Goodbye Austin

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I wake up early and start packing my suitcase for the trip home. I look around the room to make sure that I have everything.

I put the suitcase next to the door and look at the dress on the bed. Austin's going to pay me attention when I wear that. The dress is black with spaghetti straps and gold <> shaped.

I step into the shower and use the body wash that Austin loves. I finish in the shower and brush my hair and teeth.

I slip on my black matching underwear and the dress. I dry my hair and tie it in a bun.

There's a knock on the door and I open it. The Limo driver is standing there. "Austin sent me to get you. Are you ready to go?"

I wheel my suitcase out the door and the driver takes it from me. "I'll meet you at the car. I have to return the key."

Why didn't Austin come and get me?

I stop at the check in desk. "Hi, I'm here to return the key." I put it on the table.

"I hope you enjoyed your stay at Baxter Hotel." The girl says.

"I did, thank you." I leave the check in desk and walk out the door.

The limo is parked out front and I climb in.

Austin is on the phone and he doesn't look at me. "Can you meet me at the airport?" There's a pause. "Great, the plane lands at 3. I'll see you then." He puts the phone in his pocket.



"I'm sorry." I look out the window.

"Did you plan on using me from the moment you saw me?"

I shake my head. "It never crossed my mind. I got the money out in case we did. I didn't think you'd get mad."

Austin touches my leg and he rubs small circles around my thighs.. "I'm mad because I love you and you got money out your account to pay for sex with me. It wasn't just sex to me. It was more, Val." He turns away from me and looks out the window.

I close my eyes as the limo pulls onto the road.


Austin wakes me up when we reach the airport. "Val, we're at the airport."

I open my eyes at the limo pulls in front of the airport. The driver steps out of the car and opens the door for us.

He moves towards the boot and unloads our bags.

I give the guy a $250 tip. "Thanks, Charles."

He nods. "Next time you are in town give me a call. I'd love to show you around again."

I smile. "I will. See you next time." I move towards my suitcase and I wheel it into the airport.

Austin is checking in already.

I stand in the line.

The line moves slowly.

After Austin's luggage was put on the conveyer belt he walks away talking on his mobile phone.

He wants to act like we are strangers now.

I feel tears spring to my eyes as I wait in the line.

The people in the line in front of me get checked in and then it my turn. I wheel my suitcase to the check in counter. I put the bag on the counter.

The bag gets weight and the guy at the counter puts a sticker on my suitcase. I watch it make it way out of my sight.

I take my ticket off the counter and I walk to the gate.

My phone rings and I answer it. "Hello, this is, Val."

"Val, do you want me to pick you up at the airport?"

I never thought of how I was going home.

"Yeah, that would be great."

"I want you to meet my boyfriend."

I smile. "Nico, did you get a date with one of those guys from Hubby for Hire?"

"Yes, I did. He's so cute, Val."

"Is your boyfriend going to be at the airport too?"

"Yes, he's friends with Austin."

"Will you both be driving together or separately?"

I hear muffled whispers.

That's rude.

"Val, we're going to drive together. Colton told me that you and Austin are fighting. He think extra time together will help you too sort things out."

"That's not a good idea. If you aren't driving I'm going to catch a train home. Austin wants time away from me. I'm going to respect his decision. I'll see you when I get home." I hit end and shut down my phone. I throw it in my handbag.

I stop at a shop and get a bottle of water.

When I arrive at the gate I see people boarding the plane. I don't see Austin anywhere.

I have to go to the toilet.

I walk to the rest room. I do my business and make my way to the gate. I give the flight attendant my ticket.

She tears the ticket and gives it back to me. "You're cutting it a bit close, Miss."

"At least I didn't miss the plane. Then I'd be in shit. You know how bosses are with taking time off work." I walk to the plane. I give my ticket to the flight attendant and she shows me to my seat.

Austin is sitting in the window seat. He looks at me as I stop at my seat.

I put my handbag in the overhead compartment and take a seat next to Austin. I put my seatbelt on and look out the window.

They flight attendants play the plane safety video first. I watch the female point to the fire emergency door and then she puts on the life jacket.

After the video and demonstration of the life jackets the flight attendants check our seat belts and they take their own seats.

The plane takes off down the runway. The plane stops before it makes its way into the sky. I grip onto the arm rest.

Austin's hand touches mine.

Once the lane evens out he removes his hand from mine. He looks out the window and ignores me for the rest of the plane ride to Los Angeles.

I can't wait to get home.

I fall asleep an hour into the ride.


A flight attendant wakes me. "Excuse me, you need to put on your seat."

I rub my eyes and look at her. "Thank you," I sit up and put my seat belt on. I look at the seat next to mine and Austin isn't there.

When did he move?

I look around for him and I don't see him.

Austin walks down the aisle and sits next to me. He buckles his belt and looks out the window. "I'm glad to be back home."

The plane descends and it makes it way down the runway. The plane stops and everyone stands up to gather their luggage.

I pull my handbag out of the overhead compartment. I step off the plane without looking back at Austin.

It hurts to look at him.

I stop at the luggage claim. I wait for my suitcase to come around. When I see it I pick it up and leave Austin.

When I get to the passenger pick up area I see Nico with his partner. I run over to Nico and throw myself into his arms. "Hey, Bestie."

He laughs. "I'm glad you're back in one piece."

"Did you drive?"

He shakes his head.

"I'll see you later, neighbour."

Austin stops next to Colton and they shake hands.

I turn away from them and make my way out of the airport.

Colton yells. "Stop her."

I keep walking and stop at the bus stop.

Colton, Austin and Nico exit the airport and they see me standing at the bus stop.

Austin walks over to me. "Get in the car."

I shake my head and tears spring to my eyes. "I can't."

Austin throws me over his shoulder. "Take her stuff to the car."

I hit his back. "Put me down, now."




"YES, stop being a dick."

"You bring it out in me, baby."

At the car Austin puts me in the back seat with him. The car ride to my apartment building is quiet. When I get home I take out my suitcase.

Austin steps out of the car. "You're not going to hear from me for some time. There's some shit I need to sort out and I can't have you around. I'm sorry, Val. I'll always love you." He kisses my forehead. He climbs into the car and it pulls away from the apartment building.

"Goodbye, Austin." I whisper.


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When I first started this book at the beginning of the year I was going to make it a short story and end it at this chapter. Now, that I've gotten to this point I don't want to end.

A/N: This is the end of the first book. The second part continues next chapter. I hope you all like it.

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