Pre Christmas Eve Dinner

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Austin is released from the local police station and they even dropped the charges laid against him after I gave them my statement.

Austin pulls me into his arms and kisses my cheek. "Thank you for coming here. You didn't have to."

I touch his cheek with my hands. "I had to come for you. They needed to know the full story. I would always be by your side if something like this happens again."

He looks me in the eyes. "This will never happen again." Austin looks around the police station. "I never want to see inside a jail cell again."

He takes my hand and we walk to the limo. Austin opens the door for me and I step into the car. I move to the other side of the limo.

Austin climbs in next.

Mum follows him. She moves towards the window. "Can you take us home, please?"

"Yes, Madame." the driver pulls onto the road.

I put my seatbelt on and lean my head against Austin. "I didn't expect Christmas Eve to go like this."

Mum looks at me. "It's a good thing I kept the cooks on this Christmas. If they weren't here we wouldn't be having a good Christmas dinner."

Austin looks at did you tell your parents about us leaving tomorrow?"

I shake my head. "I forgot."

He nods.

Austin looks at Mum. "My parents want you to come to their place for Christmas. Can Dorian and you get away for a couple of days and have Christmas with us?"

Mum smiles. "I'm sure we can work something out."

The car pulls into the driveway and parks in front of the house. Dad walks out the front door and he looks at Mum. "What happened?"

"They let Austin go after our daughter gave them a statement of what happened last night." Mum says. "Can you take a couple days off from this campaign?"

Dad looks at Mum. "Why do I need to take some time off?"

Mum looks between Austin and I. "Valentina and Austin are going to his parents place for Christmas tomorrow and I think it's time we met the wonderful people that brought this young man into our life."

Dad smiles. "Alright, we can use my private jet to get to whatever airport we need to go to."

"We're going to Chicago. My parents love having a white Christmas. I just hope the snow isn't falling between now and tomorrow when we leave." Austin walks into the house and I follow him.

In the bedroom I sit on the bed. "Why didn't you tell me we were going to Chicago? I would have packed warmer clothes."

"Looks like we need to go shopping now."

I shake my head. "I don't feel like shopping. I want to go to sleep." I crawl into bed and close my eyes.


I am woken up at six by Austin shaking me. "Wake up, Val. Dinner is on the table." I open my eyes and walk into the bathroom.

I run a brush through my hair and put it in a ponytail. I rub away the sleep from my eyes.

Austin and I walk down the stairs to the kitchen table. The table has a Christmas table cloth from Venice, a few candles, salad, meat and prawns.


My sister looks at me and then to the food in front of her. "Mum, you know I can't eat most of the food on this table because I'm pregnant."

I roll my eyes. "If you listen to everything the scientists say we would starve and die from everything." I pick up a piece of ham and shove it in my mouth. "Hmmm, this is lovely sis." I chew the ham.

After I finish the ham I put my hand over my throat and pretend to choke. Liane scoots back in the chair and screams. "Do something."

I laugh. "Gotcha,"

"You're a bitch." She yells.

I shrug. "Whatever, just eat. This food is perfectly fine, Li."

Liane sits down and she eats the salad, ham and bread rolls.

After dinner the family move to the living room and we sit around the fire place. The Christmas tree lights up with the fairy lights.

Mum walks over to the tree and she gives each of us a present.

I look at the tag and it says. 'To Val, Love Mum and Dad." It's a small present and I rip the paper off it.

Inside is a small blue box and I open it. There's a sterling silver necklace with an infinity sign on it.

It's beautiful.

I hug Mum. "Thanks Mum and Dad it's gorgeous." I take the necklace out and give it Mum. She puts the necklace on me.

Austin opens the box he had and inside is a Swiss army knife with his name on it. He winks at me. "This will come in handy."

Dad looks at the knife. "It's engraved."

I have a closer look and it has his name on it and the date. I look at Dad. "You got Austin that?"

Dad smiles. "Yes, Austin needs it for when he comes fishing with me after the Presidential election is over. I'm going to celebrate with my Son-In-Law."

I sit between Austin's legs. "He's not that yet, Dad."

He laughs. "He will be by the time the election finishes and both my girls should have their babies in this world."

Liane looks at the parents. "You'll be here when I give birth won't you?"

Mum nods. "I will. I think your father would be in LA with Val."

Liane's face turns red. "Why would Dad want to travel to Los Angeles when he's got me? I live in the same place as you. I never left New York because I wanted to stay close to you. Per usual Val gets what she wants."

Mum shakes her head. "Val never gets what she wants. She always left before she could."


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