." I reply. "Now that is more like it!" Gobber cheers, but Grump falls asleep again and it causes him to yelp.

I giggle a little and focus on ahead. I feel Twilight shift a little and look down at her to find her turning her head to the right, but shakes it off. I lean forward and lay a hand on her head to give her some soothing rubs. I hear Snotlout groan again, "It just keeps going!" He complains loudly. I roll my eyes and sit up straight. "That's because the world is round!" I hear Tuffnut reply. I raise a brow at him while everyone else laughs. "The sun's round. The moon's round. Stars are round, even though they're small and stupid." Tuff continues and I shake my head, letting out a few chuckles. "Right? Stars."

I shake my head, at least Tuff eased the tension a little. I look ahead and look at Hiccup. I couldn't help but remember our talk on the cliff, the one about getting married. I watch his hair be blown by the wind and couldn't help but smile fondly at him. He wants to protect everyone and prevent losing our dragons, but I stop smiling as I remember our first encounter with Grimmel. Eret said he lives for the hunt, so he is not going to give up easily.

I feel Twilight speed up, surprising me and I grip the saddle tighter. We are now flying next to Toothless and Hiccup and the two Furies perk up, like they're hearing something strange. I turn my head to my right to look at Hiccup and find him just as surprised by their behavior. Twilight and Toothless both perked up as they look to the right and I follow their gaze to see..... Oh my Gods.

Third Person P.O.V.

Toothless grunts happily as he spots the female Light Fury. The male flying close to her but looks to see Twilight looking at him. Twilight's eyes widen and turns her head away quickly to pretend she was not staring at him. Astrid gasps in amazement, "The Light Furies!"  "They're following us!" Valka says, rising to her feet on Cloudjumper. "Yes!" Hiccup exclaims. (Y/N) smiles widely at the sight of the two dragons. The male Light Fury gives a friendly roar but his sister snorts and rolls her eyes. She flies higher and fires a blast of fire, flying through it and vanishes. Her brother has an annoyed look but follows after her, copying his sister and vanishing as well.

"Would you look at that?!" Gobber breathes out, astonished by what the two dragons did. "Where'd they go? Are they made of sky?" Tuffnut questions, while he and the voice their amazement at the dragons. Toothless swiftly flies up to where they disappeared and Twilight follows after him. "Whoa! Toothless, hold up!" Hiccup exclaims, trying to keep his grip on the saddle. The two onyx dragons halt and look around to try and find the ivory dragons. "Where are they? They couldn't have gotten far." (Y/N) wonders out loud, she and Hiccup turning their heads to try and find the Light Fury pair.

Twilight perks up and looks above, (Y/N) looking up and sees the male Light Fury hovering above them. His golden eyes gazing into Twilight's purple ones until they shift to the woman on the female Night Fury's back. (Y/N) slowly smiles as she makes eye contact with the male dragon. Hiccup grins as he watches the interaction but then feels Toothless shift and he looks to see the female Light Fury soaring at them. "Well, look who it is!" He announces. But then the white female narrows her eyes and growls as she swoops down and grabs Hiccup, snatching him off of Toothless. Thankfully, he locked Toothless' tail-fin so he could stay in the air.

"Hiccup!" (Y/N) calls out to the snatched Chief. Hiccup screams from the sudden grab as the female Light Fury flies higher. He struggles to hold onto her paws, "Oh, hey!" He greets, trying to get through to her, "It's really nice to finally-" But before he could finish his sentence, he was tossed and was falling down toward the ocean. Screaming once again. The baby-blue eyed female looks back at the others with a purr. Her brother, the two Night Furies, and (Y/N) all watch Hiccup fall with looks of disbelief. The white female notices (Y/N) and growls at her, but Twilight narrows her eyes and roars back at her, warning her not to hurt her friend.

Toothless gives the white female a nervous, gummy smile then dives after Hiccup. "Twilight, let's go!" (Y/N) exclaims. The female black dragon complies and quickly follows her brother. The female Light Fury looks at the two Night Furies with a baffled look then she looks to her brother, only to receive a stern look. He gives her a scolding roar, but she rolls her eyes and flies off. The golden-eyed male huffs in annoyance but quickly flies after her.

Hiccup continues to scream as he falls, passing the crowd who laugh because of what happened. Toothless dives down to get him while Twilight halts, flying in front of the crowd. "That was perfect. So great!" Snotlout wheezes. Toothless caught Hiccup and flies back up, flying next to his sister. Hiccup's expression being neutral, "Not a word." He growls. "Are you okay?" He turns his head to (Y/N), who gives him a soft smile. His expression softens as he smiles back at her. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks, Sweetheart." He replies. Toothless peers back up at the sky only to find that both Light Furies are gone. He whines and Twilight gives him a reassuring purr but is sadden that the male Light Fury is gone.

All of Berk continues to fly west as they travel to find the Hidden World. (Y/N) sees something and squints her eyes to see what it is then gasps in delight. "Hiccup!" She calls out, gaining said person's attention. She points ahead to what she found and Hiccup looks through his spyglass. He gasps softly to see a large island in the distance, the sun shining down on it. "Potty break!" Fishlegs yells, Fishmeat cooing happily. The dragons separate as they fly above the island, beautiful waterfalls flowing down the side of the it and there was green everywhere. They past the trees and cliffs, flying to the center of the island.

The island is gorgeous and a perfect place to rest. "All right! Looks like we're camping here tonight." Hiccup calls out to the others as they land. (Y/N) slides off Twilight and plants her feet on the ground. She cracks her back, letting out a relieved sigh, "Finally." She says, blissfully. "Well, thank Thor for that!" Gobber cheers, Grump having already fallen asleep when he flopped onto the ground.

But what they didn't know was that someone already had an idea as to where they had headed. The hunt is far from over.

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